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- MUST NOT involved in any terms of fights and insulting activity that may lead giving bad images of conquerOS Team to the Android Community.
- MUST NOT hide used trees atleast for Core developers, and Project Manager.
- MUST NOT inlcude Package Remover.
- MUST NOT include andy modification on the ROM Source.
- MUST NOT include any 3rd party apps. Such as Gallery, Media Player, etc.
- MUST NOT include any audio mods.
- MUST NOT include root on the build package.
- MUST NOT leak, spoiling any private source that used in Official builds.
- MUST NOT override stock fingerprint as we already came with PixelPropUtils.
- MUST NOT Ignore neverallows and release permissive build on a stable release.
- MUST include proper proprietary-files on the device tree.
- MUST attach the soucre of blobs inside proprietary-files on the device tree to avoid confusion.
- MUST provide easy to understand device side changelog in every updates.
- Redmi Note 7 Pro ships Audio mods to fix Audio problems