Client ID
SweepBright client ID
Client Secret
SweepBright client secret
Max results per page
The maximum results you want to display per page (e.g. the overview page with all of the properties).
This variable is automatically applied to the list()
Returns: array
Most recent estates
This is useful for showing a limited list of recent properties (e.g. on the homepage).
Returns: integer
'recent' => WP_SweepBright_Helpers::settings_form()['max_per_page']
Returns: array
You can read more about retrieving data here.
You can create Google reCaptcha credentials in the v3 Admin Console.
Site key
reCaptcha site key
Secret key
reCaptcha secret key
Set a custom permalink for your properties. When having the URL set to e.g. /estates
the URL of a property would look like this in the browser:
SweepBright supports multiple languages: english, french and dutch. This means that a property can have their title and description translated in those languages within SweepBright.
Setting the default language only affects the default language of the title being shown in the back-end of the plugin, otherwise this does not affect the language of the website in any way. So you're free to implement multilanguage functionality however you want.
To ensure maximum compatibility and performance we only support the most recent API version. But if you really have to, you can rollback to an older version of the SweepBright API. We do not recommend this however. It's best to leave this setting as is.