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880 lines (590 loc) · 33.1 KB

File metadata and controls

880 lines (590 loc) · 33.1 KB
  • help(), ?, and system.file() are now made available when a pacakge is loaded with load_all(), even if the devtools package isn't attached.

  • dependencies = TRUE is not forced anymore in install_github() (regression in 1.5) (@krlmlr, #462).

devtools 1.5

Four new functions make it easier to add useful infrastructure to packages:

  • add_test_infrastructure() will create test infrastructure for a new package. It is called automatically from test() if no test directories are found, the session is interactive and you agree.

  • add_rstudio_project() adds an Rstudio project file to your package. create() gains an rstudio argument which will automatically create an Rstudio project in the package directory. It defaults to TRUE: if you don't use Rstudio, just delete the file.

  • add_travis() adds a basic travis template to your package. .travis.yml is automatically added to .Rbuildignore to avoid including it in the built package.

  • add_build_ignore() makes it easy to add files to .Rbuildignore, correctly escaping special characters

Two dependencies were incremented:

  • devtools requires at least R version 3.0.2.

  • document() requires at least roxygen2 version 3.0.0.

Minor improvements

  • build_win() now builds R-release and R-devel by default (@krlmlr, #438). It also gains parameter args, which is passed on to build() (@krlmlr, #421).

  • check_doc() now runs document() automatically.

  • install() gains thread argument which allows you to install multiple packages in parallel (@mllg, #401). threads argument to check_cran() now defaults to getOption("Ncpus")

  • install_deps(deps = T) no longer installs all dependencies of dependencies (#369).

  • install_github() now prefers personal access tokens supplied to auth_token rather than passwords (#418, @jeroenooms).

  • install_github() now defaults to dependencies = TRUE so you definitely get all the packages you need to build from source.

  • devtools supplies its own version of system.file() so that when the function is called from the R console, it will have special behavior for packages loaded with devtools.

  • devtools supplies its own version of help and ?, which will search devtools-loaded packages as well as normally-loaded packages.

Bug fixes

  • check_devtools() no longer called by check() because the relevant functionality is now included in R CMD CHECK and it was causing false positives (#446).

  • install_deps(TRUE) now includes packages listed in VignetteBuilder (#396)

  • build() no longer checks for pdflatex when building vignettes, as many modern vignettes don't need it (#398). It also uses --no-build-vignettes for >3.0.0 compatibility (#391).

  • release() does a better job of opening your email client if you're inside of Rstudio (#433).

  • check() now correctly reports the location of the R CMD check output when called with a custom check_dir. (Thanks to @brentonk)

  • check_cran() records check times for each package tested.

  • Improved default DESCRIPTION file created by create_description(). (Thanks to @ncarchedi, #428)

  • Fixed bug in install_github() that prevented installing a pull request by supplying repo = "username/repo#pull". (#388)

  • explicitly specify user agent when querying user name and ref for pull request in install_github. (Thanks to Kirill Müller, #405)

  • install_github() now removes blank lines found in a package DESCRIPTION file, protecting users from the vague error: contains a blank line error. (#394)

  • with_options() now works, instead of throwing an error (Thanks to @krlmlr, #434)

devtools 1.4.1

  • Fixed bug in wd() when path was ommitted. (#374)

  • Fixed bug in dev_help() that prevented it from working when not using Rstudio.

  • source_gist() respects new github policy by sending user agent (hadley/devtools)

  • install_github() now takes repo names of the form [username/]repo[/subdir][@ref|#pull] - this is now the recommended form to specify username, subdir, ref and/or pull for install_github. (Thanks to Kirill Müller, #376)

devtools 1.4

Installation improvements

  • install() now respects the global option keep.source.pkgs.

  • install() gains a build_vignettes which defaults to TRUE, and ensures that vignettes are built even when doing a local install. It does this by forcing local = FALSE if the package has vignettes, so R CMD build can follow the usual process. (#344)

  • install_github() now takes repo names of the form username/repo - this is now the recommended form for install_github if your username is not hadley ;)

  • install_github() now adds details on the source of the installed package (e.g. repository, SHA1, etc.) to the package DESCRIPTION file. (Thanks to JJ Allaire)

  • Adjusted install_version() to new meta data structure on CRAN. (Thanks to Kornelius Rohmeyer)

  • Fixed bug so that install_version() works with version numbers that contain hyphens. (Thanks to Kornelius Rohmeyer)

  • install_deps() is now exported, making it easier to install the dependencies of a package.

