These helper methods are available on a property's single template page. (single-estate.php
If you want to show the minimum and maximum living area of a project with multiple units. This will return the smallest living area of all of its units, and the largest living area of all of its units.
// $iso = e.g. en_GB, fr_FR, ...
Example request:
Example response:
'min' => '50m²',
'max' => '250m²'
If you want to show the minimum and maximum plot area of a project with multiple units. This will return the smallest plot area of all of its units, and the largest plot area of all of its units.
// $iso = e.g. en_GB, fr_FR, ...
Example request:
Example response:
'min' => '50m²',
'max' => '250m²'
If you want to show the minimum and maximum price of a project with multiple units. This will return the lowest price of all of its units, and the highest price of all of its units.
// $iso = e.g. en_GB, fr_FR, ...
WP_SweepBright_Query::min_max_price($iso = false, $project_id = false);
Example request:
WP_SweepBright_Query::min_max_price('nl_BE', false);
Example response:
'min' => '150,000',
'max' => '200,000'
If you want to show the minimum and maximum price of a project with multiple units. This will return the lowest price of all of its units, and the highest price of all of its units.
// $unit = e.g. sq_ft, sq_m, are, acre, ...
Example request:
Example response:
// If the unit is set to e.g. sq_m in SweepBright
Method to format numbers based on an ISO code.
// $iso = e.g. en_GB, fr_FR, ...
WP_SweepBright_Query::format_number($number, $iso);
Example request:
WP_SweepBright_Query::format_number(get_field('price')['amount'], 'en_GB');
Example response:
// If the price is set to e.g. 350000 in SweepBright
Method to format the price with its currency included.
// $iso = e.g. en_GB, fr_FR, ...
Example request:
Example response:
// If the price is set to e.g. 350000 in SweepBright
Useful when you need to perform a WordPress specific task.
// $id = SweepBright ID of a property e.g. '000-000-000', ...
Example request:
Example response:
// Example post ID