diff --git a/.cucumber.yml b/.cucumber.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 4fcbe140..00000000 --- a/.cucumber.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -<% -cucumber_pro_opts = ENV['ENABLE_CUCUMBER_PRO'] ? "--format Cucumber::Pro --out /qa/null" : "" -rerun = File.file?('rerun.txt') ? IO.read('rerun.txt') : "" -rerun_opts = rerun.to_s.strip.empty? ? "--format progress features" : "--format pretty #{rerun}" -std_opts = "--format progress features --tags ~@wip --tags ~@wip-new-core -r features --strict #{cucumber_pro_opts}" -std_opts << " --tags ~@wip-jruby" if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) - -wip_opts = "--color -r features --tags @wip,@wip-new-core" -wip_opts << ",@wip-jruby" if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) -%> -default: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@jruby -jruby: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@wire -jruby_win: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@wire CUCUMBER_FORWARD_SLASH_PATHS=true -windows_mri: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@jruby --tags ~@wire --tags ~@needs-many-fonts CUCUMBER_FORWARD_SLASH_PATHS=true -ruby_1_9: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@jruby -ruby_2_0: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@jruby -ruby_2_1: <%= std_opts %> --tags ~@jruby -wip: --wip <%= wip_opts %> features <%= cucumber_pro_opts %> -none: --format pretty --format Cucumber::Pro --out /qa/null -rerun: <%= rerun_opts %> --format rerun --out rerun.txt --strict --tag ~@wip-new-core <%= cucumber_pro_opts %> -html: --format pretty --format html --out Reports/report<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']%>-<%= Time.now.strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S") %>.html -report: --format pretty --format html --out /eyfs_app/Reports/Report_<%= Time.now.strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S") %>.html -junit: --format pretty --format junit --out Reports/ --format ParallelTests::Cucumber::FailuresLogger --out Reports/cucumber_failures.log -json: -f pretty -f json --out Reports/eyfs_app_Results.json diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 15658d30..93798fef 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ gem 'sentry-ruby' group :development, :test do gem 'axe-matchers' - gem 'cucumber' gem 'dotenv-rails' gem 'factory_bot_rails' gem 'faker' diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index cdd0ad1f..5bdbf62c 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -139,38 +139,6 @@ GEM crass (1.0.6) cssbundling-rails (1.3.3) railties (>= 6.0.0) - cucumber (6.1.0) - builder (~> 3.2, >= 3.2.4) - cucumber-core (~> 9.0, >= 9.0.1) - cucumber-create-meta (~> 4.0, >= 4.0.0) - cucumber-cucumber-expressions (~> 12.1, >= 12.1.1) - cucumber-gherkin (~> 18.1, >= 18.1.0) - cucumber-html-formatter (~> 13.0, >= 13.0.0) - cucumber-messages (~> 15.0, >= 15.0.0) - cucumber-wire (~> 5.0, >= 5.0.1) - diff-lcs (~> 1.4, >= 1.4.4) - mime-types (~> 3.3, >= 3.3.1) - multi_test (~> 0.1, >= 0.1.2) - sys-uname (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2) - cucumber-core (9.0.1) - cucumber-gherkin (~> 18.1, >= 18.1.0) - cucumber-messages (~> 15.0, >= 15.0.0) - cucumber-tag-expressions (~> 3.0, >= 3.0.1) - cucumber-create-meta (4.0.0) - cucumber-messages (~> 15.0, >= 15.0.0) - sys-uname (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2) - cucumber-cucumber-expressions (12.1.3) - cucumber-gherkin (18.1.1) - cucumber-messages (~> 15.0, >= 15.0.0) - cucumber-html-formatter (13.0.0) - cucumber-messages (~> 15.0, >= 15.0.0) - cucumber-messages (15.0.0) - protobuf-cucumber (~> 3.10, >= 3.10.8) - cucumber-tag-expressions (3.0.1) - cucumber-wire (5.0.1) - cucumber-core (~> 9.0, >= 9.0.1) - cucumber-cucumber-expressions (~> 12.1, >= 12.1.1) - cucumber-messages (~> 15.0, >= 15.0.0) date (3.4.0) debug_inspector (1.2.0) descendants_tracker (0.0.4) @@ -275,16 +243,11 @@ GEM marcel (1.0.2) matrix (0.4.2) method_source (1.1.0) - middleware (0.1.0) - mime-types (3.4.1) - mime-types-data (~> 3.2015) - mime-types-data (3.2022.0105) mini_mime (1.1.5) mini_portile2 (2.8.7) minitest (5.25.1) msgpack (1.7.2) multi_json (1.15.0) - multi_test (0.1.2) net-imap (0.5.0) date net-protocol @@ -313,11 +276,6 @@ GEM ast (~> 2.4.1) racc pg (1.5.4) - protobuf-cucumber (3.10.8) - activesupport (>= 3.2) - middleware - thor - thread_safe pry (0.14.2) coderay (~> 1.1) method_source (~> 1.0) @@ -472,8 +430,6 @@ GEM actionpack (>= 6.1) activesupport (>= 6.1) sprockets (>= 3.0.0) - sys-uname (1.2.2) - ffi (~> 1.1) temple (0.8.2) thor (1.3.1) thread_safe (0.3.6) @@ -540,7 +496,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES capybara contentful_rails cssbundling-rails - cucumber devise devise-security dotenv-rails diff --git a/config/database.yml b/config/database.yml index a5c72f06..bbf958a1 100644 --- a/config/database.yml +++ b/config/database.yml @@ -79,6 +79,3 @@ test: &test # production: <<: *default - -# cucumber: -# <<: *test diff --git a/e2etests/README_cucumber.md b/e2etests/README_cucumber.md deleted file mode 100644 index 29296035..00000000 --- a/e2etests/README_cucumber.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -# Test Automation (Functional) - -Update - This is not currently being used. This should be removed or updated to reflect the new content - -Two parts: -- Service (7 areas of landing ordering, left menu pane ordering, previous / next buttons, header and footer links, page headings, number times a link appears, mobile menu) -- CMS -(Administrator) - -The support/env.rb file can define Environment / URL for tests (ENV_URL) - -External Environment variables for CMS Administration: -- ENV['USER_ADMIN'] 'email' in users table (user set as Administrator) -- ENV['USER_ADMINP'] 'encrypted_password' in users table - -External Environment variables for Service: -- ENV['SERVICE_URL'] -External Environment variables for CMS: -- ENV['CMS_URL'] - -### To run in the terminal - -./script/cucumber ./e2etests/features --format pretty --color -r e2etests/features - - -## Pre-requisites - -### Windows - -install Ruby -install cucumber -install drivers such as Chrome -install IDE - -### Mac O/S -brew install ruby -brew install cucumber -brew cask install chromedriver - (This automatically installs the latest version so you may need to also update your chrome browser, more info - https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads) -install IDE - -## Project - -### within 'e2etests' folder of https://github.com/DFE-Digital/early-years-foundation-reform - -## Features as @ 15 April 2021 - -#### Feature: EYFS - Help for early years providers - Landing page [_eyfs_landing_page.feature 3 scenarios (3 passed) 16 steps (16 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Learning areas - Links -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Get help to improve your practice - Links -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Other useful resources - Links - -#### Feature: EYFS - Landing page - 7 Areas of Learning - Block Ordering of Links [_eyfs_landing_page_block_ordering_links.feature 1 scenario (1 passed) 10 steps (10 passed) _] - -###### Scenario: Seven Areas of Learning page - Block Ordering of Links - -#### Feature: EYFS - Left-menu - Links [_eyfs_left_menu_links.feature 3 scenarios (3 passed) 93 steps (93 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Left-menu - Sub-areas - Links -###### Scenario: Left-menu - Tab - Order - Learning Areas and Sub-areas -###### Scenario: Left-menu - Tab - Order - Get help to improve your practice - -#### Feature: EYFS - Navigation to Cookie page [_eyfs_navigation_to_cookies_page.feature 35 scenarios (35 passed) 171 steps (171 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Landing page - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Communication and Language page - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Communication and Language - Interactions - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Communication and Language - Exploring Language - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Communication and Language - Listening and Understanding - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Physical Development - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Physical Development - Core Strength and Co-ordination - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Physical Development - Gross Motor Skills - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Physical Development - Fine Motor Skills - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Emotions - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Sense of Self - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Relationships - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Literacy - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Literacy - Comprehension - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Literacy - Word reading - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Literacy - Writing - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Mathematics - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Mathematics - Numbers - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Mathematics - Patterns and Connections - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Mathematics - Spatial Reasoning - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Understanding the World - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Understanding the World - Personal Experiences - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Understanding the World - Diverse World - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Understanding the World - Widening vocabulary - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Imagination and Creativity - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Self-expression - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Communicating through arts - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Curriculum Planning - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Reducing Paperwork - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - SEND - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Oral Health - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Working in partnership with Parents and Carers - Cookie link navigation -###### Scenario: Accessibility statement - Cookie link navigation - -#### Feature: EYFS - Communication and Language - Links [_eyfs_p1_communication_and_language_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Communication and Language page - Links -#### Scenario: Communications and Language page - Link - Listening and Understanding -#### Scenario: Communications and Language page - Link - Exploring Language -#### Scenario: Communications and Language page - Link - Interactions - -#### Feature: EYFS - Physical Development - Links [_eyfs_p2_physical_development_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Physical Development page - Links -###### Scenario: Physical Development page - Link - Core Strength and Co-ordination -###### Scenario: Physical Development page - Link - Gross Motor Skills -###### Scenario: Physical Development page - Link - Fine Motor Skills - -#### Feature: EYFS - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Links [_eyfs_p3_personal_social_and_emotional_development_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Links -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Link - Emotions -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Link - Sense of self -###### Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Link - Relationships - -#### Feature: EYFS - Literacy - Links [_eyfs_p4_literacy_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Literacy page - Links -###### Scenario: Literacy page - Link - Comprehension -###### Scenario: Literacy page - Link - Pre-reading (Word reading) -###### Scenario: Literacy page - Link - Pre-writing (Writing) - -#### Feature: EYFS - Maths - Links [_eyfs_p5_mathematics_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Maths page - Links -###### Scenario: Maths page - Link - Numbers -###### Scenario: Maths page - Link - Patterns and Connections -###### Scenario: Maths page - Link - Spatial Reasoning - -#### Feature: EYFS - Understanding the World - Links [_eyfs_p6_understanding_the_world_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Understanding the World page - Links -###### Scenario: Understanding the World page - Link - Personal Experiences -###### Scenario: Understanding the World page - Link - Diverse World -###### Scenario: Understanding the World page - Link - Widening Vocabulary - -#### Feature: EYFS - Expressive Arts and Design - Links [_eyfs_p7_expressive_arts_and_design_links.feature 4 scenarios (4 passed) 17 steps (17 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Links -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Link - Imagination and Creativity -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Link - Self Expression -###### Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Link - Communicating Through Arts - -#### Feature: EYFS - Previous and Next - Links [_eyfs_previous_next_links.feature 8 scenarios (8 passed) 115 steps (115 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Communication and Language -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Physical Development -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Personal, Social and Emotional Development -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Literacy -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Mathematics -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Understanding the World -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Expressive Arts and Design -###### Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Get help to improve your practice - -#### Feature: EYFS - Help for early years providers - Header [_eyfs_service_header.feature 10 scenarios (10 passed) 57 steps (57 passed)_] - -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Header - Govt - Link -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Header - Service Name - Link -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Communication and Language -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Physical Development -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Personal, Social and Emotional Development -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Literacy -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Mathematics -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Understanding the World -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Expressive Arts and Design -###### Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Get help to improve your practice - -## Cucumber Tests - -### To run -- Run manually in IDE -- Command line -- Intention for these integration / e2e tests to run in pipeline - -#### IDE -Right click on 'Feature' and run -Or -Run - Edit Configurations (depending on IDE) - -#### Command Line -cucumber --color -r 'e2etestname'.feature - -## TODO Robocop compliance diff --git a/e2etests/features/accessibility/eyfs_service_cms_access.feature b/e2etests/features/accessibility/eyfs_service_cms_access.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 5117e36c..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/accessibility/eyfs_service_cms_access.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Accessibility - - Background: - - # Given "CMS" user - Given "Service" user - - -# Scenario: Landing page - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Help for early years providers" page -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Communication and language - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Communication and language - Interactions - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page -# And clicks on "Interactions" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Communication and language - Exploring Language - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page -# And clicks on "Exploring language" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Communication and language - Listening and Understanding - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page -# And clicks on "Listening and understanding" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Physical development - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Physical development" page -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Physical development - Core Strength and Co-ordination - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Physical development" page -# And clicks on "Core strength and co-ordination" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Physical development - Gross Motor Skills - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Physical development" page -# And clicks on "Gross motor skills" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Physical development - Fine Motor Skills - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Physical development" page -# And clicks on "Fine motor skills" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Emotions - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page -# And clicks on "Emotions" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Sense of Self - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page -# And clicks on "Sense of self" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Relationships - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page -# And clicks on "Relationships" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Literacy - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Literacy" page -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Literacy - Reading comprehension - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Literacy" page -# And clicks on "Reading comprehension" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Literacy - Exploring words - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Literacy" page -# And clicks on "Exploring words" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Literacy - Writing - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Literacy" page -# And clicks on "Writing" -# Then check accessibility - - - -# Scenario: Mathematics - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page -# Then check accessibility -# -# -# Scenario: Mathematics - Numbers - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page -# And clicks on "Numbers" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Mathematics - Patterns and Connections - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page -# And clicks on "Patterns and connections" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Mathematics - Spatial Reasoning - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page -# And clicks on "Spatial reasoning" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Understanding the World - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page -# Then check accessibility -# -# -# Scenario: Understanding the World - Personal Experiences - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page -# And clicks on "Personal experiences" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Understanding the World - Diverse World - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page -# And clicks on "Diverse world" -# Then check accessibility -# -# -# Scenario: Understanding the World - Widening vocabulary - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page -# And clicks on "Widening vocabulary" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Imagination and Creativity - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page -# And clicks on "Imagination and creativity" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Self-expression - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page -# And clicks on "Self-expression" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Communicating through arts - Accessibility -# -# When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page -# And clicks on "Communicating through arts" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Curriculum Planning - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Curriculum planning" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Reducing Paperwork - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Reducing paperwork" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - SEND - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Oral Health - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Oral health" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Working in partnership with Parents and Carers - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Working in partnership with parents and carers" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - English as an additional language (EAL) - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "English as an additional language (EAL)" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Food safety - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Food safety" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Cookies - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Cookies" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Accessibility statement - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Accessibility" -# Then check accessibility - - -# Scenario: Disclaimer - Accessibility -# -# When clicks on "Disclaimer" -# Then check accessibility diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_cms_administrator.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_cms_administrator.feature deleted file mode 100644 index ff146e53..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_cms_administrator.