Other minor improvements

  • build(binary = TRUE) now no longer installs the package as a side-effect. (#335)

  • build_github_devtools() is a new function which makes it easy for Windows users to upgrade to the development version of devtools.

  • create_description() does a better job of combining defaults and user specified options. (#332)

  • install() also installs the dependencies that do not have the required versions; besides, the argument dependencies now works like install.packages() (in previous versions, it was essentially c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")) (thanks, Yihui Xie, #355)

  • check() and check_cran() gain new check_dir argument to control where checking takes place (#337)

  • check_devtools() no longer incorrectly complains about a vignettes/ directory

  • Decompression of zip files now respects getOption("unzip") (#326)

  • dev_help will now use the Rstudio help pane, if you're using a recent version of Rstudio (#322)

  • Release is now a little bit smarter: if it's a new package, it'll ask you to read and agree to the CRAN policies; it will only ask about dependencies if it has any.

  • source_url() (and source_gist()) accept SHA1 prefixes.

  • source_gist() uses the github api to reliably locate the raw gist. Additionally it now only attempts to source files with .R or .r extensions, and gains a quiet argument. (#348)

  • Safer installation of source packages, which were previously extracted directly into the temp directory; this could be a problem if directory names collide. Instead, source packages are now extracted into unique subdirectories.

devtools 1.3

Changes to best practices

  • The documentation for many devtools functions has been considerably expanded, aiming to give the novice package developer more hints about what they should be doing and why.

  • load_all() now defaults to reset = TRUE so that changes to the NAMESPACE etc are incorporated. This makes it slightly slower (but hopefully not noticeably so), and generally more accurate, and a better simulation of the install + restart + reload cycle.

  • test() now looks in both inst/test and tests/testthat for unit tests. It is recommended to use tests/testthat because it allows users to choose whether or not to install test. If you move your tests from inst/tests to tests/testthat, you'll also need to change tests/test-all.R to run test_check() instead of test_package(). This change requires testthat 0.8 which will be available on CRAN shortly.

  • New devtools guarantee: if because of a devtools bug, a CRAN maintainer yells at you, I'll send you a hand-written apology note. Just forward me the email and your address.

New features

  • New install_local() function for installing local package files (as zip, tar, tgz, etc.) (Suggested by landroni)

  • parse_deps(), which parses R's package dependency strings, is now exported.

  • All package and user events (e.g. load, unload, attach and detach) are now called in the correct place.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • build() gains args parameter allowing you to add additional arbitrary arguments, and check() gains similar build_args parameter.

  • install_git gains git_arg parameter allowing you to add arbitrary additional arguments.

  • Files are now loaded in a way that preserves srcreferences - this means that you will get much better locations on error messages, which should considerably aid debugging.

  • Fixed bug in build_vignettes() which prevented files in inst/doc from being updated

  • as.package() no longer uses the full path, which should make for nicer error messages.

  • More flexibility when installing package dependencies with the dependencies argument to install_*() (thanks to Martin Studer)

  • The deprecated show_rd() function has now been removed.

  • install_bitbucket() gains auth_user and password params so that you can install from private repos (thanks to Brian Bolt)

  • Better git detection on windows (thanks to Mikhail Titov)

  • Fix bug so that document() will automatically create man/ directory

  • Default DESCRIPTION gains LazyData: true

  • create_description() now checks that the directory is probably a package by looking for R/, data/ or src/ directories

  • Rolled back required R version from 3.0 to 2.15.

  • Add missing import for digest()

  • Bump max compatible version of R with RTools 3.0, and add details for RTools 3.1

devtools 1.2

Better installation

  • install gains a local option for installing the package from the local package directory, rather than from a built tar.gz. This is now used by default for all package installations. If you want to guarantee a clean build, run local = FALSE

  • install now uses option devtools.install.args for default installation arguments. This allows you to set any useful defaults (e.g. --no-multiarch) in your Rprofile.

  • install_git gains branch argument to specify branch or tag (Fixes #255)

Clean sessions

  • run_examples and test gain a fresh argument which forces them to run in a fresh R session. This completely insulates the examples/tests from your current session but means that interactive code (like browser()) won't work.(Fixes #258)

  • New functions eval_clean and evalq_clean make it easy to evaluate code in a clean R session.

