All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
Release 084 - 2020-09-30
- Update data report request to retrieve email address and date of birth
Release 083 - 2020-09-25
- Geckoboard now only includes claims from the current academic year
Release 082 - 2020-09-02
- Break down number of claims and claim amount in payroll runs by policy
- Display the correct financial year for employment as part of the employment task.
Release 081 - 2020-09-01
- Changes made to content pages ready for academic year 2020-21
- Increase Verify timeout from 90 minutes to 120 minutes
- Update code formatting to match latest Standard version
Release 080 - 2020-06-25
- Bump rails from to
Release 079 - 2020-06-25
- Add contextual information when incorrect data is in a confirmation report
- Remove thousand seperators from numeric columns in confirmation reports
Release 078 - 2020-06-22
- Remove banking_name when scrubbing personal data from a claim
Release 077 - 2020-06-18
- When removing personal data from claims, don’t treat a claim as rejected if the rejection has been undone
Release 076 - 2020-06-16
- Security updates
Release 075 - 2020-05-11
- A service operator isn’t allowed to amend student loan plan when the claimant has already paid off their student loan
Release 074 - 2020-04-07
- Display payroll status of claim within task view
- Display claim amount within task view
Release 073 - 2020-04-07
- Move shipping logs to logstash to Filebeat
- Remove a negative contraction in some text, to follow GOV.UK style guide
Release 072 - 2020-04-03
- DQT report upload now performs automated identity confirmation checks
Release 071 - 2020-04-03
- The identity confirmation task is now present on all submitted claims
Release 070 - 2020-04-03
- Add secondary SAML encryption key in preparation for rotating production VSP keys and certificates
Release 069 - 2020-04-02
- Improve message shown when inconsistent payroll information is found
- Service operators can add a support ticket to claims
- Display the claim's decision within the heading on the task view page
Release 068 - 2020-03-31
- Service operators can add notes to claims
- Display "Removed" when personal data from the tasks view is removed
- Remove warning banners for matching claims and missing payroll gender
- Remove decision form from the full claim view
- Redirect user to the tasks view instead of full claim view when searching or amending a claim
Release 067 - 2020-03-30
- Exclude claims from previous academic years on matching claims screen
- Fix a bug with automated DQT checks where the report has multiple rows for the same claim
- Allow a claim's decision to be amended by a service operator
- Move claim amendments to a seperate tab
- Automated DQT checks verify that the surname in DQT matches the one in the claim
Release 066 - 2020-03-25
- Support searching for claims with more than just the reference
- Service operators can upload the report from DQT and perform automated qualification checks
Release 065 - 2020-03-24
- Show the academic year when viewing a claim
- Allow service operators to amend student loan amount
Release 064 - 2020-03-18
- Add "Back" link and page title to claim decision screen
- Link claim tasks view back to the list of claims
- Add a Missing Payroll Gender task to allow service operators to update a claim's Payroll Gender if it's not specified
Release 063 - 2020-03-16
- Add a task to check claims with matching attributes
- Add a claim checking task to verify identity of claimants who didn’t use GOV.UK Verify
Release 062 - 2020-03-12
- Add Yes/No option to claim checking tasks
- Update payment removal content
Release 061 - 2020-03-11
- Add a task for confirming the student loan amount on Student Loans claims
- Student Loans claims default to new task-based claim checking interface
- Claim checking tasks have unique headings
- Show NI number in the claim summary
Release 060 - 2020-03-10
- Fix question bug on school search results page
- Show a list of incomplete checks on the claim decision page
- Exclude claims for the other policy from claims with matching details
Release 059 - 2020-03-09
- Links that look like buttons now work if users have JS on the claim journey
- Links styled as buttons now work as expected for keyboard users
- Manage services page validates in html checker
- Improve guidance on admin file upload when no file is selected
- Add visually hidden text to manage services
- Screen reader improvements when viewing payrun
- Add visually hidden text to payroll history table
- Add visually hidden text to GIAS school link
- Allow service operators to navigate to decision page
- Financial year for student loans claims varies based on the current academic year
Release 058 - 2020-03-03
- Adjust content on the service closed page
- Security: Bump omniauth dependency to 1.9.1
Release 057 - 2020-03-03
- QTS question will vary based on the year the service is accepting claims for
- QTS answer will vary in admin based on the year the claim was made
- Claim decision page is shown at the end of the checks process
- A service operator can amend a claim
- Update static error pages (404, 422, 500) to make them policy-agnostic
Release 056 - 2020-02-25
- Allow service operators to mark a check as completed
- Update school eligibility to include City Technology Colleges
- Service operators are taken straight to the tasks list when checking a Maths and Physics claim
- Handle byte order mark when reading payment confirmation CSV
Release 055 - 2020-02-24
- Fix skipped heading level on manage services screen
- Add label to Payroll Cantium link