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - CMS - Administrator - E2E - - Background: - - Given "EYFS CMS Administrator" user - When user proceeds to "Add user" page - Then page has heading "Add user" - - - Scenario: Add User - Without field values - Error messages - - When user clicks "Save" button - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | You must provide a valid DfE email address (@education.gov.uk and @digital.education.gov.uk | - | Password must not be blank | - | Select an editor or administrator role type | - When clicks on "Cancel" - Then page has heading "User administration" - - - Scenario: Add User - Valid values - Cancel - - When user proceeds to "add user details and cancel" via "Add user" page - Then page has heading "User administration" - And user is not created - - - Scenario: Add User - Save - Edit - Delete - - When user proceeds to "add user, edit and delete" via "Add user" page - Then page has heading "User administration" - - - Scenario: Add user - Password validation - Password less than minimal length - - When user proceeds to "add user with invalid passwords" via "Add user" page - When "1" entered in "user-password-field" and "Save" clicked - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | Password must be a minimum of 8 characters long | - | Password confirmation does not match password | - - - Scenario: Edit user - Password validation - Password must be different - - When user proceeds to "edit user with invalid passwords" via "Add user" page - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | Password must be different than the current password | - | Password confirmation does not match password | - - - Scenario: Add user - Password validation - Password must contain at least 2 uppercase characters - - When user proceeds to "add user with invalid passwords" via "Add user" page - When "Abba12!?" entered in "user-password-field" and "Save" clicked - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | Password must contain at least 2 uppercase characters | - | Password confirmation does not match password | - - - Scenario: Add user - Password validation - Password must contain at least 2 lowercase characters - - When user proceeds to "add user with invalid passwords" via "Add user" page - When "aBBA12!?" entered in "user-password-field" and "Save" clicked - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | Password must contain at least 2 lowercase characters | - | Password confirmation does not match password | - - - Scenario: Add user - Password validation - Password must contain at least 2 digits - - When user proceeds to "add user with invalid passwords" via "Add user" page - When "AbBa1*!?" entered in "user-password-field" and "Save" clicked - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | Password must contain at least 2 digits | - | Password confirmation does not match password | - - - Scenario: Add user - Password validation - Password must contain at least 2 special characters or non-alphanumeric characters - - When user proceeds to "add user with invalid passwords" via "Add user" page - When "AbBa12!0" entered in "user-password-field" and "Save" clicked - Then following is "displayed": - | There is a problem | - And the following "links" are available: - | Password must contain at least 2 special characters or non-alphanumeric characters | - | Password confirmation does not match password | diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_header_menu_links.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_header_menu_links.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 9d905be1..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_header_menu_links.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Header menu - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - And user clicks "Reject analytics cookies" button - - - Scenario: Header menu - Tab - Order - Learning Areas and Sub-areas - - When user proceeds to "Mobile menu learning areas" via "Expressive arts and design" page - Then page has heading "Expressive arts and design" -# Communication and language - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Interactions | - | Exploring language | - | Listening and understanding | - When on "Communication and language" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Communication and language" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "3" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Interactions" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "4" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Exploring language" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "5" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Listening and understanding" -# Physical development - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "6" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Core strength and co-ordination | - | Gross motor skills | - | Fine motor skills | - When on "Physical development" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Physical development" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "4" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Core strength and co-ordination" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "5" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Gross motor skills" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "6" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Fine motor skills" -# Personal, social and emotional development - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "7" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Emotions | - | Sense of self | - | Relationships | - When on "Personal, social and emotional development" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Personal, social and emotional development" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "5" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Emotions" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "6" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Sense of self" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "7" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Relationships" -# Literacy - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "8" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Reading comprehension | - | Exploring words | - | Writing | - When on "Literacy" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Literacy" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "6" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Reading comprehension" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "7" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Exploring words" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "8" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Writing" -# Mathematics - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "9" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Numbers | - | Patterns and connections | - | Spatial reasoning | - When on "Mathematics" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Mathematics" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "7" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Numbers" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "8" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Patterns and connections" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "9" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Spatial reasoning" -# Understanding the world - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "10" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Personal experiences | - | Diverse world | - | Widening vocabulary | - When on "Understanding the world" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Understanding the world" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "8" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Personal experiences" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "9" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Diverse world" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "10" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Widening vocabulary" -# Expressive arts and design - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "11" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Imagination and creativity | - | Self-expression | - | Communicating through arts | - When on "Expressive arts and design" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Expressive arts and design" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "9" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Imagination and creativity" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "10" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Self-expression" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "11" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Communicating through arts" -# Get help to improve your practice - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "12" tabs and click - Then the following "links" are available: - | Curriculum planning | - | Reducing paperwork | -# | Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) | - | Oral health | - | Working in partnership with parents and carers | - When on "Get help to improve your practice" followed by "1" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Get help to improve your practice" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "10" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Curriculum planning" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "11" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Reducing paperwork" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "12" tabs and click -# Then page has heading "Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)" -# When user clicks "Menu" button -# When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "13" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Oral health" - When user clicks "Menu" button - When on "Help for early years providers" followed by "13" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Working in partnership with parents and carers" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_landing_page_block_ordering_links.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_landing_page_block_ordering_links.feature deleted file mode 100644 index c4db104c..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_landing_page_block_ordering_links.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Landing page - 7 Areas of Learning - Block Ordering of Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "7 areas of learning blocks" page - - - Scenario: Seven Areas of Learning page - Block Ordering of Links - - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "1" is "Communication and language" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "2" is "Physical development" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "3" is "Personal, social and emotional development" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "4" is "Literacy" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "5" is "Mathematics" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "6" is "Understanding the world" - And "7 areas of learning block" item "7" is "Expressive arts and design" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_left_menu_links.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_left_menu_links.feature deleted file mode 100644 index ad290249..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_left_menu_links.