diff --git a/Lifestyle/ToDo/NotePlan3.15m.rb b/Lifestyle/ToDo/NotePlan3.15m.rb
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4d637e87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lifestyle/ToDo/NotePlan3.15m.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# coding: utf-8
+# Todo Today for NotePlan v3
+# v1.0
+# Jonathan Clark
+# jgclark
+# A todo list taken from NotePlan v3 and displayed with customizable color-code. Mark tasks "done" simply by clicking on them in the menubar drop-down list. This was based on "Todo.NotePlan" by Richard Guay which in turn was based on "Todo Colour" plugin by Srdgh.
+# ruby
+# https://noteplan.co/
+# Modifications by Jonathan Clark
+# 2020/10/30:
+# - Update NP data storage filepaths for NotePlan 3 beta
+# (including CloudKit change at v3.0.15 beta)
+# - Make CloudKit location the default
+# - tweak colours and falgs to suit my needs
+# - ignore tasks with dates scheduled into the future
+# - improve some non-tasks it was including
+# - code clean up
+# Modifications by Guillaume Barrette
+# 2017/07/01:
+# - Added option to show subtasks
+# 2017/06/15:
+# - Changed TRUE/FALSE constant to true/false since uppercase are deprecated in ruby 2.4
+# - Changed labels to start with '#' to follow NotePlan way of tagging
+# - Allow to change Fonts by the user
+# - Added a new parameter for users to specify if want the task to be archived
+# at the end of the file or not
+# - Added alternate action to mark as cancelled instead of done (using the
+# Option modifier key)
+# - Allow indentation at beginning of task
+# 2017/06/03:
+# - Added 'divide_with_header' to allow to show sections separated by headers
+# - Updated the algorithm to skip all items that are not a task (Skip anything that
+# doesn't starts with '- ' or '* ' and if followed by [x], [>], [-])
+# 2017/05/28:
+# - Fixed the line number of item to mark as done by getting the id before stripping
+# the lines that are not a task
+# - Scheduled task (to another day - [>]) are now skipped also
+# 2017/05/20:
+# - Added Black and White NotePlan menubar icon
+# - Repaired a bug when there was no newline on the last line the done task would
+# get appended to the last line instead of a new line at the end
+# - Added the time in the @done(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) so it's like NotePlan preference
+# - Added User Parameters so it's easy to determine if we want to append the
+# @done(...) string at the end of the done task and if we want the black or white
+# menubar icon
+# - Changed the menubar icon to a templateImage so the color changes automatically
+# when using a dark menubar (removed the white icon)
+# - Removed 'use_black_icon' parameters since now it's automatic
+# - Changed encoding method and removed the use of 'force_encoding("utf-8")'
+# - Repaired a bug if there was no file already created for that day in NotePlan
+# Modifications by Richard Guay
+# 2017/05/20:
+# - Added using emoji option
+# - fixed character encoding on removing an item
+# - Proper parsing of [ ] in the todo.
+# - cleanup
+require 'date'
+# User Parameters:
+insert_date_on_done_task = true # If true, the date would be inserted with the @done tag
+use_emoji_as_icon = false # If true, will show emoji, otherwise it will use the black or white icon.
+use_star = true # if true, will look for and use '*' instead of '-'
+show_alt_task = true # If true, tasks marked with the alternate character ('* ' if use_star is FALSE or '- ' if use_star is TRUE) would be shown in the task list. For example, this could be useful to use them as bullet list.
+show_subtasks = true # If true, subtasks would be shown in the list
+divide_with_header = true # If true, headers would be listed and a separator is put between lists
+archive_task_at_end = false # If true, the task would get archived to the end of the note
+STORAGE_TYPE = 'CloudKit' # NP storage choice: 'iCloudDrive', 'CloudKit', or 'Dropbox'
+standard_font = '' # Font used for tasks
+header_font = 'Helvetica-Bold' # Font used for headers if listed with 'divide_with_header'
+Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8
+Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
+data_root_filepath = if STORAGE_TYPE == 'Dropbox'
+ '~/Dropbox/Apps/NotePlan/Documents'
+ elsif STORAGE_TYPE == 'iCloudDrive'
+ '~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~co~noteplan~NotePlan/Documents' # for iCloud storage (default)
+ else
+ '~/Library/Containers/co.noteplan.NotePlan3/Data/Library/Application Support/co.noteplan.NotePlan3' # for CloudKit storage (from NP 3.0.15 beta)
+ end
+todo_file_loc = File.expand_path(data_root_filepath + '/Calendar/' + Date.today.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.txt')
+if ARGV.empty?