- Fix empty th on view claims screen
- Add page titles to admin area
- Run multiple worker instances so long-running queued jobs don't entirely block the queue
- Don't use "1" or "I" characters in claim references to avoid confusion
- Adjust option for not teaching eligible subjects for student loans
Release 054 - 2020-02-19
- The admin page for a claim no longer warns about a missing payroll gender once a decision has been made
- Iterate content on the Verify without Verify journey
- Service operators can change the academic year a policy is accepting claims for
- Service operators can view qualification and employment checks
- PII is automatically deleted from claims which are either rejected and have had no update in the last two months, or which have been paid more than two months ago
- Update "What information is sent" to include Cantium
- Swap Net/HTTP for HTTPClient when downloading the school data file to resolve a memory issue
Release 053 - 2020-02-12
- Don't share the last seen at session variables
- Fix bug causing school search button text to change when user clicks on it
- Add subheader to student loans questions
- Add a component saying why ask about student loans
- New copy when claim has been removed from payrun
- Claims now track the academic year they were made in
Release 052 - 2020-02-10
- Update admin menu with new layout
- Update "Some of this information is wrong" content on the verified page
- A Service Operator can remove problematic payments from a payroll run
Release 051 - 2020-02-03
- Allow claimants to search by school postcode
- Replace "passed SLA deadline" true/false with ok/warning/passed status in Geckoboard dataset
- Schools check email export no longer includes claims which have been checked
- Schools check email export now includes the claim school for claims made under the Student Loans policy
Release 050 - 2020-01-30
- Claim award amount is now sent to the Geckoboard dataset
- Identify claimants by teacher reference number instead of NI number
- Fix date sent to user in three week reminder email
- Better handling of issues related to browser caching and session expiration/ timeouts
Release 049 - 2020-01-29
- Prevent service operator from approving a claim if we would not be able to pay it in the current payroll month because we are already paying the same claimant for another claim with different payment details
- Emails are sent for unchecked claims three weeks after they are submitted, advising users that their claim is still in progress
- Developers can export data needed for school check mail merge
Release 048 - 2020-01-28
- QLS questions now refer to academic year, instead of "1 September"
- Styling tweaks to make the service AAA accessible. Accessiblity updated to reflect AAA status
- Remove basic authentication on the Maths and Physics journey
- Update the "Claim submitted" page so all journeys link to the done page on GOV.UK
- Remove the temporary Maths and Physics start page and redirect to the one on GOV.UK
- New Maths and Physics feedback form link
- Put Maths and Physics into public beta
Release 047 - 2020-01-23
- Fix existing session page so if no option is selected a user doesn't continue their claim
- Update Geckoboard with how many claims are passed their check deadline
- Log entries are now tagged with their deployed environment
- Record the the time in days between submitting and approving a claim
- Add a Rake task to update a Geckoboard dataset when a new field has been added
Release 046 - 2020-01-21
- Feedback link tells users it will open in a new tab
- Changed existing session page to use radios and tidy up the iterruption card
- Semantic Logger has been added to make log entries more concise and useful
- Application logs can now be sent to Logstash for aggregation, analysis and monitoring
- Allow unverified addresses from GOV.UK Verify responses
- Unsubmitted claims are purged every 24 hours
- Batch Geckoboard data when submitting to the API
Release 045 - 2020-01-16
- Changed buttons on information-provided and eligibility confirmed pages to be actual buttons
- Check your answers page now has ARIA labels on the change buttons so screen readers will now tell users what they will change by visiting the link
- Removed unnecessary tags on main and footer elements that were causing warnings on validators
- A Payment date is set when a payroll run is ingested
- Backfill data about historic claims in Geckoboard
Release 044 - 2020-01-14
- Schools in the West Somerset opportunity area are now regarded as eligible again, after the West Somerset local authority district ceased to exist
- Service operators can approve claims that did not complete GOV.UK Verify
- Claims that have skipped GOV.UK Verify are identified in admin
- Bank account numbers must be exactly 8 digits long (6- and 7-digit numbers are no longer accepted)
- Multiple approved claims from the same person are grouped in to one payment
- Fix "Sorry, something went wrong" message displayed by GOV.UK Verify when claimant clicks "Continue" button on /verify/authentications/new page
- Include full name in claims report so it can be used to make TPS data requests
Release 043 - 2020-01-08
- Update to privacy policy to explain how data can be amended and add bullet point about collecting bank details
- Users can complete and submit a claim without completing GOV.UK Verify
- Update autocomplete attributes for the address capture page
- Application complete page and claim submitted email updated to include content for claimants that do not complete GOV.UK Verify
- Service operators can see who approved a claim
