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Product Deletion Utility

The product deletion utility is a tool for deleting product components installed through the Installation and Upgrade Framework (IUF). This utility is launched by prodmgr tool for performing delete operations. This utility internally uses DockerApi, NexusApi, craycli for performing actual deletion of different components of a product version.


The following arguments can be passed to `podman` when launching this container independently:

  --product-catalog-name PRODUCT_CATALOG_NAME
                        The name of the product catalog Kubernetes ConfigMap
  --product-catalog-namespace PRODUCT_CATALOG_NAMESPACE
                        The namespace of the product catalog Kubernetes
  --kube-config-src-file KUBE_CONFIG_SRC_FILE
                        The location of the kubernetes configuration file on
                        the host
  --kube-config-target-file KUBE_CONFIG_TARGET_FILE
                        The location where the kubernetes configuration file
                        should be mounted in the container
  --cert-src-dir CERT_SRC_DIR
                        The directory on the host containing trusted
  --cert-target-dir CERT_TARGET_DIR
                        The directory where trusted certificates should be
                        mounted in the container
  --container-registry-hostname CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME
                        The hostname of the container image registry
  --deletion-image-name DELETION_IMAGE_NAME
                        The full path and file name of the deletion image
  --deletion-image-version DELETION_IMAGE_VERSION
                        The version of the deletion image
  -d, --dry-run         Lists the components that would be deleted for the
                        provided product:version

The default values for these arguments are:

Argument                     Default Value
product-catalog-name         'cray-product-catalog'
product-catalog-namespace    'services'
kube-config-src-file         '/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf'
kube-config-target-file      '$HOME/.kube/config'
cert-src-dir                 '/var/lib/ca-certificates'
cert-target-dir              '/var/lib/ca-certificates'
container-registry-hostname  'registry.local'
deletion-image-name          ' product-deletion-utility'
deletion-image-version       '1.0.0-product-deletion-utility'
dry-run                      false


To launch the utility independently, pull the image on the system and follow the format from the example below -

podman run --rm --mount type=bind,src=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf,target=/root/.kube/config, ro=true --mount type=bind,src=/var/lib/ca-certificates,target=/var/lib/ca-certificates,ro=true --mount type=bind,src=/etc/cray/upgrade/csm/iuf/deletion,target=/etc/cray/upgrade/csm/iuf/deletion,ro=false delete cos 2.5.101

A dry-run option is also supported to simulate the deletion.

Note: Ensure that /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/iuf/deletion directory is created before launching.

Built With

  • Opensuse
  • Python 3
  • Python Requests
  • Docker
  • Git
  • Good intentions


Note that this container image requires the following dependencies:

  • craycli
  • git
  • bash
  • curl
  • jq
  • Various python packages as listed in REQUIREMENTS


When CONTRIBUTING, update the CHANGELOG with the new version and the change made.


See the CHANGELOG for changes. This file uses the Keep A Changelog format.

Copyright and License

This project is copyrighted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP and is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.