  • clean_source loses the vanilla argument (which did not work) and gains a quiet argument

New features

  • source_url and source_gist now allow you to specify a sha, so you can make sure that files you source from the internet don't change without you knowing about it. (Fixes #259)

  • build_vignettes builds using buildVignette() and movies/copies outputs using the same algorithm as R CMD build. This means that build_vignettes() now exactly mimics R's regular behaviour, including building non-Sweave vignettes (#277), building in the correct directory (#231), using make files (if present), and copying over extra files.

  • devtools now sets best practice compiler flags: from check(), -Wall -pedantic and from load_all(), -Wall -pedantic -g -O0 -UNDEBUG. These are prefixed to existing environment variables so that you can override them if desired. (Fixes #257)

  • If there's no DESCRIPTION file present, load_all() will automatically create one using create_description(). You can set options in your .Rprofile to control what it contains: see package?devtools for more details.

Minor improvements

  • check() now also sets environment variable _R_CHECK_CODE_DATA_INTO_GLOBALENV_ to TRUE (to match current --as-cran behaviour) (Fixes #256)

  • Improved default email sent by release(), eliminating boilerplate

  • revdep includes LinkingTo by default.

  • Fixed regular expression problem that caused RTools 3.0.* to fail to be found on Windows.

  • load_data() got an overhaul and now respects LazyData and correctly exports datasets by default (Fixes #242)

  • with_envvar gains the option to either replace, prefix or suffix existing environmental variables. The default is to replace, which was the previous behaviour.

  • check_cran includes sessionInfo() in the summary output (Fixes #273)

  • create() gains a check argument which defaults to FALSE.

  • with_env will be deprecated in 1.2 and removed in 1.3

  • When load_all() calls .onAttach() and .onLoad(), it now passes the lib path to those functions.

devtools 1.1

  • source_gist() has been updated to accept new gist URLs with username. (Fixes #247)

  • test() and document() now set environment variables, including NOT_CRAN.

  • Test packages have been renamed to avoid conflicts with existing packages on CRAN. This bug prevented devtools 1.0 from passing check on CRAN for some platforms.

  • Catch additional case in find_rtools(): previously installed, but directory empty/deleted (Fixes #241)

devtools 1.0

Improvements to package loading

  • Rcpp attributes are now automatically compiled during build.

  • Packages listed in depends are require()d (Fixes #161, #178, #192)

  • load_all inserts a special version of system.file into the package's imports environment. This tries to simulate the behavior of base::system.file but gives modified results because the directory structure of installed packages and uninstalled source packages is different. (Fixes #179). In other words, system.file should now just work even if the package is loaded with devtools.

  • Source files are only recompiled if they've changed since the last run, and the recompile will be clean (--preclean) if any exported header files have changed. (Closes #224)

  • The compilation process now performs a mock install instead of using R CMD SHLIB. This means that Makevars and makefiles will now be respected and generally there should be fewer mismatches between load_all and the regular install and reload process.

  • S4 classes are correctly loaded and unloaded.


  • Rtools detection on windows has been substantially overhauled and should both be more reliable, and when it fails give more information about what is wrong with your install.

  • If you don't have rtools installed, devtools now automatically sets the TAR environment variable to internal so you can still build packages.

Minor features

  • check_cran now downloads packages from

  • check() now makes the CRAN version check optional, and off by default. The release() function still checks the version number against CRAN.

  • In check(), it is optional to require suggested packages, using the force_suggests option.

  • When check() is called, the new default behavior is to not delete existing .Rd files from man/. This behavior can be set with the "devtools.cleandoc" option.

  • install_bitbucket() now always uses lowercase repo names. (Thanks to mnel)

  • New function with_lib(), which runs an expression code with a library path prepended to the existing libpaths. It differs slightly from with_libpaths(), which replaces the existing libpaths.

  • New function install_git() installs a package directly from a git repository. (Thanks to David Coallier)

  • If pdflatex isn't available, don't try to build vignettes with install() or check(). (Fixes #173)

  • install_github() now downloads from a new URL, to reflect changes on how files are hosted on GitHub.

  • build() now has a vignettes option to turn off rebuilding vignettes.

  • install(quick=TRUE) now builds the package without rebuilding vignettes. (Fixes #167)

  • All R commands called from devtools now have the environment variable NOT_CRAN set, so that you can perform tasks when you know your code is definitely not running on CRAN. (Closes #227)

  • Most devtools functions can a quiet argument that suppresses output. This is particularly useful for testing.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed path issue when looking for Rtools on windows when registry entry is not present. (Fixes #201)

  • Reloading a package that requires a forced-unload of the namespace now works.

