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Result Pane

Michael Derntl edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 5 revisions

The result pane shows the analysis result either as a table, a geomap, or as a single value, depending on the defined analysis options. The user controls are described in more detail in Working with Analysis Results. Here we show two examples results.


Based on the example database and the analysis options shown in the example followed in the Analysis Options Pane, the resulting table looks as follows:

Result Table

The table was sorted by the last column, which represents the mean Dichte (Ar) of each group. As we see, the highest Dichte (Ar) (i.e. density) value across all entities that match the filters occurs in those entities where the Fundstelle Statistik contains Deckziegel objects.

When clicking, for instance, on the button ☷ Serra di Cuti in the second column of the first row, the Entity Details Browser pops up


When changing the output display to ⚐ Geomap, we see a map of the place. The blue shapes visualize the Geometry property of each result entity. When clicking on a shape, a small popup with entity details shows up. The map can be zoomed using the + and - buttons or the mouse wheel. The map display can be fit to the displayed shapes using the button.

Result Geomap

Entity Details Browser

The Entity Details Browser is a popup dialog showing a tabular view of all properties of this entity that contain a value:

Entity Details Browser

On top of the table we see the browsing buttons ( and ), allowing to go back and forth in viewing history, if further entity details have been explored in this browser.

The button 🗗 View this Fundstelle entity in Spacialist, when clicked, selects the current entity in the Spacialist main window.

Then first row of the table contains information on the hierarchical nesting of the current entity. We see that this entity is a child entity of the top-level element ☷ Place Serra di Cuti (Orte).

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