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Left-menu - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - - - Scenario: Left-menu - Sub-areas - Links - - When user proceeds to "Left-menu sub-areas" via "Communication and language" page - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "1" is "Interactions" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "2" is "Exploring language" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "3" is "Listening and understanding" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "4" is "Core strength and co-ordination" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "5" is "Gross motor skills" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "6" is "Fine motor skills" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "7" is "Emotions" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "8" is "Sense of self" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "9" is "Relationships" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "10" is "Reading comprehension" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "11" is "Exploring words" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "12" is "Writing" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "13" is "Numbers" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "14" is "Patterns and connections" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "15" is "Spatial reasoning" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "16" is "Personal experiences" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "17" is "Diverse world" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "18" is "Widening vocabulary" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "19" is "Imagination and creativity" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "20" is "Self-expression" - Then "Left menu sub-area" item "21" is "Communicating through arts" - - - Scenario: Left-menu - Tab - Order - Learning Areas and Sub-areas - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - When on "Home" followed by "2" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Communication and language" - When on "Home" followed by "3" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Interactions" - When on "Home" followed by "5" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Exploring language" - When on "Home" followed by "6" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Listening and understanding" - When on "Home" followed by "7" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Physical development" - When on "Home" followed by "7" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Core strength and co-ordination" - When on "Home" followed by "9" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Gross motor skills" - When on "Home" followed by "10" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Fine motor skills" - When on "Home" followed by "11" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Personal, social and emotional development" - When on "Home" followed by "11" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Emotions" - When on "Home" followed by "13" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Sense of self" - When on "Home" followed by "14" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Relationships" - When on "Home" followed by "15" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Literacy" - When on "Home" followed by "15" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Reading comprehension" - When on "Home" followed by "17" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Exploring words" - When on "Home" followed by "18" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Writing" - When on "Home" followed by "19" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Mathematics" - When on "Home" followed by "19" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Numbers" - When on "Home" followed by "21" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Patterns and connections" - When on "Home" followed by "22" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Spatial reasoning" - When on "Home" followed by "23" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Understanding the world" - When on "Home" followed by "23" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Personal experiences" - When on "Home" followed by "25" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Diverse world" - When on "Home" followed by "26" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Widening vocabulary" - When on "Home" followed by "27" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Expressive arts and design" - When on "Home" followed by "27" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Imagination and creativity" - When on "Home" followed by "29" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Self-expression" - When on "Home" followed by "30" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Communicating through arts" - - - Scenario: Left-menu - Tab - Order - Get help to improve your practice - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - When on "Home" followed by "30" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Get help to improve your practice" - When on "Home" followed by "31" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Curriculum planning" - When on "Home" followed by "33" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Reducing paperwork" - When on "Home" followed by "34" tabs and click -# Then page has heading "Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)" -# When on "Home" followed by "35" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Oral health" - When on "Home" followed by "35" tabs and click - Then page has heading "Working in partnership with parents and carers" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_navigation_to_cookies_page.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_navigation_to_cookies_page.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 877c29fe..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_navigation_to_cookies_page.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Navigation to Cookie page - - Background: - - Given "EYFS Service" user - - Scenario: Landing page - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Help for early years providers" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Communication and Language page - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Communication and Language - Interactions - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - And clicks on "Interactions" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Communication and Language - Exploring Language - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - And clicks on "Exploring language" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Communication and Language - Listening and Understanding - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - And clicks on "Listening and understanding" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Physical Development - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Physical development" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Physical Development - Core Strength and Co-ordination - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Physical development" page - And clicks on "Core strength and co-ordination" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Physical Development - Gross Motor Skills - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Physical development" page - And clicks on "Gross motor skills" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Physical Development - Fine Motor Skills - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Physical development" page - And clicks on "Fine motor skills" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Emotions - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page - And clicks on "Emotions" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Sense of Self - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page - And clicks on "Sense of self" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Relationships - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page - And clicks on "Relationships" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Literacy - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Literacy" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Literacy - Reading comprehension - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Literacy" page - And clicks on "Reading comprehension" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Literacy - Exploring words - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Literacy" page - And clicks on "Exploring words" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Literacy - Writing - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Literacy" page - And clicks on "Writing" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Mathematics - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Mathematics - Numbers - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page - And clicks on "Numbers" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Mathematics - Patterns and Connections - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page - And clicks on "Patterns and connections" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Mathematics - Spatial Reasoning - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page - And clicks on "Spatial reasoning" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Understanding the World - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Understanding the World - Personal Experiences - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page - And clicks on "Personal experiences" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Understanding the World - Diverse World - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page - And clicks on "Diverse world" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Understanding the World - Widening vocabulary - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page - And clicks on "Widening vocabulary" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Imagination and Creativity - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page - And clicks on "Imagination and creativity" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Self-expression - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page - And clicks on "Self-expression" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design - Communicating through arts - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page - And clicks on "Communicating through arts" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - And clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Curriculum Planning - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Physical development" page - And clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - And clicks on "Curriculum planning" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Reducing Paperwork - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page - And clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - And clicks on "Reducing paperwork" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - -# Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - SEND - Cookie link navigation - -# When user proceeds to "Literacy" page -# And clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" -# And clicks on "Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)" -# And clicks on "Cookies" -# Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Oral Health - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page - And clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - And clicks on "Oral health" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Get help to improve your practice - Working in partnership with Parents and Carers - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page - And clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - And clicks on "Working in partnership with parents and carers" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - Scenario: Accessibility statement - Cookie link navigation - - When user proceeds to "Help for early years providers" page - When clicks on "Accessibility" - And clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p1_communication_and_language.