Based on First two columns merged to one.
The folder contains air-quality.csv and air-quality.conf.json for it.
Examples demonstrates how to take subset of all fields from csv file. Also ;
delimeter is used.
See next example to learn how to merge Date/Time
csv2influx --config air-quality.conf.json air-quality.csv
Based on (top 10 rows)
If you have date and time in separate fields in csv, like:
Date Of Stop,Time Of Stop, ...
08/28/2017,23:41:00, ...
You can merge fields Date Of Stop
and Time Of Stop
map to one time
So you can put "from": ["Date Of Stop", "Time Of Stop"],
to merge columns into one separated by space.
Also, you can merge any field or tag using template-string-like syntax.
Let's say you have a csv file with columns Latitude
and Longitude
, but in the you want to merge
these columns into one using format "${Latitude},${Longitude}"
// ...
"mapping": {
"time": {
// fields "Date of Stop" and "Time of Stop" will be concatenated to create timestamp
"from": ["Date Of Stop", "Time Of Stop"],
"type": "timestamp",
"format": "jsDate"
"fieldSchema": {
"coordinates": {
// fields "Latitude" and "Longitude" will be concatenated
// with "," delimiter to create "coordinates" field
"from": "${Latitude},${Longitude}", // see /src/template.js for more info
"type": "string"
"tagSchema": {
"agency": {
"from": "Agency",
"type": "*"
// ...
This example is based on github comment
csv2influx --config traffic-violations.conf.json traffic-violations.csv