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Bug Manual

Austin Tsang edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 22 revisions

Bug Manual

Place to put common bugs + how to fix them (as a developer). PLEASE KEEP THIS PAGE UPDATED


  • Never modify files while running them
  • Git CMD, Anaconda Prompt, CMD Prompt (Windows), GitKraken are helpful
  • Any time you cannot spin up the frontend, a quick fix to try is delete the node_modules/ directory in ~/Deep-Learning-Playground/frontend/playground-frontend and then npm install followed by npm start *If you are unable to start the frontend or it fails immediately, you might have a 32 bit version of node. Install a 64 bit version to fix.


  1. Issue: Can’t delete /node_modules directory (Windows)

Fix: Make sure that the Deep-Learning-Playground folder is outside of OneDrive. OneDrive has tendency to sync and that takes a while since /node_modules directory is HUGE!

  1. Issue: Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API Schema. -options.allowedHosts[0] should be a non-empty string

Fix: Go into package.json in frontend/playground-frontend directory in the project, change react-scripts version from 5.* to 4.0.3.

Fix #2: If that doesn't work, revert the react-scripts version back to its original version. Then, remove the "proxy": "http://localhost:8000" line from package.json.

Then, delete node_modules & package.lock files from the frontend/playground-frontend directory, run npm install followed by npm start and ensure that localhost:3000 pops up! See this link

  1. Issue: Backend won’t start up because torchvision module doesn’t exist

Fix: Run pip install torchvision in Anaconda Prompt while in the dlplayground conda environment. That should fix the issue!

  1. Issue: Feedback form page doesn’t show up

Fix: Ask Faris for .env file and put that at the root of the frontend/playground-frontend directory

  1. Issue: Pytest work properly on local environment, but github actions raise File Not Found Error

Fix: Github actions run all pytests without entering the tests directory. Update file paths of tests folder or files in tests folder in a format similar to this - test_dir = '' if (os.getcwd()).split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1] == 'tests' else 'tests'

  1. Issue: version GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by /usr/share/miniconda/envs/dlplayground/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_highs/`

Fix: Make sure in the environment.yml file, scipy == 1.7.3 is set. Apparently, when fastai imports a submodule from sklearn, scipy version 1.9 gets imported, which doesn't seem to compatible with the gcc running on Github Actions.

  1. Issue Could not generate confusion matrix.png on website

Fix Make sure you have a visualization folder created within the frontend directory

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