NB: This process involves accessing the production console. You will need an approved PIM request, and a second developer to observe during this.
As part of verifying a teacher's claims, service operators will send an email to the relevant school to confirm their eligibility. Generating a list of claims which need this email sending is a developer task, documented below.
On the second sheet, copy the contents of cell A1. This should be a comma-delimited list of all the claim references which have already been checked, for example
. Check to make sure there are no trailing commas -
Have a second developer join you to observe, and connect to the production console using
bin/azure-console production
Activate the Rails console in sandbox mode with
bin/rails console --sandbox
Create a new instance of
withexporter = Claim::SchoolCheckEmailDataExport.new("A1B2C345,D6E7F890,G1H2I345...")
substituting the claim references for the string you copied from the spreadsheet in step 2.
Generate the CSV data of claims needing checking by running
puts exporter.csv_string
You may need to press the space bar to make your terminal render to the end of the output.
Copy the output and save as a CSV file with the name
Securely transfer the file to the relevant service operator to follow the rest of the school check process. The best way we’ve found to do this is to create a new Google Sheets document, private to yourself and shared only with the service operator.
From the CSV file, copy the claim references (and no other details) and append them to the first worksheet in the School Check Email - Sent Claims spreadsheet so that they will be excluded the next time the process is run. Trim any remaining empty cells from the bottom of the column
After the service operator has sent the school check emails, delete the personal data from your machine and Google Sheets.