- Service operators can see who created a payroll run
- Fix a bug where users who spent more than 90 minutes in Verify would trigger a routing exception and not receive the session timeout message
- Service operators can see who downloaded a payroll run
- Show a warning message when a user tries to switch policies or start a new claim
Release 042 - 2019-12-19
- Import users from DfE Signin to the local database
- Bump Rack library dependency with security update
Release 041 - 2019-12-17
- Restore uptime alerting to alert when the App / VSP are down
- Don't match bank account sort code when identifying potentially similar claims
- Alternative provisions schools and special schools that teach students who are over 11 are eligible
- Update content for both maths and physics and student loans ineligible screens
- Update student loan question wording to make the intention clearer
Release 040 - 2019-12-09
- Load the admin IP whitelist from the Key vault
Release 039 - 2019-12-06
- Service operators can create and view a payroll run and provide a link to payroll operators (Cantium users) to download a file
- Payroll operators can download the payroll run file using a link
- Security: Bump puma from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 to resolve Keepalive thread overload/DoS vulnerability
Release 038 - 2019-12-04
- Service operators can see Maths and Physics claim eligibility
- Fix a bug that would occasionally redirect users even after they'd continued their session
- Redirect requests to the root URL to a GOV.UK page about teacher payments
Release 037 - 2019-11-28
- Redesign the layout of the payment confirmation email
- Add script to get a console on a container instance
- Stop running workers in the same instance as the web app
- Show policy next to claims in admin view
- Allow admins to filter list of claims by policy
- Update Maths & Physics sequence with new ITT specialism questions
- Adjust Maths & Physics private beta start page content
- Correct wording in Maths & Physics claim emails
- Remove explicit mention of Student Loans policy on accessibility statement
- Update re-apply date on performance/disciplinary ineligibility pages
- Increase the claim checking deadline date to 12 weeks
- Privacy notice wording works for Maths & Physics
- A teacher can submit a Maths and Physics claim
- "How we use the information you provided" content works for both policies
Release 036 - 2019-11-26
- Hardcode VSP entity ID to fix our GOV.UK Verify journey
- Temporarily whitelist new DfE Manchester office IP so that service operators can continue to access admin interface
Release 035 - 2019-11-25
- Make the canonical domain
- Admin users are redirected to their original request path after sign in
Release 034 - 2019-11-25
- Change wording of the student loan start date question for more than more course
- Add the eligibility questions for the Maths and Physics journey
- Show a different feedback URL depending on the policy being used
- Maths & Physics claims will work with the payroll process
- Start using the GOV.UK service domain
Release 033 - 2019-11-21
- Display the gross pay instead of the gross value in the payment confirmation email
- Update transactional emails with improved content
- Clear claim session before view path gets calculated
- Add some copy to make it clear why we ask about a user's student loan
- Update transactional emails to support the two different policy types
- Change "computer science" to "computing" on student loans questions
Release 032 - 2019-11-19
- Update employment-related copy to clarify that the policy cares about the location that the teacher taught at, not where their employer is based
- A service operator can open or close an individual service from the admin interface. Closing the service prevents users from making claims. As part of this, we remove the global maintenance mode, and the default maintenance mode availability message.
- Service operators are shown when the next payroll run file is due to be sent to Cantium
- Only allow payroll runs to be created if none exist already for the current month
- Added post-eligibility questions to the Maths & Physics journey
- Add the current school question to the maths and physics claim journey
Release 031 - 2019-11-18
- Introduce the beginnings of the Maths & Physics journey, protected with basic auth
- Send statistics on submitted claims to Geckoboard
- A service operator can create and download a Database of qualified teachers (DQT) report request csv file
Release 030 - 2019-11-12
- Add policy specific "Reply-to" address for claim emails
- Upgrade to Rails 6.0.1
Release 029 - 2019-11-07
- Make admin claim search case insensitive
- Change all of the existing claims' National Insurance numbers to upper case
- Add a link to our service's satisfaction survey to the confirmation page
- Improve journey for users that worked at more than one school during the claim period
Release 028 - 2019-11-06
- Always save claimant's National Insurance number in upper case
- When checking whether a claim's details have been used in other claims, ignore the case (i.e. capitalisation) of the claims' details
Release 027 - 2019-11-05
- Fixed bug in claim matcher code that would match blank building society roll numbers
- Admin users are sent to the sign in page when their session times out
- Add noindex and nofollow directives to prevent search engines indexing pages
Release 026 - 2019-11-04
- A clear warning is shown to service operators when a claim contains details that have been used in other claims. The other claims are listed and linked.
