title | description | created |
MongoDB CheatSheet |
The most commonly used MongoDB commands are given here. |
2022-10-27 |
Command | Description |
createUser |
Creates a new user. |
show dbs |
View all databases |
use dbName |
Create a new or switch databases |
db |
View current Database |
db.dropDatabase() |
Delete Database |
usersInfo |
Returns information about the specified users. |
Command | Description |
db.createCollection('collection_name') |
Create a collection named 'collection_name' |
db.collection_name.drop() |
Drop a collection named 'collection_name' |
Command | Description |
db.collection_name.find() |
Show all Rows in a Collection |
db.collection_name.find().pretty() |
Show all Rows in a Collection (Prettified) |
db.collection_name.findOne({name: 'ritwik'}) |
Find the first row matching the object |
db.collection_name.insert({'name': 'Ritwik','lang': 'sql','member_since': 5 }) |
Insert One Row |
db.collection_name.insertMany([{'name': 'Ritwik','lang': 'sql','member_since': 5}, {'name': 'Rohan','lang': 'Python','member_since': 3},{'name': 'Lovish','lang': 'Java','member_since': 4}]) |
Insert many Rows |
db.collection_name.find({lang:'Python'}) |
Search in a MongoDb Database |
db.collection_name.find().limit(2) |
Limit the number of rows in output |
db.collection_name.find().count() |
Count the number of rows in the output |
db.collection_name.updateOne({name: 'Shubham'},{$set: {'name': 'Harry','lang': 'JavaScript','member_since': 51}},{upsert: true}) |
Update a row |
db.collection_name.update({name: 'Rohan'},{$inc:{member_since: 2}}) |
Mongodb Increment Operator |
db.collection_name.update({name: 'Rohan'},{$rename:{member_since: 'member'}}) |
Mongodb Rename Operator |
db.collection_name.remove({name: 'Harry'}) |
Delete Row |
db.collection_name.deleteOne({name: 'Harry'}) |
Delete one Row |
db.collection_name.deleteMany({lang: 'JavaScript'}) |
Delete many Row |
There are many query operators that can be used to compare and reference document fields.
The following operators can be used in queries to compare values:
Command | Description |
$eq |
Values are equal |
$ne |
Values are not equal |
$gt |
Value is greater than another value |
$gte |
Value is greater than or equal to another value |
$lt |
Value is less than another value |
$lte |
Value is less than or equal to another value |
$in |
Value is matched within an array |
The following operators can logically compare multiple queries.
Command | Description |
$and |
Returns documents where both queries match |
$or |
Returns documents where either query matches |
$nor |
Returns documents where both queries fail to match |
$not |
Returns documents where the query does not match |
The following operators assist in evaluating documents.
Command | Description |
$regex |
Allows the use of regular expressions when evaluating field values |
$text |
Performs a text search |
$where |
Uses a JavaScript expression to match documents |
There are many update operators that can be used during document updates.
The following operators can be used to update fields:
Command | Description |
$currentDate |
Sets the field value to the current date |
$inc |
Increments the field value |
$rename |
Renames the field |
$set |
Sets the value of a field |
$unset |
Removes the field from the document |
The following operators assist with updating arrays.
Command | Description |
$addToSet |
Adds distinct elements to an array |
$pop |
Removes the first or last element of an array |
$pull |
Removes all elements from an array that match the query |
$push |
Adds an element to an array |
Expression | Description |
$sum |
Sums up the defined value from all documents in the collection. |
$avg |
Calculates the average of all given values from all documents in the collection. |
$min |
Gets the minimum of the corresponding values from all documents in the collection. |
$max |
Gets the maximum of the corresponding values from all documents in the collection. |
$push |
Inserts the value to an array in the resulting document. |
$addToSet |
Inserts the value to an array in the resulting document but does not create duplicates. |
$first |
Gets the first document from the source documents according to the grouping. Typically this makes only sense together with some previously applied “$sort”-stage. |
$last |
Gets the last document from the source documents according to the grouping. Typically this makes only sense together with some previously applied “$sort”-stage. |