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p1_communication_and_language.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 6c17a6ea..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p1_communication_and_language.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Communication and Language - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - - - Scenario: Communication and Language page - Links - - Then page has heading "Communication and language" - Then "Left menu pane" item "1" is "Communication and language" - And the following "links" are available: - | Interactions[3 times] | - | Exploring language[2 times] | - | Listening and understanding[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Communications and Language page - Link - Listening and Understanding - - When clicks on "Listening and understanding" - Then page has heading "Listening and understanding" - - - Scenario: Communications and Language page - Link - Exploring Language - - When clicks on "Exploring language" - Then page has heading "Exploring language" - - - Scenario: Communications and Language page - Link - Interactions - - When clicks on "Interactions" - Then page has heading "Interactions" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p2_physical_development.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p2_physical_development.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 1ac8151e..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p2_physical_development.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Physical Development - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Physical development" page - - - Scenario: Physical Development page - Links - - Then page has heading "Physical development" - Then "Left menu pane" item "2" is "Physical development" - And the following "links" are available: - | Core strength and co-ordination[3 times] | - | Gross motor skills[2 times] | - | Fine motor skills[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Physical Development page - Link - Core Strength and Co-ordination - - When clicks on "Core strength and co-ordination" - Then page has heading "Core strength and co-ordination" - - - Scenario: Physical Development page - Link - Gross Motor Skills - - When clicks on "Gross motor skills" - Then page has heading "Gross motor skills" - - - Scenario: Physical Development page - Link - Fine Motor Skills - - When clicks on "Fine motor skills" - Then page has heading "Fine motor skills" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p3_personal_social_and_emotional_development.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p3_personal_social_and_emotional_development.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 00378a92..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p3_personal_social_and_emotional_development.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Personal, social and emotional development" page - - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Links - - Then page has heading "Personal, social and emotional development" - Then "Left menu pane" item "3" is "Personal, social and emotional development" - And the following "links" are available: - | Emotions[3 times] | - | Sense of self[2 times] | - | Relationships[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Link - Emotions - - When clicks on "Emotions" - Then page has heading "Emotions" - - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Link - Sense of self - - When clicks on "Sense of self" - Then page has heading "Sense of self" - - - Scenario: Personal, Social and Emotional Development page - Link - Relationships - - When clicks on "Relationships" - Then page has heading "Relationships" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p4_literacy.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p4_literacy.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 3ef9ad56..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p4_literacy.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Literacy - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Literacy" page - - - Scenario: Literacy page - Links - - Then page has heading "Literacy" - Then "Left menu pane" item "4" is "Literacy" - And the following "links" are available: - | Reading comprehension[3 times] | - | Exploring words[2 times] | - | Writing[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Literacy page - Link - Reading comprehension - - When clicks on "Reading comprehension" - Then page has heading "Reading comprehension" - - - Scenario: Literacy page - Link - Exploring words - - When clicks on "Exploring words" - Then page has heading "Exploring words" - - - Scenario: Literacy page - Link - Writing (Writing) - - When clicks on "Writing" - Then page has heading "Writing" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p5_mathematics.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p5_mathematics.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 2fb6cfab..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p5_mathematics.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Mathematics - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Mathematics" page - - - Scenario: Mathematics page - Links - - Then page has heading "Mathematics" - Then "Left menu pane" item "5" is "Mathematics" - And the following "links" are available: - | Numbers[3 times] | - | Patterns and connections[2 times] | - | Spatial reasoning[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Mathematics page - Link - Numbers - - When clicks on "Numbers" - Then page has heading "Numbers" - - - Scenario: Mathematics page - Link - Patterns and Connections - - When clicks on "Patterns and connections" - Then page has heading "Patterns and connections" - - - Scenario: Mathematics page - Link - Spatial Reasoning - - When clicks on "Spatial reasoning" - Then page has heading "Spatial reasoning" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p6_understanding_the_world.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p6_understanding_the_world.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 670e7e5a..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p6_understanding_the_world.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Understanding the World - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Understanding the world" page - - - Scenario: Understanding the World page - Links - - Then page has heading "Understanding the world" - Then "Left menu pane" item "6" is "Understanding the world" - And the following "links" are available: - | Personal experiences[3 times] | - | Diverse world[2 times] | - | Widening vocabulary[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Understanding the World page - Link - Personal Experiences - - When clicks on "Personal experiences" - Then page has heading "Personal experiences" - - - Scenario: Understanding the World page - Link - Diverse World - - When clicks on "Diverse world" - Then page has heading "Diverse world" - - - Scenario: Understanding the World page - Link - Widening Vocabulary - - When clicks on "Widening vocabulary" - Then page has heading "Widening vocabulary" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p7_expressive_arts_and_design.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_p7_expressive_arts_and_design.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 5af157d3..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_p7_expressive_arts_and_design.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Expressive Arts and Design - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Expressive arts and design" page - - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Links - - Then page has heading "Expressive arts and design" - Then "Left menu pane" item "7" is "Expressive arts and design" - And the following "links" are available: - | Imagination and creativity[3 times] | - | Self-expression[2 times] | - | Communicating through arts[2 times] | - - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Link - Imagination and Creativity - - When clicks on "Imagination and creativity" - Then page has heading "Imagination and creativity" - - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Link - Self Expression - - When clicks on "Self-expression" - Then page has heading "Self-expression" - - - Scenario: Expressive Arts and Design page - Link - Communicating Through Arts - - When clicks on "Communicating through arts" - Then page has heading "Communicating through arts" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_previous_next_links.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_previous_next_links.feature deleted file mode 100644 index dc061c14..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_previous_next_links.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Previous and Next - Links - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Communication and Language - - When clicks on "Communication and language" - Then "Previous page" has value "Food safety" - And "Next page" has value "Interactions" - When clicks on "Interactions" - Then "Previous page" has value "Communication and language" - And "Next page" has value "Exploring language" - When clicks on "Exploring language" - Then "Previous page" has value "Interactions" - And "Next page" has value "Listening and understanding" - When clicks on "Listening and understanding" - Then "Previous page" has value "Exploring language" - And "Next page" has value "Physical development" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Physical Development - - When clicks on "Physical development" - Then "Previous page" has value "Listening and understanding" - And "Next page" has value "Core strength and co-ordination" - When clicks on "Core strength and co-ordination" - Then "Previous page" has value "Physical development" - And "Next page" has value "Gross motor skills" - When clicks on "Gross motor skills" - Then "Previous page" has value "Core strength and co-ordination" - And "Next page" has value "Fine motor skills" - When clicks on "Fine motor skills" - Then "Previous page" has value "Gross motor skills" - And "Next page" has value "Personal, social and emotional development" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - - When clicks on "Personal, social and emotional development" - Then "Previous page" has value "Fine motor skills" - And "Next page" has value "Emotions" - When clicks on "Emotions" - Then "Previous page" has value "Personal, social and emotional development" - And "Next page" has value "Sense of self" - When clicks on "Sense of self" - Then "Previous page" has value "Emotions" - And "Next page" has