Release notes are written in Dutch in asciidoc.
Contezza has made different libraries for personal purposes and also for the community, these can be found in the libs folder.
There is 1 demo-app (shell) available in this project.
Connection with Alfresco is set via proxy.conf.js and proxy-helpers.js. To connect with a specific Alfresco environment, set its url as value of
const ALFRESCO_URL = 'https://...';
in proxy-helpers.js.
This project can be build with the following commands
npm install
npm run start:demo-app
Or if you use VSCODE
- Terminal
- Run Task
- npm: start:demo-app
This will run a Default Alfresco-Content-App (ACA) with some libraries.
One of the most important Contezza libraries are the Javascript-Console & Node-browser in ADF
In the default ACA you'll see an extra menu-item with name Admin console
Similar to the share Javascript Console, but with extra:
- Dark theme
- Document browse mechanism
- Monaco editor
- Easy Save features
Similar to the share/repo nodebrowser, but with extra:
- Remembers last search
- If only a uuid has been pasted, the library will include the workspace spacestore before it