+ # Add further priority labels here
+ priority_labels = ['@urgent', '#high']
+ # Change priority color here
+ priority_marker = '🔴'
+ # Customise label color-code here:
+ labels = {
+ '@admin' => 'orange',
+ '@liz' => 'yellow',
+ '@home' => 'green',
+ '@martha' => 'purple', # pink is too light
+ '@Health' => 'cadetblue',
+ '@church' => 'blue', # lightblue is too light
+ '@tutorials' => 'violet',
+ '@Envato' => 'darkorange',
+ '@workflow' => 'purple',
+ '@tutorial' => 'cobaltblue'
+ }
+ lines_in_file = File.exist?(todo_file_loc.to_s) ? IO.readlines(todo_file_loc.to_s) : []
+ lines = []
+ # Remove all lines that are not a todo. Stop at the first empty line.
+ line_number = []
+ line_number_id = 0
+ task_style_to_search = show_alt_task ? ['- ', '* '] : use_star ? ['* '] : ['- ']
+ lines_in_file.each_index do |key|
+ # Clean out leading and trailing white spaces (space, tabs, etc)
+ line = lines_in_file[key].gsub(/\s+$/, '')
+ task_line = show_subtasks ? line.gsub(/^\s+/, '') : line
+ if task_line.start_with?(*task_style_to_search) && !task_line[2..4].start_with?('[x]', '[>]', '[-]') # Get only active Task items
+ # Now check if doesn't have a >YYYY-MM-DD that schedules it into the future
+ break if task_line =~ /\s>\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}/
+ # It's a todo line to display. Remove the leading task marker and add to the list.
+ if use_star
+ lines.push(line.gsub(/^(\s*)\*\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1'))
+ else
+ lines.push(line.gsub(/^(\s*)\-\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1'))
+ end
+ line_number.push(line_number_id)
+ elsif divide_with_header && line =~ /^#+\s+/ # i.e. this is a header line
+ lines.push(line)
+ line_number.push(line_number_id)
+ end
+ line_number_id += 1
+ end
+ # Give the header. It's the NotePlan icon or an emoji briefcase with the number of items todo
+ line_count = 0
+ lines.each { |line| line_count += 1 unless line.start_with?('#') }
+ if use_emoji_as_icon
+ puts "💼#{line_count}"
+ else
+ puts "#{line_count} |templateImage=#{icon_base64}"
+ end
+ puts '---'
+ cfn = File.expand_path(__FILE__)
+ # Create the list of items to do in the menu.
+ item_number = 0
+ lines.each do |item|
+ line_color = ''
+ line = item.chomp
+ if priority_labels.any? { |s| line.include? s }
+ # If line contains priority label, display in priority color
+ # line_color = priority_color
+ # If line contains priority label, prefix item with priority_marker
+ line = priority_marker + ' ' + line
+ else
+ # If line contains no priority label, cycle through labels hash,
+ # and if line contains a label display in corresponding color
+ labels.each { |label, label_color| line_color = label_color if line.include?(label) }
+ end
+ # If the line contains no label, display in default color. Otherwise, in
+ # chosen color. Clicking line launches this script with line number as
+ # the parameter.
+ line_font = standard_font
+ if line.start_with?('#')
+ puts('---') unless line.start_with?('##')
+ line_font = header_font
+ end
+ line_params = "#{line_color.empty? ? '' : 'color=' + line_color} #{line_font.empty? ? '' : 'font=' + line_font} bash='#{cfn}' param1=#{line_number[item_number]}"
+ puts("#{line} | " + line_params + " param2=x terminal=false trim=false refresh=\n")
+ puts("#{line} | alternate=true " + line_params + " param2=- terminal=false trim=false refresh=\n")
+ item_number += 1
+ end
+ puts '---'
+ puts "Click an item to mark as 'done'"
+ puts "Click an item to mark as 'cancelled' | alternate=true"
+ puts 'Refresh now (normally every 15m) | refresh='
+ # This is what to do when clicking on an item. We want to move
+ # the item to the Archive section and set it as done. If there
+ # isn't an Archive area, create it and add the task to it.