value "Relationships" - When clicks on "Relationships" - Then "Previous page" has value "Sense of self" - And "Next page" has value "Literacy" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Literacy - - When clicks on "Literacy" - Then "Previous page" has value "Relationships" - And "Next page" has value "Reading comprehension" - When clicks on "Reading comprehension" - Then "Previous page" has value "Literacy" - And "Next page" has value "Exploring words" - When clicks on "Exploring words" - Then "Previous page" has value "Reading comprehension" - And "Next page" has value "Writing" - When clicks on "Writing" - Then "Previous page" has value "Exploring words" - And "Next page" has value "Mathematics" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Mathematics - - When clicks on "Mathematics" - Then "Previous page" has value "Writing" - And "Next page" has value "Numbers" - When clicks on "Numbers" - Then "Previous page" has value "Mathematics" - And "Next page" has value "Patterns and connections" - When clicks on "Patterns and connections" - Then "Previous page" has value "Numbers" - And "Next page" has value "Spatial reasoning" - When clicks on "Spatial reasoning" - Then "Previous page" has value "Patterns and connections" - And "Next page" has value "Understanding the world" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Understanding the World - - When clicks on "Understanding the world" - Then "Previous page" has value "Spatial reasoning" - And "Next page" has value "Personal experiences" - When clicks on "Personal experiences" - Then "Previous page" has value "Understanding the world" - And "Next page" has value "Diverse world" - When clicks on "Diverse world" - Then "Previous page" has value "Personal experiences" - And "Next page" has value "Widening vocabulary" - When clicks on "Widening vocabulary" - Then "Previous page" has value "Diverse world" - And "Next page" has value "Expressive arts and design" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Expressive Arts and Design - - When clicks on "Expressive arts and design" - Then "Previous page" has value "Widening vocabulary" - And "Next page" has value "Imagination and creativity" - When clicks on "Imagination and creativity" - Then "Previous page" has value "Expressive arts and design" - And "Next page" has value "Self-expression" - When clicks on "Self-expression" - Then "Previous page" has value "Imagination and creativity" - And "Next page" has value "Communicating through arts" - When clicks on "Communicating through arts" - Then "Previous page" has value "Self-expression" - And "Next page" has value "Get help to improve your practice" - - - Scenario: Previous and Next Links - Get help to improve your practice - - When clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - Then "Previous page" has value "Communicating through arts" - And "Next page" has value "Curriculum planning" - When clicks on "Curriculum planning" - Then "Previous page" has value "Get help to improve your practice" - And "Next page" has value "Reducing paperwork" - When clicks on "Reducing paperwork" - Then "Previous page" has value "Curriculum planning" - # And "Next page" has value "Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disability" - # When clicks on "Identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and disability" - #Then "Previous page" has value "Reducing paperwork" - And "Next page" has value "Oral health" - When clicks on "Oral health" - Then "Previous page" has value "Reducing paperwork" - And "Next page" has value "Working in partnership with parents and carers" - When clicks on "Working in partnership with parents and carers" - Then "Previous page" has value "Oral health" -# And "Next page" has value "Communication and language" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_previous_next_pages.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_previous_next_pages.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 0ebffac1..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_previous_next_pages.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,454 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Previous and Next - Pages - - Background: - - Given "EYFS service" user - When user proceeds to "Communication and language" page - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Communication and Language - Working in partnership with parents and carers - - When clicks on "Communication and language" - Then "Previous page" has value "Food safety" - And "Previous page" of "Food safety" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Communication and Language - Interactions - - When clicks on "Communication and language" - Then "Next page" has value "Interactions" - And "Next page" of "Interactions" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Interactions - Communication and language - - When clicks on "Interactions" - Then "Previous page" has value "Communication and language" - And "Previous page" of "Communication and language" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Interactions - Exploring language - - When clicks on "Interactions" - Then "Next page" has value "Exploring language" - And "Next page" of "Exploring language" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Exploring language - Interactions - - When clicks on "Exploring language" - Then "Previous page" has value "Interactions" - And "Previous page" of "Interactions" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Exploring language - Listening and understanding - - When clicks on "Exploring language" - Then "Next page" has value "Listening and understanding" - And "Next page" of "Listening and understanding" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Listening and understanding - Exploring language - - When clicks on "Listening and understanding" - Then "Previous page" has value "Exploring language" - And "Previous page" of "Exploring language" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Listening and understanding - Physical development - - When clicks on "Listening and understanding" - Then "Next page" has value "Physical development" - And "Next page" of "Physical development" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Physical development - Listening and understanding - - When clicks on "Physical development" - Then "Previous page" has value "Listening and understanding" - And "Previous page" of "Listening and understanding" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Physical development - Core strength and co-ordination - - When clicks on "Physical development" - Then "Next page" has value "Core strength and co-ordination" - And "Next page" of "Core strength and co-ordination" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Core strength and co-ordination - Physical development - - When clicks on "Core strength and co-ordination" - Then "Previous page" has value "Physical development" - And "Previous page" of "Physical development" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Core strength and co-ordination - Gross motor skills - - When clicks on "Core strength and co-ordination" - Then "Next page" has value "Gross motor skills" - And "Next page" of "Gross motor skills" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Gross motor skills - Core strength and co-ordination - - When clicks on "Gross motor skills" - Then "Previous page" has value "Core strength and co-ordination" - And "Previous page" of "Core strength and co-ordination" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Gross motor skills - Fine motor skills - - When clicks on "Gross motor skills" - Then "Next page" has value "Fine motor skills" - And "Next page" of "Fine motor skills" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Fine motor skills - Gross motor skills - - When clicks on "Fine motor skills" - Then "Previous page" has value "Gross motor skills" - And "Previous page" of "Gross motor skills" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Fine motor skills - Personal, social and emotional development - - When clicks on "Fine motor skills" - Then "Next page" has value "Personal, social and emotional development" - And "Next page" of "Personal, social and emotional development" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Fine motor skills - - When clicks on "Personal, social and emotional development" - Then "Previous page" has value "Fine motor skills" - And "Previous page" of "Fine motor skills" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Emotions - - When clicks on "Personal, social and emotional development" - Then "Next page" has value "Emotions" - And "Next page" of "Emotions" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Emotions - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - - When clicks on "Emotions" - Then "Previous page" has value "Personal, social and emotional development" - And "Previous page" of "Personal, social and emotional development" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Emotions - Sense of self - - When clicks on "Emotions" - Then "Next page" has value "Sense of self" - And "Next page" of "Sense of self" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Sense of self - Emotions - - When clicks on "Sense of self" - Then "Previous page" has value "Emotions" - And "Previous page" of "Emotions" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Sense of self - Relationships - - When clicks on "Sense of self" - Then "Next page" has value "Relationships" - And "Next page" of "Relationships" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Relationships - Sense of self - - When clicks on "Relationships" - Then "Previous page" has value "Sense of self" - And "Previous page" of "Sense of self" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Relationships - Literacy - - When clicks on "Relationships" - Then "Next page" has value "Literacy" - And "Next page" of "Literacy" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Literacy - Relationships - - When clicks on "Literacy" - Then "Previous page" has value "Relationships" - And "Previous page" of "Relationships" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Literacy - Reading comprehension - - When clicks on "Literacy" - Then "Next page" has value "Reading comprehension" - And "Next page" of "Reading comprehension" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Reading comprehension - Literacy - - When clicks on "Reading comprehension" - Then "Previous page" has value "Literacy" - And "Previous page" of "Literacy" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Reading comprehension - Exploring words - - When clicks on "Reading comprehension" - Then "Next page" has value "Exploring words" - And "Next page" of "Exploring words" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Exploring words - Reading comprehension - - When clicks on "Exploring words" - Then "Previous page" has value "Reading comprehension" - And "Previous page" of "Reading comprehension" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Exploring words - Writing - - When clicks on "Exploring words" - Then "Next page" has value "Writing" - And "Next page" of "Writing" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Writing - Exploring words - - When clicks on "Writing" - Then "Previous page" has