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Description: Python Dungeons and Dragons Library utilizing SRD

Status: Incomplete/In-Development

Last Update 2024-09-02

Version 1.0.0

Note: If you like and/or want to use this, a star or a follow would be appreciated.

Example Invocation

from PyDnD import Player

if __name__ == '__main__':
	newPlayer = Player(name='Thor Odinson', age='34', gender='Male', description='Looks like a pirate angel', biography='Born on Asgard, God of Thunder')
	# newPlayer is created, lets display some stats
	print( "Name:" + )
	print( "Age: " +newPlayer.age)
	print( "Gender:" + newPlayer.gender )
	print( "Description: " + newPlayer.description )
	print( "Biography: " + newPlayer.biography )
	print( "\n" )
	print( "\tLevel: " + str( newPlayer.level ) ) # Level isn't specified in creation, so level is 1
	print( "\tCurrent Experience: " + str( newPlayer.experience ) ) # Level wasn't specified, so current xp is 0
	print( "\tEXP to next Level: " + str( newPlayer.nextLvlExperience ) ) # 1000 Experience is required to get to level 2
	print( "\n\t--Stats--\n")
	print( "\t\tStrength is: " + str( newPlayer.strength ))
	print( "\t\tDexterity is: " + str( newPlayer.dexterity ))
	print( "\t\tConstitution is: " + str( newPlayer.constitution ))
	print( "\t\tWisdom is: " + str( newPlayer.wisdom ))
	print( "\t\tIntelligence is: " + str( newPlayer.intelligence ))
	print( "\t\tCharisma is: " + str( newPlayer.charisma ))
	print( "\n\t--Inventory--\n" )

	# Lets give Thor his hammer
	print( f"\t\tThor's inventory is: \n\t\t\t{newPlayer.get_inventory()}\n" )
	# Oh no he's not worthy
	print( f"\t\tThor's inventory is: \n\t\t\t{newPlayer.get_inventory()}\n" )
	print( "\n" )

	print( "LEVEL UP")

	# Lets see what Thor looks like as a level 2
	print( "\tNew Level: " + str( newPlayer.level ) ) # newPlayer.level is automatically increased when XP threshold increases
	print( "\tCurrent Experience: " + str( newPlayer.experience ) ) # Current, experience after leveling up
	print( "\tEXP to next Level: " + str( newPlayer.nextLvlExperience ) ) # 3000 Experience total is required to get to level 3
	print( "\n\t--Stats--\n")
	print( "\t\tStrength is: " + str( newPlayer.strength ))
	print( "\t\tDexterity is: " + str( newPlayer.dexterity ))
	print( "\t\tConstitution is: " + str( newPlayer.constitution ))
	print( "\t\tWisdom is: " + str( newPlayer.wisdom ))
	print( "\t\tIntelligence is: " + str( newPlayer.intelligence ))
	print( "\t\tCharisma is: " + str( newPlayer.charisma ))
	print( "\n\t--Inventory--\n" )

	# Lets give Thor back his hammer
	print( f"\t\tThor's inventory is: \n\t\t\t{newPlayer.get_inventory()}\n" )
	# Oh no he's not worthy again
	print( f"\t\tThor's inventory is: \n\t\t\t{newPlayer.get_inventory()}\n" )

	print( "LEVEL DOWN")

	# Lets take away some of Thor's Experience
	print( "\tNew Level: " + str( newPlayer.level ) ) # newPlayer.level is automatically decreased when XP threshold decreases
	print( "\tCurrent Experience: " + str( newPlayer.experience ) ) # Current, experience after leveling down
	print( "\tEXP to next Level: " + str( newPlayer.nextLvlExperience ) ) # 500 Experience total is required to get to level 2
	print( "\n\t--Stats--\n")
	print( "\t\tStrength is: " + str( newPlayer.strength ))
	print( "\t\tDexterity is: " + str( newPlayer.dexterity ))
	print( "\t\tConstitution is: " + str( newPlayer.constitution ))
	print( "\t\tWisdom is: " + str( newPlayer.wisdom ))
	print( "\t\tIntelligence is: " + str( newPlayer.intelligence ))
	print( "\t\tCharisma is: " + str( newPlayer.charisma ))
	print( "\n\t--Inventory--\n" )

	# Lets give Thor back his hammer
	print( f"\t\tThor's inventory is: \n\t\t\t{newPlayer.get_inventory()}\n" )
	# Oh no he's not worthy again
	print( f"\t\tThor's inventory is: \n\t\t\t{newPlayer.get_inventory()}\n" )

Player Object

The Player Object is the core of this library and should not be omitted (unless you're just using PyDnD for the Dice roller). All arguments for the player object technically can be omitted (and added later) to create a blank, level 1 character. However, we recommend at least giving the player object a name. When Initializing the object, it's important to key the arguments with their corresponding argument name (listed below).