  • When reloading a package that another loaded package depends on, if there was an error loading the code, devtools would print out something about an error in unloadNamespace, which was confusing. It now gives more useful errors.

  • An intermittent error in clear_topic_index related to using rm() has been fixed. (Thanks to Gregory Jefferis)

  • revdep() now lists "Suggests" packages, in addition to "Depends" and "Imports".

  • revdep_check() now correctly passes the recursive argument to revdep().

  • The collection of check results at the end of check_cran() previously did not remove existing results, but now it does.

  • When a package is loaded with load_all(), it now passes the name of the package to the .onLoad() function. (Thanks to Andrew Redd)

devtools 0.8.0

New features

  • create function makes it easier to create a package skeleton using devtools standards.

  • install_github() can now install from a pull request -- it installs the branch referenced in the pull request.

  • install_github now accepts auth_user and password arguments if you want to install a package in a private github repo. You only need to specify auth_user if it's not your package (i.e. it's not your username) (Fixes #116)

  • new dev_help function replaces show_rd and makes it easy to get help on any topic in a development package (i.e. a package loaded with load_all) (Fixes #110)

  • dev_example runs the examples for one in-development package. (Fixes #108)

  • build_vignettes now looks in modern location for vignettes (vignettes/) and warn if vignettes found in old location (inst/doc). Building now occurs in a temporary directory (to avoid polluting the package with build artefacts) and only final pdf files are copied over.

  • new clean_vignettes function to remove pdfs in inst/doc that were built from vignettes in vignettes/

  • load_all does a much much better job at simulating package loading (see LOADING section). It also compiles and loads C/C++/Fortran code.

  • unload() is now an exported function, which unloads a package, trying harder than just detach. It now also unloads DLLs. (Winston Chang. Fixes #119)

  • run_examples now has parameters show, test, run to control which of \dontrun{}, \dontshow{}, \donttest{} and \testonly{} are commented out. The strict parameter has been removed since it is no longer necessary because load_all can respect namespaces. (Fixes #118)

  • build(), check(), install() etc now run R in --vanilla mode which prevents it from reading any of your site or personal configuration files. This should prevent inconsistencies between the environment in which the package is run between your computer and other computers (e.g. the CRAN server) (Fixes #145)

  • All system R command now print the full command used to make it easier to understand what's going on.

Package paths

  • as.package no longer uses ~/.Rpackages.

  • as.package provides more informative error messages when path does not exist, isn't a directory, or doesn't contain a DESCRIPTION file.

  • New function inst() takes the name of a package and returns the installed path of that package. (Winston Chang. Fixes #130). This makes it possible to use devtools functions (e.g. unload) with regular installed packages, not just in-development source packages.

  • New function devtest() returns paths to an internal testing packages in devtools.


  • Development packages are now loaded into a namespace environment, namespace:xxxx, and then the objects namespace are copied to the package environment, package:xxxx. This more accurately simulates how packages are normally loaded. However, all of the objects (not just the exported ones) are still copied to the package environment. (Winston Chang. Fixes #3, #60, and #125)

  • Packages listed in Imports and Depends are now loaded into an imports environment, with name attribute "imports:xxxx", which is the parent of the namespace environment. The imports environment is in turn a child of the namespace:base environment, which is a child of the global environment. This more accurately simulates how packages are normally loaded. These packages previously were loaded and attached. (Winston Chang. Fixes #85)

  • The NAMESPACE file is now used for loading imports, instead of the DESCRIPTION file. Previously, load_all loaded all objects from the packages listed in DESCRIPTION. Now it loads packages (and, when when 'importfrom' is used, specific objects from packages) listed in NAMESPACE. This more closely simulates normal package loading. It still checks version numbers of packages listed in DESCRIPTION. (Winston Chang)

  • load_all can now be used to properly reload devtools. It does this by creating a copy of the devtools namespace environment, and calling load_all from that environment. (Winston Chang)

  • The .onLoad and .onAttach functions for a development package are now both called when loading a package for the first time, or with reset=TRUE, and the order more correctly simulates normal package loading (create the namespace, call .onLoad, copy objects to the package environment, and then call .onAttach). (Winston Chang)

  • load_all will now throw a warning if a dependency package does not satisfy the version requirement listed in DESCRIPTION. (Winston Chang. Fixes #109)

  • The package environment now has a 'path' attribute, similar to a package loaded the normal way. (Winston Chang)

  • load_all now has an option export_all. When set to TRUE, only the objects listed as exports in NAMESPACE are exported. (Winston Chang)

  • load_all now compiles C files in the /src directory. (Winston Chang)

  • New functions compile_dll() and clean_dll(), which compile C/C++/ Fortan source code, and clean up the compiled objects, respectively. (Winston Chang. Fixes #131)

Bug fixes

  • load_code now properly skips missing files. (Winston Chang)

  • Add --no-resave-data to default build command.

