Releases: CybercentreCanada/assemblyline-service-deobfuscripter
Releases · CybercentreCanada/assemblyline-service-deobfuscripter
Service base update
Merge pull request #2 from CybercentreCanada/Update_push_command Updating_push_command
v4.0.0.stable3: Fixed typing error
Concatenating a slice with a single index can cause type errors. Replaced the single index with a slice of lenth 1 so that the type is consistent.
v4.0.0.stable2: Merge pull request #1 from cccs-douglass/patch-1
Add build type switch to pipeline
Patch Dockerfile and service_manifest.yml for the new service version…
Tweak HTML script extractor and remove powershell backticks
Tweak HTML script extractor and remove powershell backticks
First commit for DeobfuScripter... This is basically the old crowbar …