Player Object — Arguments

name           (str): Player character's name
age            (str): Player character's age
gender         (str): Player character's gender
alignment      (str): Player character's two letter alignment
description    (str): Physical description of Player character
biography      (str): Backstory of Player character	
level          (int): Player character's starting level
wealth         (int): Player character's starting wealth	
strength       (int): Player character's starting strength Ability Score
dexterity      (int): Player character's starting dexterity Ability Score
constitution   (int): Player character's starting constitution Ability Score
wisdom         (int): Player character's starting wisdom Ability Score
intelligence   (int): Player character's starting intelligence Ability Score
charisma       (int): Player character's starting charisma Ability Score
hp             (int): Player character's starting hitpoint value
mp             (int): Player character's starting mp value (may convert to SPD)
inventory_size (int): Player character's inventory size


from PyDnD import Player

# Initialize the player object with some useful, accurate information
myPlayer = Player(name        = 'John Cougar Mellencamp',
		  age         = '900',
		  gender      = 'Male',
		  alignment   = 'CG',
		  description = 'Looks like an old musician',
		  biography   = 'Is an old musician reknown for his one good song',
		  level       = 1,
		  wealth      = 100)	  
# Did we put the wrong name?  That's okay!  We can change it = 'Meatloaf'

Experience and Levels

Experience has multiple methods in this library. However, only two of them should ever be directly called. These two methods would be object.giveExp(amount) and object.removeExp(amount). The rest of the Experience and Level system is automated and updated anytime experience is awarded or removed. If you wish to get the current experience of the player, use object.experience to display the integer value of it.


# Set Player Object
newPlayer = Player(name='Bob Ross',

# Current Experience
print("Current Experience:", newPlayer.experience)

# Experience until next level
print("Experience until Level Up:", newPlayer.nextLvlExperience)

# Give experience

# Display new, updated Experience
print("Current Experience:", newPlayer.experience)

# Display new, updated Experience until next level
print("Experience until Level Up:", newPlayer.nextLvlExperience)

# Display players current level
print("Current Level:", newPlayer.level)

# Lets level up the player
newPlayer.giveExp(1000) # required Exp to reach level 2
print("Current Level:", newPlayer.level)
print("Current Experience:", newPlayer.experience)
print("Experience until Level Up:", newPlayer.nextLvlExperience)


The new inventory system is a tad bit more robust than the previous implementation, although it's still quite primitive and not necessarily related to inventory management in true SRD at all. Instead, I allow the creator to set an inventory_size argument in the Player object upon initialization. If it is not set, inventory_size will default to 10.


# Lets create our Character
theBagMan = Player(name="The Bagman", inventory_size=10)
print(f"Player Name: {}")
print(f"Player Inventory Size: {theBagMan.get_inventory_max_size()}")

# Our inventory comes nice and empty
print(f"Items in inventory: {theBagMan.get_inventory()}")

# Lets give The Bagman some stuff
theBagMan.add_item_to_inventory("Health Potion")
print(f"Items in inventory: {theBagMan.get_inventory()}") # Our inventory now has a potion

# Lets remove that potion
theBagMan.remove_item_from_inventory("Health Potion")
print(f"Items in inventory: {theBagMan.get_inventory()}") # Bye bye

Roll and Dice

Roll and Dice are two new Modules in the PyDnD package. The Roll module makes use of the Dice module, meaning that generally you won't or shouldn't interact directly with the Dice module itself. Below are some examples of how to roll different types of dice.


from PyDnD import Roll

# Lets roll a D20
print( Roll.roll(num_dice=1, sides=20) )

# Lets roll 2 D20
print( Roll.roll(num_dice=2, sides=20) )

# Lets add a modifier
print( Roll.roll(num_dice=2, sides=20, modifier=4) )

# Lets roll a Stat using 4d6 and drop the lowest one
strength_stat = Roll.roll(num_dice=4, sides=6, drop_lowest=1)
print( f"Strength Stat is: {strength_stat}" )

# Now lets say that we want to see each of those rolls
# Lets tell the roller
strength_stat = Roll.roll(num_dice=4, sides=6, drop_lowest=1, return_rolls=True)
print( f"Strength Stat is: {strength_stat[0]} and the rolls where: {strength_stat[1]}" )

Serialization/Deserialization (JSON)

PyDnD now supports JSON Serialization and Deserialization (This means that you can easily export your character to and from a .json file). Below are some examples of how to Serialize a character:


# Example of JSON Serialization

from PyDnD import Player

# Lets make a new Character
newPlayer = Player(name='Thor Odinson', age='34', gender='Male', description='Looks like a pirate angel', biography='Born on Asgard, God of Thunder')

# Lets display some info
print( "Name:" + )
print( "Age: " +newPlayer.age)
print( "Gender:" + newPlayer.gender )
print( "Description: " + newPlayer.description )
print( "Biography: " + newPlayer.biography )

# Lets save this character to a .json file

Below is an example of deserialization from that same file:

# Lets load our player from json
newPlayer = Player().deserialize_from_json("./path/to/newPlayer.json")

# Lets display some info
print( "Name:" + )
print( "Age: " +newPlayer.age)
print( "Gender:" + newPlayer.gender )
print( "Description: " + newPlayer.description )
print( "Biography: " + newPlayer.biography )