+ # Get the task number to archive.
+ do_num = ARGV[0].to_i
+ mark = ARGV[1]
+ # Get the list of todos and setup variables
+ todo_file = File.open(todo_file_loc.to_s)
+ lines_in_file = IO.readlines(todo_file)
+ unless lines_in_file[do_num].start_with?('#') # Do nothing if the item is a header
+ task = ''
+ lines = []
+ line_number = 0
+ lines_in_file[-1] = lines_in_file[-1] + "\n" unless lines_in_file[-1].include? "\n"
+ # Process the todo list lines
+ lines_in_file.each do |line|
+ if line_number != do_num
+ # It is one of the other lines. Just push it into the stack
+ lines.push(line)
+ else
+ # Get the line to be moved to the archive area
+ task = if insert_date_on_done_task
+ line.chomp + (mark == 'x' ? " @done(#{Time.new.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')})\n" : "\n")
+ else
+ task = line.chomp + "\n"
+ end
+ task = task.gsub(/^(\s*)([\-\*]+)\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1\2 [' + mark + '] ') # Works with both task style, useful if mix with 'show_alt_task', also it keeps the indentation at beginning of the line
+ lines.push(task) if archive_task_at_end
+ end
+ line_number += 1
+ end
+ # Add the task to the bottom
+ lines.push(task) if archive_task_at_end
+ # Save the file
+ IO.write(todo_file, lines.join)
+ end
diff --git a/Lifestyle/ToDo/noteplan-menubar-56px.b64 b/Lifestyle/ToDo/noteplan-menubar-56px.b64
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b87d5aa6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lifestyle/ToDo/noteplan-menubar-56px.b64
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/System/uptime.5m.sh b/System/uptime.5m.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d3d894f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/System/uptime.5m.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# uptime
+# v1.2
+# Matteo Ferrando
+# chamini2
+# Show uptime command information. Tweaked by Jonathan Clark to be more compact.
+# http://i.imgur.com/qaIxpJN.png
+# the `sed` command removes the occasional leading whitespace
+INFO=$(uptime | sed 's/^ *//g')
+echo "$INFO" | awk -F'[ ,:\t\n]+' '
+ {
+ PLURAL = 1
+ SEP = ", "
+ DS = " day"
+ HS = " hr"
+ MS = " min"
+ SS = " sec"
+ ################################
+ D = H = M = S = 0
+ if (substr($5,0,1) == "d") {
+ # up for a day or more
+ D = $4
+ P = $6
+ Q = $7
+ } else {
+ P = $4
+ Q = $5
+ }
+ if (int(Q) == 0) {
+ # words evaluate to zero
+ # exact times format, like `P = 55`, `Q = secs`
+ Q = substr(Q,0,1)
+ if (Q == "h") { H = P }
+ else if (Q == "m") { M = P }
+ else if (Q == "s") { S = P }
+ } else {
+ # hh:mm format, like `P = 4`, `Q = 20`
+ H = P
+ M = Q
+ }
+ MSG = "↑ " include(D, DS, SEP, PLURAL, (D > 0))
+ MSG = MSG include(H, HS, SEP, PLURAL, (D == 0 || VERBOSE))
+ MSG = MSG include(M, MS, SEP, PLURAL, (D == 0 || VERBOSE))
+# MSG = MSG include(S, SS, SEP, PLURAL, (D == 0 || VERBOSE))
+ # remove the remaining SEP
+ MSG = substr(MSG, 0, length(MSG) - length(SEP))
+ # print "[", MSG, "] | size=12"
+ print MSG, "| size=12"
+ }
+ function include(VAL, UNIT, SUFFIX, PLURAL, VERBOSE) {
+ VAL = int(VAL)
+ if (PLURAL && VAL != 1) {
+ UNIT = UNIT"s"
+ }
+ if (VERBOSE) { # VAL > 0 || VERBOSE) {
+ return (VAL UNIT SUFFIX)
+ } else {
+ # return ""
+ }
+ }'
+echo "---"
+echo "$INFO" | tr "," "\n" | tail -n 2
+echo "---"
+echo "Refresh now (normally every 5m) | refresh="