- 18x
includes [E]
- 20x
includes [E]
(GPT-4 generated)
- 6x
includes and countdata [E]
Action defined in metadata/count_data_points.py
- 7x
includes and label [E]
Action defined in metadata/labels.py
- 2x
includes and mistake count [E]
- 9x
includes and mistake sample [E]
Action defined in prediction/mistakes.py
- 5x
includes and predict [E]
Action defined in prediction/predict.py
- 6x
includes and score accuracy [E]
- 1x
includes and score precision [E]
- 1x
includes and score recall [E]
- 2x
includes and score npv [E]
- 2x
includes and score ppv [E]
- 1x
includes and score recall [E]
- 1x
includes and score sensitivity [E]
- 1x
includes and score specificity [E]
Action defined in prediction/score.py
- 7x
includes and show [E]
Action defined in metadata/show_data.py
See work_in_progress folder.
- 4x
labelfilter {class_names} and show [E]
- 2x
predictionfilter {class_names} and show [E]
- 7x
predictionfilter {class_names} and labelfilter {class_names} and show [E]