diff --git a/code/datums/diseases/legionvirus.dm b/code/datums/diseases/legionvirus.dm
index 22144a7b2a14..a6e1bdadcdd2 100644
--- a/code/datums/diseases/legionvirus.dm
+++ b/code/datums/diseases/legionvirus.dm
@@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
- name = "Soulus Saturation"
+/datum/disease/transformation/legionvirus //Diseases are a quick way to exposit a bunch of information onto players, most of the effects here are handled by the legion skull organ from /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/mining_mobs/hivelord.dm
+ name = "Legion Infection"
max_stages = 5
- cure_text = "System Cleaner"
- cures = list(/datum/reagent/medicine/system_cleaner)
- agent = "Soulus Dust"
+ cure_text = "Surgically removing the skull from the patient's chest; applications of spaceacillin or synaptizine can delay onset of the infection."
+ agent = "Legion skull"
viable_mobtypes = list(/mob/living/carbon/human)
visibility_flags = 0
- stage_prob = 5
- cure_chance = 20
- desc = "If left untreated, this disease will cause the infected to transform into a legion."
+ stage_prob = 0 // WOOOOOO SNOWFLAKE!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!
+ desc = "If left untreated, the skull will slowly overtake its host's body, eventually growing into a legion."
- disease_flags = CURABLE
+ disease_flags = NONE
+ visibility_flags = HIDDEN_PANDEMIC
bypasses_immunity = TRUE
- stage1 = list("Your joints itch.")
- stage2 = list("Your head begins to ache.")
- stage3 = list("Ash begins to flake off your skin.")
- stage4 = list("You feel like your head is splitting in two!")
- stage5 = list("You feel something growing inside your chest!")
+ stage1 = list(span_notice("You feel a dull pain in your chest."))
+ stage2 = list(span_notice("Your head begins to ache."))
+ stage3 = list(span_notice("Something moves underneath your skin."))
+ stage4 = list(span_warning("You feel something pressing against your skin!"))
+ stage5 = list(span_warning("Your skin begins to tear apart-!"))
new_form = /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion
- H.visible_message("[H] transforms into a legion!")
+ if(stage5)
+ to_chat(affected_mob, pick(stage5))
+ H.visible_message(span_warning("[H] suddenly collapses, a pallid grey mass bursting from their body!"))
if(HAS_TRAIT(H, TRAIT_DWARF)) //dwarf legions aren't just fluff!
L = new /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion/dwarf(H.loc)
@@ -32,4 +33,3 @@
L.stored_mob = H
- qdel(src)
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/mining_mobs/hivelord.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/mining_mobs/hivelord.dm
index 5158c80d056a..9ef26dc6997a 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/mining_mobs/hivelord.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/mining_mobs/hivelord.dm
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
attack_sound = 'sound/weapons/pierce.ogg'
throw_message = "is shrugged off by"
del_on_death = TRUE
- stat_attack = HARD_CRIT
+ stat_attack = SOFT_CRIT
robust_searching = 1
var/can_infest_dead = FALSE
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
. = ..()
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(death)), 50)
+ addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(death)), 5 SECONDS)
@@ -230,6 +230,8 @@
if(stat == DEAD || !isturf(loc))
for(var/mob/living/carbon/human/victim in range(src, 1)) //Only for corpse right next to/on same tile
+ if(istype(victim.getorganslot(ORGAN_SLOT_REGENERATIVE_CORE), /obj/item/organ/legion_skull)) // no double dipping
+ continue
@@ -239,21 +241,87 @@
return //This will qdelete the legion.
- visible_message("[name] burrows into the flesh of [H]!")
- var/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion/L
- if(HAS_TRAIT(H, TRAIT_DWARF)) //dwarf legions aren't just fluff!
- L = new /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion/dwarf(H.loc)
+ visible_message(span_warning("[name] burrows into the flesh of [H]!"))
+ if(H.stat != DEAD)
+ var/obj/item/organ/legion_skull/throwyouabone = new()
+ throwyouabone.Insert(H)
- L = new(H.loc)
- visible_message("[L] staggers to [L.p_their()] feet!")
