diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index fb04b42e4..b3afe507c 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ image: ## Build the operator image. images: image bundle-image ## Build operator and bundle images. .PHONY: images-extra -images-extra: openscap-image e2e-content-images ## Build the openscap and test content images. +images-extra: openscap-image build-e2e-content-images ## Build the openscap and test content images. .PHONY: build build: generate fmt vet test-unit ## Build the operator binary. @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ catalog-push: ## Push a catalog image. ##@ Testing .PHONY: test-unit -test-unit: fmt ## Run the unit tests +test-unit: fmt ## Run the unit tests locally. ifndef JUNITFILE @$(GO) test $(TEST_OPTIONS) $(PKGS) else @@ -554,16 +554,16 @@ else endif .PHONY: test-benchmark -test-benchmark: ## Run the benchmark tests -- Note that this can only be ran for one package. You can set $BENCHMARK_PKG for this. cpu.prof and mem.prof will be generated +test-benchmark: ## Run the benchmark tests against a single package using $BENCHMARK_PKG. CPU and memory output will be in cpu.prof and mem.prof files, respectively. @$(GO) test -cpuprofile cpu.prof -memprofile mem.prof -bench . $(TEST_OPTIONS) $(BENCHMARK_PKG) @echo "The pprof files generated are: cpu.prof and mem.prof" .PHONY: e2e -e2e: e2e-set-image prep-e2e +e2e: e2e-set-image prep-e2e ## Run end-to-end tests against a deployed operator. @CONTENT_IMAGE=$(E2E_CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH) BROKEN_CONTENT_IMAGE=$(E2E_BROKEN_CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH) $(GO) test ./tests/e2e $(E2E_GO_TEST_FLAGS) -args $(E2E_ARGS) .PHONY: prep-e2e -prep-e2e: kustomize +prep-e2e: kustomize ## Build kustomize resources and deploy the operator. rm -rf $(TEST_SETUP_DIR) mkdir -p $(TEST_SETUP_DIR) $(KUSTOMIZE) build config/no-ns | sed -e 's%$(DEFAULT_OPERATOR_IMAGE)%$(OPERATOR_IMAGE)%' -e 's%$(DEFAULT_CONTENT_IMAGE)%$(E2E_CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH)%' -e 's%$(DEFAULT_OPENSCAP_IMAGE)%$(OPENSCAP_IMAGE)%' > $(TEST_DEPLOY) @@ -579,10 +579,10 @@ e2e-set-image: kustomize endif .PHONY: e2e-cluster -e2e-cluster: image-to-cluster e2e ## Builds and pushes the operator and openscap images to the cluster registry, and starts an e2e test suite against the cluster images. +e2e-cluster: image-to-cluster e2e ## Builds and pushes the operator and openscap images to the cluster registry, and starts an e2e test suite against the cluster images. .PHONY: image-to-cluster -image-to-cluster: image openscap-image namespace openshift-user ## Builds and pushes the operator and openscap images to the cluster registry. +image-to-cluster: image openscap-image namespace openshift-user ## Builds and pushes the operator and openscap images to the cluster registry. @echo "Temporarily exposing the default route to the image registry" @oc patch configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge @echo "Pushing image $(OPERATOR_IMAGE) to the image registry" @@ -596,20 +596,24 @@ image-to-cluster: image openscap-image namespace openshift-user ## Builds and p $(eval IMG = image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/$(APP_NAME):$(TAG)) $(eval OPENSCAP_IMAGE = image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/$(OPENSCAP_NAME):$(OPENSCAP_TAG)) -.PHONY: e2e-content-images -e2e-content-images: ## Build the e2e-content-image +.PHONY: build-e2e-content-images +build-e2e-content-images: ## Build content image for end-to-end testing. RUNTIME=$(RUNTIME) images/testcontent/broken-content.sh build ${E2E_BROKEN_CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH} -.PHONY: push-e2e-content -push-e2e-content: e2e-content-images ## Build and push the e2e-content-images +.PHONY: push-e2e-content-images +push-e2e-content-images: build-e2e-content-images ##Push the content image for end-to-end testing to an image repository. RUNTIME=$(RUNTIME) images/testcontent/broken-content.sh push ${E2E_BROKEN_CONTENT_IMAGE_PATH} -.PHONY: must-gather-image -must-gather-image: ## Build the must-gather image +.PHONY: build-must-gather-image +build-must-gather-image: ## Build the must-gather image. $(RUNTIME) build -t $(MUST_GATHER_IMAGE_PATH):$(MUST_GATHER_IMAGE_TAG) -f images/must-gather/Dockerfile . +.PHONY: push-must-gather-image +push-must-gather-image: ## Push the must-gather image to an image repository (default: quay.io/compliance-operator/must-gather). + $(RUNTIME) push ${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE_PATH}:${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE_TAG} + .PHONY: must-gather -must-gather: must-gather-image must-gather-push ## Build and push the must-gather image +must-gather: must-gather-image must-gather-push ## Build the must-gather image and push it to an image repository (default: quay.io/compliance-operator/must-gather). ##@ Release