value "Exploring words" - And "Previous page" of "Exploring words" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Writing - Mathematics - - When clicks on "Writing" - Then "Next page" has value "Mathematics" - And "Next page" of "Mathematics" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Mathematics - Writing - - When clicks on "Mathematics" - Then "Previous page" has value "Writing" - And "Previous page" of "Writing" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Mathematics - Numbers - - When clicks on "Mathematics" - Then "Next page" has value "Numbers" - And "Next page" of "Numbers" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Numbers - Mathematics - - When clicks on "Numbers" - Then "Previous page" has value "Mathematics" - And "Previous page" of "Mathematics" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Numbers - Patterns and connections - - When clicks on "Numbers" - Then "Next page" has value "Patterns and connections" - And "Next page" of "Patterns and connections" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Patterns and connections - Numbers - - When clicks on "Patterns and connections" - Then "Previous page" has value "Numbers" - And "Previous page" of "Numbers" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Patterns and connections - Spatial reasoning - - When clicks on "Patterns and connections" - Then "Next page" has value "Spatial reasoning" - And "Next page" of "Spatial reasoning" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Spatial reasoning - Patterns and connections - - When clicks on "Spatial reasoning" - Then "Previous page" has value "Patterns and connections" - And "Previous page" of "Patterns and connections" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Spatial reasoning - Understanding the world - - When clicks on "Spatial reasoning" - Then "Next page" has value "Understanding the world" - And "Next page" of "Understanding the world" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Understanding the world - Spatial reasoning - - When clicks on "Understanding the world" - Then "Previous page" has value "Spatial reasoning" - And "Previous page" of "Spatial reasoning" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Understanding the world - Personal experiences - - When clicks on "Understanding the world" - Then "Next page" has value "Personal experiences" - And "Next page" of "Personal experiences" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Personal experiences - Understanding the world - - When clicks on "Personal experiences" - Then "Previous page" has value "Understanding the world" - And "Previous page" of "Understanding the world" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Personal experiences - Diverse world - - When clicks on "Personal experiences" - Then "Next page" has value "Diverse world" - And "Next page" of "Diverse world" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Diverse world - Personal experiences - - When clicks on "Diverse world" - Then "Previous page" has value "Personal experiences" - And "Previous page" of "Personal experiences" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Diverse world - Widening vocabulary - - When clicks on "Diverse world" - Then "Next page" has value "Widening vocabulary" - And "Next page" of "Widening vocabulary" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Widening vocabulary - Diverse world - - When clicks on "Widening vocabulary" - Then "Previous page" has value "Diverse world" - And "Previous page" of "Diverse world" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Widening vocabulary - Expressive arts and design - - When clicks on "Widening vocabulary" - Then "Next page" has value "Expressive arts and design" - And "Next page" of "Expressive arts and design" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Expressive arts and design - Widening vocabulary - - When clicks on "Expressive arts and design" - Then "Previous page" has value "Widening vocabulary" - And "Previous page" of "Widening vocabulary" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Expressive arts and design - Imagination and creativity - - When clicks on "Expressive arts and design" - Then "Next page" has value "Imagination and creativity" - And "Next page" of "Imagination and creativity" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Imagination and creativity - Expressive arts and design - - When clicks on "Imagination and creativity" - Then "Previous page" has value "Expressive arts and design" - And "Previous page" of "Expressive arts and design" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Imagination and creativity - Self-expression - - When clicks on "Imagination and creativity" - Then "Next page" has value "Self-expression" - And "Next page" of "Self-expression" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Self-expression - Imagination and creativity - - When clicks on "Self-expression" - Then "Previous page" has value "Imagination and creativity" - And "Previous page" of "Imagination and creativity" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Self-expression - Imagination and creativity - - When clicks on "Self-expression" - Then "Next page" has value "Communicating through arts" - And "Next page" of "Communicating through arts" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Communicating through arts - Self-expression - - When clicks on "Communicating through arts" - Then "Previous page" has value "Self-expression" - And "Previous page" of "Self-expression" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Communicating through arts - Get help to improve your practice - - When clicks on "Communicating through arts" - Then "Next page" has value "Get help to improve your practice" - And "Next page" of "Get help to improve your practice" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Get help - Communicating through arts - - When clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - Then "Previous page" has value "Communicating through arts" - And "Previous page" of "Communicating through arts" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Get help - Curriculum planning - - When clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - Then "Next page" has value "Curriculum planning" - And "Next page" of "Curriculum planning" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Curriculum planning - Get help - - When clicks on "Curriculum planning" - Then "Previous page" has value "Get help to improve your practice" - And "Previous page" of "Get help to improve your practice" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Reducing paperwork - Curriculum planning - - When clicks on "Curriculum planning" - Then "Next page" has value "Reducing paperwork" - And "Next page" of "Reducing paperwork" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Working in partnership - Oral health - - When clicks on "Working in partnership with parents and carers" - Then "Previous page" has value "Oral health" - And "Previous page" of "Oral health" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Working in partnership - English as an additional language (EAL) - - When clicks on "Working in partnership with parents and carers" - Then "Next page" has value "English as an additional language (EAL)" - And "Next page" of "English as an additional language (EAL)" exists - - - Scenario: Previous Link - Food safety - English as an additional language (EAL - - When clicks on "Food safety" - Then "Previous page" has value "English as an additional language (EAL)" - And "Previous page" of "English as an additional language (EAL)" exists - - - Scenario: Next Link - Food safety - Communication and language - - When clicks on "Food safety" - Then "Next page" has value "Communication and language" - And "Next page" of "Communication and language" exists diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_service_footer.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_service_footer.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 810e40db..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_service_footer.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Help for early years providers - Footer - - Background: - - Given "EYFS Service" user - When user proceeds to "Help for early years providers" page - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Open Government Licence - Text - - Then following is "displayed": - | All content is available under the | - | except where otherwise stated | - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Open Government Licence - Link - - When clicks on "Open Government Licence v3.0" - Then page has "h3" heading "Using Information under this licence" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Cookie Policy - Link - - When clicks on "Cookies" - Then page has heading "Cookies" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Accessibility Statement - Link - - When clicks on "Accessibility" - Then page has heading "Accessibility statement for the Help for early years providers service" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Disclaimer - Link - - When clicks on "Disclaimer" - Then page has heading "Disclaimer" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Contact us - Link - - When clicks on "Contact us" - Then page has heading "Contact us" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Footer - Crown Copyright - Link - - When clicks on "© Crown copyright" - Then page has heading "Crown copyright" diff --git a/e2etests/features/eyfs_service_header.feature b/e2etests/features/eyfs_service_header.feature deleted file mode 100644 index 6db29b63..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/eyfs_service_header.feature +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -Feature: EYFS - Help for early years providers - Header - - Background: - - Given "EYFS Service" user - When user proceeds to "Help for early years providers" page - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Header - Govt - Link - - When clicks on "GOV.UK" - Then page has heading "Welcome to GOV.UK" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Header - Service Name - Link - - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Communication and Language - - When clicks on "Communication and language" - Then page has heading "Communication and language" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Physical Development - - When clicks on "Physical development" - Then page has heading "Physical development" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Personal, Social and Emotional Development - - When clicks on "Personal, social and emotional development" - Then page has heading "Personal, social and emotional development" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Literacy - - When clicks on "Literacy" - Then page has heading "Literacy" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Mathematics - - When clicks on "Mathematics" - Then page has heading "Mathematics" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Understanding the World - - When clicks on "Understanding the world" - Then page has heading "Understanding the world" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Expressive Arts and Design - - When clicks on "Expressive arts and design" - Then page has heading "Expressive arts and design" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" - - - Scenario: Help for early years providers - Service Name Link - Get help to improve your practice - - When clicks on "Communication and language" - When clicks on "Get help to improve your practice" - Then page has heading "Get help to improve your practice" - When clicks on "Help for early years providers" - Then page has heading "Help for early years providers" diff --git a/e2etests/features/step_definitions/common.rb b/e2etests/features/step_definitions/common.rb deleted file mode 100644 index ea04aa0a..