  • The subject line of the email created by release is now "CRAN submission [package] [version]", per CRAN repository policy.

  • install_bitbucket properly installs zip files of projects stored in Mercurial repositories. (Winston Chang. Fixes #148)

  • build now builds vignettes because install does not. (Fixes #155)


  • New function loaded_packages(), which returns the names of packages that are loaded and attached.

  • Packages loaded with load_all now store devtools metadata in their namespace environment, in a variable called .__DEVTOOLS__. This can be accessed with the dev_meta function. (Winston Chang. Fixes #128)

  • dev_mode now stores the path it uses in option dev_path. That makes it easy for other applications to detect when it is on and to act accordingly.

  • New function parse_ns_file(), which parses a NAMESPACE file for a package.

  • New function parenvs(), which parents the parent environments of an object. (Winston Chang)

devtools 0.7.1

  • bump dependency to R 2.15

  • load_code now also looks for files ending in .q - this is not recommended, but is needed for some older packages

devtools 0.7


  • install_bitbucket installs R packages on bitbucket.

  • install now uses --with-keep.source to make debugging a little easier.

  • All remote install functions give better error messages in the case of http errors (Fixes #82).

  • install has new quick option to make package installation faster, by sacrificing documentation, demos and multi-architecture binaries. (Fixes #77)

  • install_url, install_github and install_gitorious gain a subdir argument which makes it possible to install packages that are contained within a sub-directory of a repository or compressed file. (Fixes #64)


  • with_debug function temporarily sets env vars so that compilation is performed with the appropriate debugging flags set. Contributed by Andrew Redd.

  • revdep, revdep_maintainers and revdep_check for calculating reverse dependencies, finding their maintainers and running R CMD check. (Fixes #78)

  • check_cran has received a massive overhaul: it now checks multiple packages, installs dependencies (in user specified library), and parse check output to extract errors and warnings

  • check uses new --as-cran option to make checking as close to CRAN as possible (fixes #68)

Other new features

  • devtools now uses options devtools.path to set the default path to use with devmode, and github.user to set the default user when installing packages from github.

  • if no package supplied, and no package has been worked with previously, all functions now will try the working directory. (Fixes #87)

  • on windows, devtools now looks in the registry to find where Rtools is installed, and does a better a job of locating gcc. (Contributed by Andrew Redd)

  • show_rd passes ... on to Rd2txt - this is useful if you're checking how build time \Sexprs are generated.

  • A suite of with functions that allow you to temporarily alter the environment in which code is run: in_dir, with_collate, with_locale, with_options, with_path, ... (Fixes #89)

  • release ask more questions and randomises correct answers so you really need to read them (Fixes #79)

  • source_gist now accepts default url such as ""

  • New system path manipulation functions, get_path, set_path, add_path and on_path, contributed by Andrew Redd.

  • If you're on windows, devtools now suppresses the unimportant warning from CYGWIN about the dos style file paths

Bug fixes

  • decompress now uses target directory as defined in the function call when expanding a compressed file. (Fixes #84)

  • document is always run in a C locale so that NAMESPACE sort order is consistent across platforms.

  • install now quotes libpath and build path so paths with embedded spaces work (Fixes #73 and #76)

  • load_data now also loads .RData files (Fixes #81)

  • install now has args argument to pass additional command line arguments on to R CMD install (replaces ... which didn't actually do anything). (Fixes #69)

  • load_code does a better job of reconciling files in DESCRIPTION collate with files that actually exist in the R directory. (Fixes #14)

devtools 0.6

New features

  • test function takes filter argument which allows you to restrict which tests are to be run

  • check runs with example timings, as is done on CRAN. Run with new param cleanup = F to access the timings.

  • missing_s3 function to help figure out if you've forgotten to export any s3 methods

  • check_cran downloads and checks a CRAN package - this is useful to run as part of the testing process of your package if you want to check the dependencies of your package

  • strict mode for run_examples which runs each example in a clean environment. This is much slower than the default (running in the current environment), but ensures that each example works standalone.

