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Message Machines by Example


A machine, defined by a specification, consumes messages and emits messages. (Actually, a machine can perform any actions, but a machine that only emits messages is much nicer to comtemplate.)

This document attempts to describe machines using examples and narratives. See the README a more formal description. In particular, this section semi-formally specifies what a machine is, the this section describes machine behavior. You can use the demo program mcrew to experiment.

Example 1: Simple reponse to an incoming messaging


Let's start with a very simple example. The following machine specification, which here is represented in YAML, emits a simple message in reponse to a simple message.

patternsyntax: json
      type: message
      - pattern: |-
        target: deliver
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        _.out({send: _.bindings["?wanted"]});
		delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: start

Note that a specification could be rendered to and parsed from just about any reasonable syntax. Or better yet in some sitations, presented and manipulated by (other) user interfaces.

Here's an annotated version of that specification. Don't worry about the labels yet. We'll discuss each component below.

This machine has two nodes: start and deliver. When the machine is created, it begins at the start node (by default).

The start node has message-based branching (per type: message), which means that a pending message, if any, is required for these branches to be considered. With message-based branching, the machine will not advance if there is no pending message. If there is a pending message, then that message is matched against each branch's pattern in the order.

For this node, there is only one branch, and it has the pattern {"wants":"?wanted"}. In this YAML specification, the pattern is actually a string, but the specification has set patternsyntax to "json". That setting means that the string is parsed as JSON. The pattern language itself is the same as Rulio's. The target for this branch is deliver, which is the name of the only other node in the specification.

If the pending message matches the pattern, the machine transitions to that target node with bindings that are extended by the result of the pattern matching. A machine's current state includes the name of the current node and the current set of bindings. When a machine performs pattern matching, the machine's current bindings are used to populate any variables in the pattern before the matching attempt.

If the pending message doesn't match the pattern, there are no other branches to consider, and the processing stops. The pending message is still consumed in the sense that it's not held for future consideration.

Say the pending message is {"wants":"tacos"}. When the machine starts, there are no bindings, so the pattern {"wants":"?wanted"} will match the pending message. The result is a set of bindings {"?wanted":"tacos"}. (Actually the result is a set of exactly one set of bindings.) The machine then transitions to the deliver node with those bindings, which extended the previous empty bindings.

So the current state of the machine can be represented as a pair: node name and bindings.

<"deliver", {"?wanted":"tacos"}>

The deliver node has an action. This action will be executed by the interpreter named ecmascript per the intepreter: ecmascript property. This interpreter is based on Goja. The ECMAscript runtime is populated with an object at _, which has two important properties:

  1. _.out(x): A function adds the given argument to the list of messages that the action will emit (if action execution does not result in an error). This function does not block.
  2. _.bindings: The current set of bindings.

The value of _ also has some additional properties:

  1. _.randstr(): A function that generates an random string (not a symbol!).
  2. _.log(x): A function to emit a log message.
  3. _.match(pattern, message, bindings): Utility to invoke pattern matching.

Note that no I/O is possible in one of these ECMAscript actions. More generally, a ECMAscript action cannot block.

As a developer, you can write or provide your own interpreter. For example, you could write an interpreter using Lua, Bash, Otto, OCaml, or whatever. An action interpreter is really a compiler and execution function, so your thing can (pre)compile actions that are then executed many times later.

Back to our example specification!

The "deliver" node's ECMAscript action is

_.out({send: _.bindings["?wanted"]});
delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
return _.bindings;

The first line ends up queuing the message {"send":"tacos"}.

The second line returns a set of bindings that results from removing the binding for "?wanted" from the current bindings. In this case, the result is the empty set of bindings.

All actions return bindings that replace the machine's current set of bindings. This behavior gives actions total control over a machine's bindings.

If an action completes with out an error, all messages given to _.out() are queued for processing. (See the documentation TBD for message processing.) This approach means that an action that "sends" -- say -- three messages and then hits an error will actually end up not emitting any messages at all. Message output from an action is atomic.

After the action is executed (and we'll assume without error), the node's branches are considered.

The deliver node has bindings-based branching because the branches type defaults to "bindings". With bindings-based branching, branch patterns are matched against the machine's current bindings. No pending message (if any) is considered with bindings-based branching. So the machine can automatically process this node's branche(s).

