What is a String
capital letter is an object
It is a wrapper for an array of characters
- Integer y = new Integer(x); - Integer is a wrapper for Int - should look like so for a wrapper class
Wrapper class takes a primiateive class, and exposes it to method manipulation
- String starts and end w/ " "
- String is immutable - cannot be manipulated
- Re-assignment - can create the illusion of string mutation thru re-assignment
- s = s.toUpperCase(); - creating a copy of the string, or else it will be lost to the class. to persist the change of upper casing, we must reassign the value to the copy
Constructor can take:
- String
- StringBuilder** Main subject of this class
- StringBuffer
\n = new line modifier
spaces are considered a character
.charAt(int index) = trying to figure out the particular character in a specific index you use "int index"
SubString Method - calling out specific location of the code and will print out the location and beyond - see video**
.Trim = removes white spaces when printing
.compareTo(String otherString)
- Don't use == to compare - java will not concat - be explicit
If Statement for a given value