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Bug Manual

karkir0003 edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 22 revisions

Bug Manual

Place to put common bugs + how to fix them (as a developer). PLEASE KEEP THIS PAGE UPDATED


  • Never modify files while running them
  • Git CMD, Anaconda Prompt, CMD Prompt (Windows), GitKraken are helpful


  1. Issue: Can’t delete /node_modules directory (Windows)

Fix: Make sure that the Deep-Learning-Playground folder is outside of OneDrive. OneDrive has tendency to sync and that takes a while since /node_modules directory is HUGE!

  1. Issue: Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API Schema. -options.allowedHosts[0] should be a non-empty string

Fix: Go into package.json in frontend/playground-frontend directory in the project, change react-scripts version from 5.* to 4.0.3. Then, run npm install followed by npm start and ensure that localhost:3000 pops up! See this link

  1. Issue: Backend won’t start up because torchvision module doesn’t exist

Fix: Run pip install torchvision in Anaconda Prompt while in the dlplayground conda environment. That should fix the issue!

  1. Issue: Feedback form page doesn’t show up

Fix: Ask Faris for .env file and put that at the root of the frontend/playground-frontend directory

  1. Issue: Pytest work properly on local environment, but github actions raise File Not Found Error

Fix: Github actions run all pytests without entering the tests directory. Update file paths of tests folder or files in tests folder in a format similar to this - test_dir = '' if (os.getcwd()).split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1] == 'tests' else 'tests'

  1. Issue: version GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by /usr/share/miniconda/envs/dlplayground/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_highs/`

Fix: Make sure in the environment.yml file, scipy == 1.7.4 is set. Apparently, when fastai imports a submodule from sklearn, scipy version 1.9 gets imported, which doesn't seem to compatible with the gcc running on Github Actions.

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