Release 025 - 2019-10-31
- Adjusted ineligibility screens for users who may have taught at more than one school
- Allow user to restart their claim by visiting start page
Release 024 - 2019-10-31
- Updated feedback URL ready for public beta
- Service updated to be linked to from external start page
- Update the Verify Service Provider to version 2.1.0
- Make static pages such as "Cookies", and "Contact us" policy aware
Release 023 - 2019-10-29
- Update copy to make it clear we may deduct a student loan repayment from amount the claimant receives
- Inform the user that their claim is ineligible, if the school that they are currently employed at is not eligible
- Claimants recieve payment notifications once a payroll run has been processed
Release 022 - 2019-10-24
- The Payment Confirmation Report for a payroll run can be uploaded and processed
- Update student loan question to latest version
- Allow service operators to search for a claim
- No longer ask for specific year for QTS award year
Release 021 - 2019-10-22
- Service operators can add notes when they approve or reject a claim
Release 020 - 2019-10-21
- Service operators can easily identify claims that are close to their deadline
Release 019 - 2019-10-17
- Put the service into "permanent" maintenance mode until public beta
- Updated maintenance page content to better fit the service
- Payroll export start date is the second Monday of the month and the end date is the following Sunday
Release 018 - 2019-10-16
- Run schema and data migrations at the same time
- Exclude /admin from maintenance mode
- Allow service to be put into maintenance mode
Release 017 - 2019-10-10
- Improve bank account capture with separate account name and roll number for building society accounts
- Remove the legacy payroll CSV download feature
- A service operator can create a payroll run and download a CSV file for submission to Cantium
- A service operator can see if a claim is missing a payroll gender
Release 016 - 2019-10-08
- Admin uses its own layout with with updated navigation
- A service operator can reject a claim and an email is sent to the claimant
- Make sure claimants cannot make a claim of £0
Release 015 - 2019-10-07
- Update the first page of the claim to initialise, rather than create a claim
- Rework URL structure in preparation for Maths & Physics policy
- Changes to accessibility statement as we think we now meet AA standard
Release 014 - 2019-10-03
- Reword the question about how many courses the user studied
- Update Cantium CSV fields
Release 013 - 2019-10-01
- Updated accessible-autocomplete to 2.0.0
- Use a Check model to record the status of a claim
- Add started at and submitted at times to the admin view of a claim
Release 012 - 2019-09-30
- Add all-through schools to the eligible schools list
- Update privacy notice to include the collection of IP address
- Remove the admin claims CSV download
Release 011 - 2019-09-23
- Show how many claims are awaiting approval
- Show date of birth in a better place and format for claim checking
- Show DfE number against school in approver view of claim
- Drop redundant full_name column from claims table
- Updated Accessibility statement to show current issues
Release 010 - 2019-09-17
- Fix deployment template conflict
- Make closed schools ineligible for current school
- Exclude closed schools from current school search
Release 009 - 2019-09-17
- Add student loan plan and amount to approver view of a claim
- Link to Get Information About Schools from the admin view of a claim
- Monitor VSP availability
- Use slots to make VSP deployment zero-downtime
- Redirect
to the base URL
Release 008 - 2019-09-12
- Fix broken middleware blocking
Release 007 - 2019-09-12
- Make content-security-policy more restrictive
- Use a fieldset for the gender question to improve accessibility
- Make "Continue" links appear as buttons to screen readers
- Fix missing assets for error pages
- Fix for allowing IPv6 addresses to visit the admin area
Release 006 - 2019-09-10
- Add ability for service operators to download data for payroll
- Allow service operators to approve claims
- Update school eligibility checkers to also check when a school closed
- Increase contrast on hint text to AAA standard
- Turned off autocomplete setting on National Insurance number and bank inputs
- Prefix titles with an error notification if an error is present
- Fix html validation issues with qts year and address views
Release 005 - 2019-09-10
- Redirect requests from any domain other than the canonical one
- Fix admin IP restriction bug due to port numbers
- Fix add clear and helpful page titles
- Fix a bug displaying incorrect number of decimal places on monetary number form fields
- Restrict access to
by IP - Fix student_loan_start_date validation error message
- Fix OmniAuth failure path
Release 004 - 2019-09-04
- Fix claims export ordering
- Store claimants' names as separate fields
- Add ability to run data migrations
- Add data migration to back fill claimant's full name, middle name and surname
- Introduced rake tasks to export eligible schools to CSV
Release 003 - 2019-08-29
- Fixed a bug where missing "from" dates on Verify attributes caused a crash
- Stop user IP address appearing in Rollbar
- Redact all from dates in Verify response
- Fixed a bug where the no JS school contact was not selectable
- Fixed a bug in the GOVUK logotype svg src url
- Improve layout of closed schools in search results
- Add contact us page
- Fix an error in the claim CSV where the current school was displaying incorrectly
- Switch to using deployment slots for "zero-downtime" deployment
Release 002 - 2019-08-22
- Record Google Analytics page views immediately after the user accepts
- Update ineligibility page content for clarity
- Ignore unverified middle names from Verify response
- Report redacted GOV.UK Verify responses to help debug issues with our response handling
- Add static error pages for 400, 500 and 422 errors
Release 001 - 2019-08-21
- First release for student loan repayments private beta