- H.death()
- H.adjustBruteLoss(1000)
- L.stored_mob = H
- H.forceMove(L)
+ var/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion/L
+ if(HAS_TRAIT(H, TRAIT_DWARF)) //dwarf legions aren't just fluff!
+ L = new /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion/dwarf(H.loc)
+ else
+ L = new(H.loc)
+ visible_message(span_warning("[L] staggers to [L.p_their()] feet!"))
+ H.adjustBruteLoss(1000)
+ L.stored_mob = H
+ H.forceMove(L)
+ name = "legion skull"
+ desc = "The skull of a legion, likely torn from a soon-to-be host."
+ icon_state = "legion_skull"
+ grind_results = list(/datum/reagent/medicine/soulus = 2, /datum/reagent/blood = 5)
+ var/datum/disease/transformation/legionvirus/malignance
+ var/malignance_countdown = 5 MINUTES
+ var/malignance_tracker
+ ..()
+ to_chat(finder, span_warning("You found a skull-shaped growth in [owner]'s [zone]!"))
+/obj/item/organ/legion_skull/Insert(mob/living/carbon/M, special = 0)
+ ..()
+ malignance = new()
+ malignance.infect(M, FALSE) //we handle all the fancy virus stuff in the organ, so we need a reference for it
+ malignance_tracker = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(update_stage)), malignance_countdown, TIMER_STOPPABLE|TIMER_DELETE_ME)
+ M.heal_overall_bleeding(12) //stop dying so fast
+/obj/item/organ/legion_skull/Remove(mob/living/carbon/M, special = 0)
+ malignance_countdown = initial(malignance_countdown)
+ deltimer(malignance_tracker)
+ malignance_tracker = null
+ malignance.cure()
+ ..()
+ . = ..()
+ skull_check()
+ . = ..()
+ skull_check()
+/// track our timers and reagents
+ if(!malignance)
+ malignance = new()
+ malignance.infect(owner, FALSE)
+ if(owner.reagents.has_reagent(/datum/reagent/medicine/synaptizine, needs_metabolizing = TRUE) || owner.reagents.has_reagent(/datum/reagent/medicine/spaceacillin, needs_metabolizing = TRUE))
+ if(isnull(timeleft(malignance_tracker))) //ruhehehehehe
+ malignance_countdown = min(malignance_countdown + 1 SECONDS, initial(malignance_countdown)) //slightly improve our resistance to dying so we don't turn the second a treatment runs out
+ return
+ malignance_countdown = timeleft(malignance_tracker) //pause our timer if we have the reagents
+ deltimer(malignance_tracker)
+ malignance_tracker = null //you would think deltimer would do this but it actually doesn't track a direct reference!
+ return
+ if(!malignance_tracker)
+ malignance_tracker = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(update_stage)), malignance_countdown, TIMER_STOPPABLE|TIMER_DELETE_ME) //and resume if we run out
+/// Updates the stage of our tied disease
+ malignance.update_stage(min(malignance.stage + 1, malignance.max_stages))
+ if(malignance.stage == 5)
+ malignance.stage_act() //force the transformation here, then delete everything
+ qdel(malignance)
+ qdel(src)
+ return
+ malignance_countdown = initial(malignance_countdown)
+ malignance_tracker = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(update_stage)), malignance_countdown, TIMER_STOPPABLE|TIMER_DELETE_ME)
//Advanced Legion is slightly tougher to kill and can raise corpses (revive other legions)
name = "Signifer"
diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/medicine_reagents.dm b/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/medicine_reagents.dm
index 4c4ad36b2413..3c601be243af 100644
--- a/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/medicine_reagents.dm
+++ b/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/medicine_reagents.dm
@@ -1963,7 +1963,10 @@
- M.ForceContractDisease(new /datum/disease/transformation/legionvirus(), FALSE, TRUE)
+ var/mob/living/carbon/C = M
+ if(!istype(C.getorganslot(ORGAN_SLOT_REGENERATIVE_CORE), /obj/item/organ/legion_skull))
+ var/obj/item/organ/legion_skull/spare_ribs = new()
+ spare_ribs.Insert(M)
diff --git a/icons/obj/surgery.dmi b/icons/obj/surgery.dmi
index 8f2566a98f8a..816d3671a8d9 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/surgery.dmi and b/icons/obj/surgery.dmi differ