Incidentally, a node with an action must have message-based branching. Otherwise, processing could leave a machine in an intermediate state between the action execution and branch evaluation. This limitation could probably be removed, but the cost appears to be substantial (in terms of complexity).

The node has only one branch, and that branch has no pattern. The target of the branch is "start"; therefore, the machine transitions to the "start" node.

At this point, the machine's state is

<"deliver", {}>

The set of current bindings is empty because the action removed the only binding (for "?wanted") that we got during branch pattern matching at the previous time we moved throught the "start" node.

If there is no pending message, the machine stops because the "start" node has message-based branching.


A few highlights:

  1. A node either has message- or bindings-based branching.
  2. A node with an action must have bindings-based branching.
  3. The standard ECMAscript actions cannot perform I/O or otherwise block.
  4. Actions can queue messages.
  5. An actions returns a set of bindings that replace the machine's current bindings.
  6. Branches are evaluated in order.

Example 2: A guard

In this example, we'll modify the specification above to make it respond in a way that depends on a computed property. There are several ways to accomplish that task. For this example, we'll use a guard on a branch to do what we want.

This specification responses to messages like


If the requested count is unreasonable, the machine will ignore the request. Otherwise, the machine will emit a message calling for delivery of what was requested.

patternsyntax: json
      type: message
      - pattern: |-
          {"wants":"?wanted", "count":"?n"}
        target: consider
      - guard:
          interpreter: ecmascript
          source: |-
            var bs = _.bindings;
            if (3 < _.bindings["?n"]) { bs = null; }
            return bs;
        target: deliver
      - target: ignore
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        _.out({send: _.bindings["?wanted"], count: _.bindings["?n"]});
		delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
		delete _.bindings["?n"];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: start
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
		delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
		delete _.bindings["?n"];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: start

This specification has four nodes. The consider node has two branches, and the first branch has a guard. This guard looks like an action. (And it can act like an action; however, it probably shouldn't call _.out(). A future iteration of the codebase limit guards more appropriately.) If a branch has a guard, then that guard is evaluated to see if the machine should transition to the branch's target. If the guard returns a non-null set of bindings, those bindings replace the current bindings, and the machine transitions to the target node. Otherwise, the branch is not followed, and the next ranch is considered.

The second branch in the consider node has no pattern (and no guard), so it will always work if processing gets to that branch. The target is the ignore node, whose main job is to clean up the current bindings and return the machine to the start node.

In this example, we clean up bindings twice and in the same manner:

delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
delete _.bindings["?n"];
return _.bindings;

In both cases, we just head back to start.

We could rewrite the specification to have a single clean-up node (called "reset" instead of "ignore"):

patternsyntax: json
      type: message
      - pattern: |-
          {"wants":"?wanted", "count":"?n"}
        target: consider
      - guard:
          interpreter: ecmascript
          source: |-
            var bs = _.bindings;
            if (3 < _.bindings["?n"]) { bs = null; }
            return bs;
        target: deliver
      - target: reset
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        _.out({send: _.bindings["?wanted"], count: _.bindings["?n"]});
        return _.bindings;
      - target: reset
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
		delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
		delete _.bindings["?n"];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: start

Since an action has full control over the next set of bindings, we could rewrite the specification to use an action instead of a guard. Here is one variation on that theme:

patternsyntax: json
      type: message
      - pattern: |-
          {"wants":"?wanted", "count":"?n"}
        target: consider
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        if (3 >= _.bindings["?n"]) { 
           _.out({send: _.bindings["?wanted"], count: _.bindings["?n"]});
		delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
		delete _.bindings["?n"];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: start

This the example above, the action conditionally emits (so to speak) a message.

Alternately, we could have the action just return bindings that reflect the condition evaluation:

patternsyntax: json
      type: message
      - pattern: |-
          {"wants":"?wanted", "count":"?n"}
        target: consider
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        return _.bindings.Extend("allowed": _.bindings["?n"] < 3);
      - pattern: |-
        target: deliver
      - target: reset
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        _.out({send: _.bindings["?wanted"], count: _.bindings["?n"]});
        return _.bindings;
      - target: reset
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
		delete _.bindings["?wanted"];
		delete _.bindings["?n"];
		delete _.bindings["allowed"];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: start

Incidentally: note that the property "allowed" isn't "?allowed". Allowed isn't a logic variable that pattern matching cares about. We could have used "?allowed", but then we'd need to make sure that any pattern with that variable in it should really be replaced by that binding.