  • dev_mode now updates prompt to indicate that it's active (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi)

  • new source_url function for sourcing script on a remote server via protocols other than http (e.g. https or ftp). (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi)

  • new source_gist function to source R code stored in a github gist. (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi)

  • load_all now also loads all package dependencies (including suggestions) - this works around some bugs in the way that devtools attaches the development environment into the search path in a way that fails to recreate what happens normally during package loading.


  • remote installation will ensure the configure file is executable.

  • all external package installation functions are vectorised so you can install multiple packages at time

  • new install_gitorious function install packages in gitorious repos.

  • new install_url function for installing package from an arbitrary url

  • include install_version function from Jeremy Stephens for installing a specific version of a CRAN package from the archive.

Better windows behaviour

  • better check for OS type (thanks to Brian Ripley)

  • better default paths for 64-bit R on windows (Fixes #35)

  • check to see if Rtools is already available before trying to mess with the paths. (Fixes #55)

Bug fixes

  • if an error occurs when calling loading R files, the cache will be automatically cleared so that all files are loaded again next time you try (Fixes #55)

  • functions that run R now do so with R_LIBS set to the current .libPaths() - this will ensure that checking uses the development library if you are in development mode. R_ENVIRON_USER is set to an empty file to avoid your existing settings overriding this.

  • load_data (called by load_all) will also load data defined in R files in the data directory. (Fixes #45)

  • dev_mode performs some basic tests to make sure you're not setting your development library to a directory that's not already an R library. (Fixes #25)

devtools 0.5.1

  • Fix error in that was causing R commands to fail on windows.

devtools 0.5

New functions

  • new show_rd function that will show the development version of a help file.

Improvements and bug fixes

  • external R commands always run in locale C, because that's what the CRAN severs do.

  • clean_source sources an R script into a fresh R environment, ensuring that it can run independently of your current working environment. Optionally (vanilla = T), it will source in a vanilla R environment which ignores all local environment settings.

  • On windows, devtools will also add the path to mingw on startup. (Thanks to pointer from Dave Lovell)

devtools 0.4

New functions

  • new wd function to change the working directory to a package subdirectory.

  • check_doc now checks package documentation as a whole, in the same way that R CMD check does, rather than low-level syntax checking, which is done by roxygen2. DESCRIPTION checking has been moved into load_all. check_rd` has been removed.

  • build is now exported, and defaults to building in the package's parent directory. It also gains a new binary parameter controls whether a binary or a source version (with no vignettes or manuals) is built. Confusingly, binary packages are built with R CMD INSTALL.

  • build_win sends your package to the R windows builder, allowing you to make a binary version of your package for windows users if you're using linux or a max (if you're using windows already, use build(binary = T))

Improvements and bug fixes

  • if using .Rpackages config file, default function is used last, not first.

  • on Windows, devtools now checks for the presence of Rtools on startup, and will automatically add it to the path if needed.

  • document uses roxygen2 instead of roxygen. It now loads package dependency so that they're available when roxygen executes the package source code.

  • document has new parameter clean which clears all roxygen caches and removes all existing man files. check now runs document in this mode.

  • dev_mode will create directories recursively, and complain if it can't create them. It should also work better on windows.

  • install_github now allows you to specify which branch to download, and automatically reloads package if needed.

  • reload now will only reload if the package is already loaded.

  • release gains check parameter that allows you to skip package check (if you've just done it.)

  • test automatically reloads code so you never run tests on old code

devtools 0.3

  • new bash() function that starts bash shell in package directory. Useful if you want to use git etc.

  • removed inelegant update_src() since now superseded by bash()

  • fix bug in ftp upload that was adding extraneous space

  • build function builds package in specified directory. install, check and release now all use this function.

  • build, install, check and release better about cleaning up after themselves - always try to both work in session temporary directory and delete any files/directories that they create

devtools 0.2

  • install_github now uses RCurl instead of external wget to retrieve package. This should make it more robust wrt external dependencies.

  • load_all will skip missing files with a warning (thanks to suggestion from Jeff Laake)

  • check automatically deletes .Rcheck directory on successful completion

  • Quote the path to R so it works even if there are spaces in the path.

devtools 0.1

  • Check for presence of DESCRIPTION when loading packages to avoid false positives

  • install now works correctly with devel_mode to install packages in your development library

  • release prints news so you can more easily check it

  • All R CMD xxx functions now use the current R, not the first R found on the system path.