Final project for ECE 484 at UIUC. This code is meant to run on a GEM E2 autonomous electric vehicle. The goal of the project is to autonomously control the vehicle to make a lap around the UIUC Highbay facility's testing track.
Robert Azarcon, Eric Roth, Paul Osuma, Ved Eti
- Ubuntu 22.04/20.04 LTS
- Latest Nvidia GPU drivers and CUDA
- Docker Engine (not Docker Desktop)
- Nvidia Container Toolkit
- vcstool (sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool)
Create the folder hierarchy:
mkdir -p ~/ece484_home/catkin_ws/src
Clone the repository and necessary dependencies:
cd ~/ece484_home/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ece484_final_project
vcs import .. < workspace.repos
Build the docker image and run a container:
cd docker
sudo ./
There are several volume mappings specified in the run script that give the spawned Docker container access to your display and devices. The catkin_ws in the Docker container is mapped to the same catkin_ws directory you created on your host computer during installation. Additionally, a .cache folder is also mapped to save the cache generated from PyTorch. All changes made in either catkin_ws (Docker container or host) will persist between each other due to the volume mapping.
To open a new terminal connected to the Docker container run:
docker exec -it ece484 /bin/bash
**It is highly recommended to create a bash alias in your host computer's .bashrc file for this command.
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