Example 3: Machine parameters

In example 2, we had a hard-coded constant for the maximum number of items that we'd send. We can make that value a parameter by referencing the binding for "max". (Note that we'll bind "max" and not "?max", which makes it easier to reference the binding in Javascript while keeping the binding away from pattern matching. We could use "?max" if we wanted to.

Only one line changes: The conditional in the consider node.q

      - guard:
          interpreter: ecmascript
          source: |-
            var bs = _.bindings;
            if (_.bindings.max < _.bindings["?n"]) { bs = null; }
            return bs;
        target: deliver
      - target: reset

Whent the machine with this specification is created, an initial set of bindings is created. That initial set of bindings constitutes the machine's parameters. To make parameter requirements explicity, we can add the following to the top of specification:

    doc: The maximum number of items we'll tolerate.
    primitiveType: int

Incidentally, you can add doc strings freely as above. Of course, you can also use YAML comments (stuff after a #).

Example 4: HTTP requests and timers

So how does a machine actually get anything done in the real world?

As it stands, a machine can only consume and emit messages. When using the ECMAScript interpreter, actions are non-blocking and can't do I/O. So how to make -- say -- an HTTP request and get back a response?

The short answer: The process that hosts the machine needs to see to it that certain messages that rerepresent HTTP requests result in HTTP requests, with the responses return as messages submitted to the machine.

For exampe, the demo process cmd/mcrew includes internal services to support timers and HTTP requests. Alternatively, a process might delegate this functionality to external services such as a pool of HTTP requester or Elasticron. Other possibilities, too, of course -- with interesting trade-offs and possible combinations. For example, perhaps there is an efficient but slightly less robust internal HTTP and timer services, which are used when requests are marked with a qualityOfService: "internal" property. Much more to say on this topic.


The cmd/mcrew process has an internal service that responds to messages like

{"makeTimer":{"in": "2s", "id": "chips", "message": {"likes":"queso"}}}

When triggered, that process will send the message {"likes":"queso"} all the machines in the crew. (Fancier routing is possible; see Routing below.)

Here's an example use using the mcrew TCP API:

cat<<EOF | nc localhost 8081
# Make a machine with the "double" specification.
# Send a message that will run the "double" machine.

Each line is input to mcrew. These lines are not messages to a machine or crew. Instead, they are messages to the container of a crew (and, in the case of the sleep line, to an input processor in front of that container).

HTTP requests

The cmd/mcrew program has an internal service that processes messages that are HTTP requests. For an example use, here's an excerpt of specification that shows a real use of that HTTP service:

      doc: Get the session cookie via login.
      interpreter: ecmascript
      source: |-
        var r = {}; = "requestSession";
        r.url = "";
        r.headers = {};
        r.headers["Accept"] = ["application/json"];
        r.headers["X-login"] = [_.bindings.login];
        r.headers["X-password"] = [_.bindings.password];
        r.headers["X-AppKey"] = [_.bindings.appkey];
        return _.bindings;
      - target: listenForCookie
      type: message
      - pattern: {"from":"http","headers":{"Set-Cookie":"?cookie"}}
        target: getCookie
      - target: failed

Actual documentation TBD for this demo http machine, but the above patterns give you an idea of the structures of the request and response messages.

Example 5: Message routing

A crew container can provide arbitrary message routing. For example, when mcrew receives a message that contains "to":"turnstile", then the container will send that message only to a machine with id "turnstile" (if such a machine exists in the crew). Using this behavior, a sender can send a message to a specified machine. By default, a message submitted to a crew is forwarded to all machines in the crew.

Fancier routing can be very interesting. A container could route certain messages to external services based on properties of those messages. For example, a timer request with a certain quality of service designator might get routed to an external, robust timer service. Other timer requests could be routed to a local, native timer machine.

ToDo: Say more.