This section is under construction.
- Building a new Admin Page (Out of date)
(Linux and OSX)
- Install node-inspector from npm:
npm i node-inspector -g
- Start NodeBB in development mode: (in NodeBB root dir):
./nodebb dev
- This starts up only one fork so you don't get the
- This starts up only one fork so you don't get the
- In a new terminal, run
node-inspector &
(spins up as a background process, so if something goes wrong, useps aux | grep node-inspector
to find the pid and kill it)
This will output something like:
Visit to start debugging.
- Press enter to get back to the command line
- Type
ps aux | grep app.js
to see:
brian 79177 0.0 0.0 2432772 660 s006 R+ 10:03PM 0:00.00 grep app.js brian 79089 0.0 1.1 3763608 183804 s005 S+ 9:41PM 0:04.91 /usr/local/Cellar/node/0.12.5/bin/node app.js
- The pid for NodeBB is 79089 in this case, so just type the command
kill -s USR1 79089
and you should see this in the terminal where you spun up ./nodebb dev:
Starting debugger agent. Debugger listening on port 5858
- Go load the address you got from node-inspector in your browser ^ (it might take a second to load)
- Set a breakpoint somewhere (that you know how to hit) and you should be up and running!
- Now you can also just ctrl-C to quit the NodeBB process. When you want to start it again:
- Start ./nodebb dev again
- Use
ps aux | grep app.js
to find the pid again - Since node-inspector is still running in the background, you just have to send a
kill -s USR1 <pid>
to the new pid of the running nodebb instance, and refresh the browser window that had the debugger open originally
I still get the EADDRINUSE error
- Upgrade to node 0.12.5 (0.12.x should be sufficient)
- If you had already installed node-inspector and NodeBB prior to upgrading to node 0.12.x, you'll have to rebuild your node packages:
- In your NodeBB root directory, run
npm rebuild
- In your node-inspector root dir, also run
npm rebuild
* If you nstalled node-inspector through npm (npm install -g node-inspector
), go to/usr/local/lib/node_modules/node_inspector
and runnpm rebuild
- In your NodeBB root directory, run