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/step_definitions/common.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -Given(/^"([^"]*)" user$/) do |user| - user_access(user) -end - -When(/^user proceeds to "([^"]*)" page$/) do |page| - proceed_to(page, '') -end - -Then(/^page has heading "([^"]*)"$/) do |page| - check_page_heading('h1', page) -end - -And(/^page has "([^"]*)" heading "([^"]*)"$/) do |type, page| - check_page_heading(type, page) -end - -And(/^the following "([^"]*)" are available:$/) do |type, tbl| - check_page_obj(type, tbl) -end - -And(/^following is "([^"]*)":$/) do |func, tbl| - process_func(func, tbl) -end - -Then(/^check accessibility$/) {} - -And(/^"([^"]*)" item "([^"]*)" is "([^"]*)"$/) do |list, pos, desc| - check_one_item(list, pos, desc) -end - -When(/^user proceeds to "([^"]*)" via "([^"]*)" page$/) do |func, page| - proceed_to(page, func) -end - -And(/^"([^"]*)" has value "([^"]*)"$/) do |obj, value| - check_value_proc(obj, value) -end - -And(/^"([^"]*)" of "([^"]*)" exists$/) do |obj, value| - click_value_proc(obj, value) -end - -Then(/^clicks on "([^"]*)"$/) do |obj| - clk(obj) -end - -When(/^on "([^"]*)" followed by "([^"]*)" tabs and click$/) do |obj, tab_cnt| - tab_click(obj, tab_cnt) -end - -When(/^user clicks "([^"]*)" button$/) do |btn| - click_btn(btn) -end - -Then(/^user is not created$/) do - expect_not_displayed(@user) -end - -And(/^user is created$/) do - display_check(@user) -end - -When(/^"([^"]*)" entered in "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)" clicked$/) do |val, fld, evt| - enter(fld, val) - click_on evt -end - -Given(/the site is visited/) do - visit(ENV_URL) -end diff --git a/e2etests/features/support/common.rb b/e2etests/features/support/common.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 2c493c9b..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/support/common.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@ -def user_access(user) - env = if user.downcase.index('cms') - ENV['CMS_URL'] - else - ENV['SERVICE_URL'] - end - open_app(env) -end - -def proceed_to(page, func) - link = page - page_name = if func == '' - page.downcase - else - func.downcase - end - case page_name - when 'landing', 'help for early years providers', '7 areas of learning blocks' - list_items(page_name) - when 'communication and language', 'physical development', 'personal, social and emotional development', 'literacy', 'mathematics', 'understanding the world', 'expressive arts and design' - click_on link - list_items('learning areas') - when 'left-menu sub-areas' - click_on link - list_items('sub-areas') - when 'mobile menu learning areas', 'mobile menu' - mobile_menu(link, page_name) - when 'add user', 'add user details and cancel', 'add user, edit and delete', 'add user with invalid passwords', 'edit user with invalid passwords' - add_cms_user(page_name) - else - raise("Case statement required: #{page_name}") - end -end - -def open_app(env) - visit(env) - if page.text.match?('Log in') - enter('user_email', ENV['USER_ADMIN']) - enter('user_password', ENV['USER_ADMNP']) - click_on 'commit' - end -end - -def enter(fld, val) - fill_in(fld, with: val) -end - -def link_clk(name, pos) - page.all(:link, name)[pos].click -end - -def check_page_heading(type, header) - begin - attempts ||= 1 - expect(page).to have_selector(type, text: header) - rescue StandardError - retry if (attempts += 1) < ATTEMPTS - end - if attempts == ATTEMPTS - raise("check_page_heading #{type}:#{header} Not Found after #{attempts} attempts") - end -end - -def list_items(page_name) - case page_name - when 'help for early years providers', '7 areas of learning blocks' - search(HELP_FOR_EARLY_YEARS_PROVIDERS, LI_VALUES) - when 'learning areas' - search(LEFT_PANE_MENU, LP_LEARNING_AREAS) - when 'sub-areas' - search(LEFT_PANE_MENU, LI_VALUES) - when 'mobile menu learning areas' - search(MOBILE_MENU, LP_LEARNING_AREAS) - when 'mobile menu' - search(MOBILE_MENU, UL_VALUES) - else - @ul = '' - end - if @ul != '' - @menu = @ul.collect(&:text) - end -end - -def check_page_obj(type, tbl) - case type.downcase - when 'links' - expect_links(tbl) - else - raise ArgumentError, "Argument not known: '#{type}'" - end -end - -# rubocop:disable all -# I can't tell what the type of tbl is, so can't -# convert the 'for' to an 'each'. -def expect_links(tbl) - for i in 0..tbl.raw.count - 1 do - tbl.raw[i].each {|lnk| - lnk_string(lnk) - expect(page).to have_link(@lnk, visible: true, count: @lnk_count) - } - end -end -# rubocop:enable all - -def clk(obj) - case obj.downcase - when 'btn' - click_button obj - else - first(:link, obj, visible: true).click - end -end - -def search(parameter, values) - @ul = find(parameter).all(values) -rescue StandardError => e - puts "Fail: #{e}" -end - -def process_func(func, table) - tbl = table.raw - case func - when 'displayed' - tbl.each do |text| - display_check(text[0]) - end - else - raise ArgumentError, "Argument not known. Expected: 'displayed' Actual: '#{func}'" - end -end - -def display_check(text) - expect(page).to have_text text -end - -def lnk_string(lnk) - @lnk = lnk - @lnk_count = 1 - if lnk.index('[') - @lnk_count = lnk[lnk.index('[')..lnk.index(']')].delete('[').gsub(' times]', '') - @lnk = lnk[0..lnk.index('[') - 1] - end -end - -def tab_click(obj, tab_cnt) - key_send = [] - tab_cnt.to_i.times do - key_send << :tab - end - key_send << :enter - find(:link, obj, visible: true).send_keys(key_send) -end - -def check_value(actual, expected) - if actual != expected - puts "FAIL Expected: '#{actual}' Actual: '#{expected}'" - @excep = 'e' - end -end - -def check_value_proc(obj, value) - @excep = '' - actual = find(Object.const_get(obj.upcase.tr!(' ', '_'))).text - check_value(value, actual) - exception_call("'#{obj}' #{__method__}") -end - -def check_item(pos, desc) - if @menu[pos - 1] != desc - puts "FAIL Expected: '#{desc}' at position '#{pos}' Actual: '#{@menu[pos - 1]}'" - @excep = 'e' - end -end - -def check_one_item(list, pos, desc) - @excep = '' - check_item(pos.to_i, desc) - exception_call("#{list.downcase} #{__method__}") -end - -def exception_call(called_by) - if @excep != '' - raise("#{called_by} not as Expected. See 'FAIL(s)'") - end -end - -def click_value_proc(obj, value) - find(Object.const_get(obj.upcase.tr!(' ', '_'))).click - check_page_heading('h1', value) -end - -def resize_display(width, height) - page.driver.browser.manage.window.resize_to(width, height) -end - -def click_btn(btn) - click_on btn -end - -def add_user_details - date_time - @user = "A0User#{@time}" - @user_p = '0-Ab0-Ba' - enter_fields({ "user-first-name-field": 'Admin', - "user-last-name-field": @user, - "user-email-field": "#{@user}@education.gov.uk", - "user-password-field": @user_p, - "user-password-confirmation-field": @user_p }) - radio_btn('user-role-admin-field', 'false') -end - -def date_time - @time = Time.now.zone.to_i -end - -def enter_fields(obj) - obj.each do |f, d| - fill_in(f, with: d) - end -end - -def mobile_menu(link, page_name) - click_on link - resize_display(500, 700) - click_on MENU - list_items(page_name) -end - -def add_cms_user(page_name) - click_on 'Admin' - click_on 'Add user' - return unless page_name != 'add user' - - case page_name - when 'add user details and cancel' - add_user_details - click_on 'Cancel' - when 'add user, edit and delete' - add_user_details - click_on 'Save' - edit_user - delete_user - when 'add user with invalid passwords' - add_user_details - when 'edit user with invalid passwords' - edit_user_invalid_password - else - raise("Case statement required: #{page_name}") - end -end - -def radio_btn(obj, opt) - choose(obj, visible: opt) -end - -def expect_not_displayed(text) - expect(page).to have_no_text(text) -end - -def check_fields(obj) - obj.each do |f, d| - expect(find_field(f).value).to eq(d) - end -end - -def edit_user - find(:id, 'add-user').send_keys(:tab, :enter) - check_page_heading('h1', 'Edit user') - check_fields({ "First name": 'Admin', - "Last name": @user }) -end - -def delete_user - click_on 'Delete' - # TODO: refactor sleep - sleep 2 - alert = page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert - alert.accept - display_check("User Admin #{@user} deleted") -end - -def edit_user_invalid_password - click_on 'Cancel' - find(:id, 'add-user').send_keys(:tab, :enter) - enter('user-password-field', ENV['USER_ADMNP']) - click_on 'Save' -end diff --git a/e2etests/features/support/env.rb b/e2etests/features/support/env.rb deleted file mode 100644 index e7dcf4a8..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/support/env.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -# frozen_string_literal:true - -require 'capybara/cucumber' -require 'selenium-webdriver' -require 'axe/cucumber/step_definitions' -require 'webdrivers/chromedriver' - -ENV_URL = 'http://help-for-early-years-providers.education.gov.uk/' - -if ENV['headless'] - Capybara.default_driver = :poltergeist -else - Capybara.default_driver = :selenium - Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app| - Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, { browser: :chrome }) - end - Capybara.default_driver = :selenium -end - -ATTEMPTS = 5 - -HELP_FOR_EARLY_YEARS_PROVIDERS = '#main-content > div.landing-page__section--grey > div > ul' -LI_VALUES = 'li' -LEFT_PANE_MENU = 'body > div > main > div > div.govuk-grid-column-one-third.desktop-menu' -LP_LEARNING_AREAS = 'p' -MENU = 'Menu' -MOBILE_MENU = '#mobile-menu-nav' -UL_VALUES = 'ul' -PREVIOUS_PAGE = 'li.gem-c-pagination__item.gem-c-pagination__item--previous > a > span.gem-c-pagination__link-label' -NEXT_PAGE = 'li.gem-c-pagination__item.gem-c-pagination__item--next > a > span.gem-c-pagination__link-label' diff --git a/e2etests/features/support/hooks.rb b/e2etests/features/support/hooks.rb deleted file mode 100644 index 4044bc56..00000000 --- a/e2etests/features/support/hooks.rb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -# frozen_string_literal:true - -After do |scenario| - if scenario.name.downcase.include?('accessibility') - puts '' - puts '- - - - - - - - - - - - -' - puts "Scenario: #{scenario.name}" - steps %(Then the page should be accessible) - puts '- - - - - - - - - - - - -' - end -end diff --git a/spec/README.md b/spec/README.md index 7da82fe0..bb92b5ee 100644 --- a/spec/README.md +++ b/spec/README.md @@ -15,5 +15,3 @@ Simplecov is used for coverage The minimum coverage has been set to 92% A report for coverage can be generated by following the steps in the main Readme - -Cucumber is used for the e2e tests, but it is not being used (this tests against out of date content). The Readme here has been updated to highlight next steps for content that makes use of Cucumber \ No newline at end of file