diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml index 560eb7b5..8ad8a317 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ authors = ["CLIMA contributors "] version = "0.6.0" [deps] +AbstractGPs = "99985d1d-32ba-4be9-9821-2ec096f28918" AbstractMCMC = "80f14c24-f653-4e6a-9b94-39d6b0f70001" AdvancedMH = "5b7e9947-ddc0-4b3f-9b55-0d8042f74170" Conda = "8f4d0f93-b110-5947-807f-2305c1781a2d" Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f" DocStringExtensions = "ffbed154-4ef7-542d-bbb7-c09d3a79fcae" EnsembleKalmanProcesses = "aa8a2aa5-91d8-4396-bcef-d4f2ec43552d" +ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210" GaussianProcesses = "891a1506-143c-57d2-908e-e1f8e92e6de9" +KernelFunctions = "ec8451be-7e33-11e9-00cf-bbf324bd1392" LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" MCMCChains = "c7f686f2-ff18-58e9-bc7b-31028e88f75d" Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f" @@ -19,25 +22,30 @@ ProgressBars = "49802e3a-d2f1-5c88-81d8-b72133a6f568" PyCall = "438e738f-606a-5dbb-bf0a-cddfbfd45ab0" Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c" RandomFeatures = "36c3bae2-c0c3-419d-b3b4-eebadd35c5e5" +ReverseDiff = "37e2e3b7-166d-5795-8a7a-e32c996b4267" ScikitLearn = "3646fa90-6ef7-5e7e-9f22-8aca16db6324" StableRNGs = "860ef19b-820b-49d6-a774-d7a799459cd3" Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2" StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91" [compat] +AbstractGPs = "0.5.21" AbstractMCMC = "3.3, 4, 5" AdvancedMH = "0.6, 0.7, 0.8" Conda = "1.7" Distributions = "0.24, 0.25" DocStringExtensions = "0.8, 0.9" EnsembleKalmanProcesses = "2" +ForwardDiff = "0.10.38" GaussianProcesses = "0.12" +KernelFunctions = "0.10.64" MCMCChains = "4.14, 5, 6" Printf = "1" ProgressBars = "1" PyCall = "1.93" Random = "1" RandomFeatures = "0.3" +ReverseDiff = "1.15.3" ScikitLearn = "0.6, 0.7" StableRNGs = "1" Statistics = "1" diff --git a/docs/Manifest.toml b/docs/Manifest.toml index f8c0a082..47f74e31 100644 --- a/docs/Manifest.toml +++ b/docs/Manifest.toml @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ weakdeps = ["ChainRulesCore", "Test"] AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt = "ChainRulesCore" AbstractFFTsTestExt = "Test" +[[deps.AbstractGPs]] +deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "Distributions", "FillArrays", "IrrationalConstants", "KernelFunctions", "LinearAlgebra", "PDMats", "Random", "RecipesBase", "Reexport", "Statistics", "StatsBase", "Test"] +git-tree-sha1 = "010e6b5e06a9a6b1be6b146a7f29d5848490cc64" +uuid = "99985d1d-32ba-4be9-9821-2ec096f28918" +version = "0.5.21" + [[deps.AbstractMCMC]] deps = ["BangBang", "ConsoleProgressMonitor", "Distributed", "LogDensityProblems", "Logging", "LoggingExtras", "ProgressLogging", "Random", "StatsBase", "TerminalLoggers", "Transducers"] git-tree-sha1 = "87e63dcb990029346b091b170252f3c416568afc" @@ -71,9 +77,9 @@ uuid = "66dad0bd-aa9a-41b7-9441-69ab47430ed8" version = "1.1.3" [[deps.ArgCheck]] -git-tree-sha1 = "a3a402a35a2f7e0b87828ccabbd5ebfbebe356b4" +git-tree-sha1 = "680b3b8759bd4c54052ada14e52355ab69e07876" uuid = "dce04be8-c92d-5529-be00-80e4d2c0e197" -version = "2.3.0" +version = "2.4.0" [[deps.ArgTools]] uuid = "0dad84c5-d112-42e6-8d28-ef12dabb789f" @@ -93,9 +99,9 @@ version = "3.5.1+1" [[deps.ArrayInterface]] deps = ["Adapt", "LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "d60a1922358aa203019b7857a2c8c37329b8736c" +git-tree-sha1 = "017fcb757f8e921fb44ee063a7aafe5f89b86dd1" uuid = "4fba245c-0d91-5ea0-9b3e-6abc04ee57a9" -version = "7.17.0" +version = "7.18.0" [deps.ArrayInterface.extensions] ArrayInterfaceBandedMatricesExt = "BandedMatrices" @@ -169,10 +175,10 @@ uuid = "9718e550-a3fa-408a-8086-8db961cd8217" version = "0.1.1" [[deps.BenchmarkTools]] -deps = ["JSON", "Logging", "Printf", "Profile", "Statistics", "UUIDs"] -git-tree-sha1 = "f1dff6729bc61f4d49e140da1af55dcd1ac97b2f" +deps = ["Compat", "JSON", "Logging", "Printf", "Profile", "Statistics", "UUIDs"] +git-tree-sha1 = "e38fbc49a620f5d0b660d7f543db1009fe0f8336" uuid = "6e4b80f9-dd63-53aa-95a3-0cdb28fa8baf" -version = "1.5.0" +version = "1.6.0" [[deps.BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions]] deps = ["Static"] @@ -184,7 +190,7 @@ version = "0.1.6" deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "8873e196c2eb87962a2048b3b8e08946535864a1" uuid = "6e34b625-4abd-537c-b88f-471c36dfa7a0" -version = "1.0.8+2" +version = "1.0.8+4" [[deps.CPUSummary]] deps = ["CpuId", "IfElse", "PrecompileTools", "Static"] @@ -199,16 +205,16 @@ uuid = "83423d85-b0ee-5818-9007-b63ccbeb887a" version = "1.18.2+1" [[deps.CalibrateEmulateSample]] -deps = ["AbstractMCMC", "AdvancedMH", "Conda", "Distributions", "DocStringExtensions", "EnsembleKalmanProcesses", "GaussianProcesses", "LinearAlgebra", "MCMCChains", "Pkg", "Printf", "ProgressBars", "PyCall", "Random", "RandomFeatures", "ScikitLearn", "StableRNGs", "Statistics", "StatsBase"] +deps = ["AbstractGPs", "AbstractMCMC", "AdvancedMH", "Conda", "Distributions", "DocStringExtensions", "EnsembleKalmanProcesses", "ForwardDiff", "GaussianProcesses", "KernelFunctions", "LinearAlgebra", "MCMCChains", "Pkg", "Printf", "ProgressBars", "PyCall", "Random", "RandomFeatures", "ReverseDiff", "ScikitLearn", "StableRNGs", "Statistics", "StatsBase"] path = ".." uuid = "95e48a1f-0bec-4818-9538-3db4340308e3" -version = "0.5.3" +version = "0.6.0" [[deps.ChainRulesCore]] deps = ["Compat", "LinearAlgebra"] -git-tree-sha1 = "3e4b134270b372f2ed4d4d0e936aabaefc1802bc" +git-tree-sha1 = "1713c74e00545bfe14605d2a2be1712de8fbcb58" uuid = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4" -version = "1.25.0" +version = "1.25.1" weakdeps = ["SparseArrays"] [deps.ChainRulesCore.extensions] @@ -222,9 +228,9 @@ version = "0.1.13" [[deps.CodecBzip2]] deps = ["Bzip2_jll", "TranscodingStreams"] -git-tree-sha1 = "e7c529cc31bb85b97631b922fa2e6baf246f5905" +git-tree-sha1 = "84990fa864b7f2b4901901ca12736e45ee79068c" uuid = "523fee87-0ab8-5b00-afb7-3ecf72e48cfd" -version = "0.8.4" +version = "0.8.5" [[deps.CodecZlib]] deps = ["TranscodingStreams", "Zlib_jll"] @@ -292,9 +298,9 @@ weakdeps = ["IntervalSets", "LinearAlgebra", "StaticArrays"] [[deps.Convex]] deps = ["AbstractTrees", "BenchmarkTools", "LDLFactorizations", "LinearAlgebra", "MathOptInterface", "OrderedCollections", "SparseArrays", "Test"] -git-tree-sha1 = "dac1878b4996fa56292d2c3bd28f2498b980bb93" +git-tree-sha1 = "dec769959be3af9ba94970b1f14b31c196b0fb9e" uuid = "f65535da-76fb-5f13-bab9-19810c17039a" -version = "0.16.3" +version = "0.16.4" [[deps.CpuId]] deps = ["Markdown"] @@ -369,9 +375,9 @@ version = "1.11.0" [[deps.Distributions]] deps = ["AliasTables", "FillArrays", "LinearAlgebra", "PDMats", "Printf", "QuadGK", "Random", "SpecialFunctions", "Statistics", "StatsAPI", "StatsBase", "StatsFuns"] -git-tree-sha1 = "3101c32aab536e7a27b1763c0797dba151b899ad" +git-tree-sha1 = "03aa5d44647eaec98e1920635cdfed5d5560a8b9" uuid = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f" -version = "0.25.113" +version = "0.25.117" [deps.Distributions.extensions] DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt = "ChainRulesCore" @@ -391,9 +397,9 @@ version = "0.9.3" [[deps.Documenter]] deps = ["ANSIColoredPrinters", "AbstractTrees", "Base64", "CodecZlib", "Dates", "DocStringExtensions", "Downloads", "Git", "IOCapture", "InteractiveUtils", "JSON", "LibGit2", "Logging", "Markdown", "MarkdownAST", "Pkg", "PrecompileTools", "REPL", "RegistryInstances", "SHA", "TOML", "Test", "Unicode"] -git-tree-sha1 = "5a1ee886566f2fa9318df1273d8b778b9d42712d" +git-tree-sha1 = "d0ea2c044963ed6f37703cead7e29f70cba13d7e" uuid = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4" -version = "1.7.0" +version = "1.8.0" [[deps.Downloads]] deps = ["ArgTools", "FileWatching", "LibCURL", "NetworkOptions"] @@ -420,9 +426,9 @@ version = "2.0.1" [[deps.Expat_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "1c6317308b9dc757616f0b5cb379db10494443a7" +git-tree-sha1 = "e51db81749b0777b2147fbe7b783ee79045b8e99" uuid = "2e619515-83b5-522b-bb60-26c02a35a201" -version = "2.6.2+0" +version = "2.6.4+3" [[deps.FFMPEG]] deps = ["FFMPEG_jll"] @@ -438,15 +444,15 @@ version = "4.4.4+1" [[deps.FFTW]] deps = ["AbstractFFTs", "FFTW_jll", "LinearAlgebra", "MKL_jll", "Preferences", "Reexport"] -git-tree-sha1 = "4820348781ae578893311153d69049a93d05f39d" +git-tree-sha1 = "7de7c78d681078f027389e067864a8d53bd7c3c9" uuid = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341" -version = "1.8.0" +version = "1.8.1" [[deps.FFTW_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "4d81ed14783ec49ce9f2e168208a12ce1815aa25" uuid = "f5851436-0d7a-5f13-b9de-f02708fd171a" -version = "3.3.10+1" +version = "3.3.10+3" [[deps.FastGaussQuadrature]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SpecialFunctions", "StaticArrays"] @@ -472,9 +478,9 @@ weakdeps = ["PDMats", "SparseArrays", "Statistics"] [[deps.FiniteDiff]] deps = ["ArrayInterface", "LinearAlgebra", "Setfield"] -git-tree-sha1 = "b10bdafd1647f57ace3885143936749d61638c3b" +git-tree-sha1 = "84e3a47db33be7248daa6274b287507dd6ff84e8" uuid = "6a86dc24-6348-571c-b903-95158fe2bd41" -version = "2.26.0" +version = "2.26.2" [deps.FiniteDiff.extensions] FiniteDiffBandedMatricesExt = "BandedMatrices" @@ -490,9 +496,9 @@ version = "2.26.0" [[deps.Fontconfig_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Bzip2_jll", "Expat_jll", "FreeType2_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Libuuid_jll", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "db16beca600632c95fc8aca29890d83788dd8b23" +git-tree-sha1 = "21fac3c77d7b5a9fc03b0ec503aa1a6392c34d2b" uuid = "a3f928ae-7b40-5064-980b-68af3947d34b" -version = "2.13.96+0" +version = "2.15.0+0" [[deps.Formatting]] deps = ["Logging", "Printf"] @@ -512,15 +518,26 @@ weakdeps = ["StaticArrays"] [[deps.FreeType2_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Bzip2_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "5c1d8ae0efc6c2e7b1fc502cbe25def8f661b7bc" +git-tree-sha1 = "786e968a8d2fb167f2e4880baba62e0e26bd8e4e" uuid = "d7e528f0-a631-5988-bf34-fe36492bcfd7" -version = "2.13.2+0" +version = "2.13.3+1" [[deps.FriBidi_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "1ed150b39aebcc805c26b93a8d0122c940f64ce2" +git-tree-sha1 = "846f7026a9decf3679419122b49f8a1fdb48d2d5" uuid = "559328eb-81f9-559d-9380-de523a88c83c" -version = "1.0.14+0" +version = "1.0.16+0" + +[[deps.FunctionWrappers]] +git-tree-sha1 = "d62485945ce5ae9c0c48f124a84998d755bae00e" +uuid = "069b7b12-0de2-55c6-9aab-29f3d0a68a2e" +version = "1.1.3" + +[[deps.Functors]] +deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] +git-tree-sha1 = "64d8e93700c7a3f28f717d265382d52fac9fa1c1" +uuid = "d9f16b24-f501-4c13-a1f2-28368ffc5196" +version = "0.4.12" [[deps.Future]] deps = ["Random"] @@ -553,27 +570,27 @@ version = "1.3.1" [[deps.Git_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Expat_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LibCURL_jll", "Libdl", "Libiconv_jll", "OpenSSL_jll", "PCRE2_jll", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "ea372033d09e4552a04fd38361cd019f9003f4f4" +git-tree-sha1 = "399f4a308c804b446ae4c91eeafadb2fe2c54ff9" uuid = "f8c6e375-362e-5223-8a59-34ff63f689eb" -version = "2.46.2+0" +version = "2.47.1+0" [[deps.Glib_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Gettext_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Libffi_jll", "Libiconv_jll", "Libmount_jll", "PCRE2_jll", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "674ff0db93fffcd11a3573986e550d66cd4fd71f" +git-tree-sha1 = "b0036b392358c80d2d2124746c2bf3d48d457938" uuid = "7746bdde-850d-59dc-9ae8-88ece973131d" -version = "2.80.5+0" +version = "2.82.4+0" [[deps.Graphite2_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] -git-tree-sha1 = "344bf40dcab1073aca04aa0df4fb092f920e4011" +git-tree-sha1 = "01979f9b37367603e2848ea225918a3b3861b606" uuid = "3b182d85-2403-5c21-9c21-1e1f0cc25472" -version = "1.3.14+0" +version = "1.3.14+1" [[deps.HarfBuzz_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Cairo_jll", "Fontconfig_jll", "FreeType2_jll", "Glib_jll", "Graphite2_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Libffi_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "401e4f3f30f43af2c8478fc008da50096ea5240f" +git-tree-sha1 = "55c53be97790242c29031e5cd45e8ac296dadda3" uuid = "2e76f6c2-a576-52d4-95c1-20adfe4de566" -version = "8.3.1+0" +version = "8.5.0+0" [[deps.HostCPUFeatures]] deps = ["BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions", "IfElse", "Libdl", "Static"] @@ -612,9 +629,9 @@ version = "1.4.2" [[deps.IntelOpenMP_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "10bd689145d2c3b2a9844005d01087cc1194e79e" +git-tree-sha1 = "0f14a5456bdc6b9731a5682f439a672750a09e48" uuid = "1d5cc7b8-4909-519e-a0f8-d0f5ad9712d0" -version = "2024.2.1+0" +version = "2025.0.4+0" [[deps.InteractiveUtils]] deps = ["Markdown"] @@ -655,9 +672,9 @@ weakdeps = ["Dates", "Test"] InverseFunctionsTestExt = "Test" [[deps.InvertedIndices]] -git-tree-sha1 = "0dc7b50b8d436461be01300fd8cd45aa0274b038" +git-tree-sha1 = "6da3c4316095de0f5ee2ebd875df8721e7e0bdbe" uuid = "41ab1584-1d38-5bbf-9106-f11c6c58b48f" -version = "1.3.0" +version = "1.3.1" [[deps.IrrationalConstants]] git-tree-sha1 = "7fd44fd4ff43fc60815f8e764c0f352b83c49151" @@ -676,9 +693,9 @@ version = "1.0.0" [[deps.JLLWrappers]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Preferences"] -git-tree-sha1 = "be3dc50a92e5a386872a493a10050136d4703f9b" +git-tree-sha1 = "a007feb38b422fbdab534406aeca1b86823cb4d6" uuid = "692b3bcd-3c85-4b1f-b108-f13ce0eb3210" -version = "1.6.1" +version = "1.7.0" [[deps.JSON]] deps = ["Dates", "Mmap", "Parsers", "Unicode"] @@ -686,12 +703,30 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "31e996f0a15c7b280ba9f76636b3ff9e2ae58c9a" uuid = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6" version = "0.21.4" +[[deps.JSON3]] +deps = ["Dates", "Mmap", "Parsers", "PrecompileTools", "StructTypes", "UUIDs"] +git-tree-sha1 = "1d322381ef7b087548321d3f878cb4c9bd8f8f9b" +uuid = "0f8b85d8-7281-11e9-16c2-39a750bddbf1" +version = "1.14.1" + + [deps.JSON3.extensions] + JSON3ArrowExt = ["ArrowTypes"] + + [deps.JSON3.weakdeps] + ArrowTypes = "31f734f8-188a-4ce0-8406-c8a06bd891cd" + [[deps.KernelDensity]] deps = ["Distributions", "DocStringExtensions", "FFTW", "Interpolations", "StatsBase"] git-tree-sha1 = "7d703202e65efa1369de1279c162b915e245eed1" uuid = "5ab0869b-81aa-558d-bb23-cbf5423bbe9b" version = "0.6.9" +[[deps.KernelFunctions]] +deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "Compat", "CompositionsBase", "Distances", "FillArrays", "Functors", "IrrationalConstants", "LinearAlgebra", "LogExpFunctions", "Random", "Requires", "SpecialFunctions", "Statistics", "StatsBase", "TensorCore", "Test", "ZygoteRules"] +git-tree-sha1 = "4a38fbd48503f2839b1d6033e0f7ffaec90dda33" +uuid = "ec8451be-7e33-11e9-00cf-bbf324bd1392" +version = "0.10.64" + [[deps.LAME_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] git-tree-sha1 = "170b660facf5df5de098d866564877e119141cbd" @@ -712,9 +747,9 @@ version = "18.1.7+0" [[deps.LZO_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "854a9c268c43b77b0a27f22d7fab8d33cdb3a731" +git-tree-sha1 = "1c602b1127f4751facb671441ca72715cc95938a" uuid = "dd4b983a-f0e5-5f8d-a1b7-129d4a5fb1ac" -version = "2.10.2+1" +version = "2.10.3+0" [[deps.LaTeXStrings]] git-tree-sha1 = "dda21b8cbd6a6c40d9d02a73230f9d70fed6918c" @@ -774,9 +809,9 @@ version = "1.11.0" [[deps.Libffi_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] -git-tree-sha1 = "0b4a5d71f3e5200a7dff793393e09dfc2d874290" 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["Artifacts", "IntelOpenMP_jll", "JLLWrappers", "LazyArtifacts", "Libdl", "oneTBB_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "f046ccd0c6db2832a9f639e2c669c6fe867e5f4f" +git-tree-sha1 = "ed4097130e3dd3721814b5f277da72f48905e80c" uuid = "856f044c-d86e-5d09-b602-aeab76dc8ba7" -version = "2024.2.0+0" +version = "2025.0.1+0" [[deps.MLJModelInterface]] deps = ["Random", "ScientificTypesBase", "StatisticalTraits"] @@ -887,10 +922,9 @@ uuid = "e80e1ace-859a-464e-9ed9-23947d8ae3ea" version = "1.11.0" [[deps.MacroTools]] -deps = ["Markdown", "Random"] -git-tree-sha1 = "2fa9ee3e63fd3a4f7a9a4f4744a52f4856de82df" +git-tree-sha1 = "72aebe0b5051e5143a079a4685a46da330a40472" uuid = "1914dd2f-81c6-5fcd-8719-6d5c9610ff09" -version = "0.5.13" +version = "0.5.15" [[deps.ManualMemory]] git-tree-sha1 = "bcaef4fc7a0cfe2cba636d84cda54b5e4e4ca3cd" @@ -909,10 +943,10 @@ uuid = "d0879d2d-cac2-40c8-9cee-1863dc0c7391" version = "0.1.2" [[deps.MathOptInterface]] -deps = ["BenchmarkTools", "CodecBzip2", "CodecZlib", "DataStructures", 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"1082639a-0dae-5f34-9b06-72781eeb8cb3" -version = "1.3.6+0" +version = "1.3.6+3" [[deps.Xorg_libXrender_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Xorg_libX11_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "47e45cd78224c53109495b3e324df0c37bb61fbe" +git-tree-sha1 = "a490c6212a0e90d2d55111ac956f7c4fa9c277a6" uuid = "ea2f1a96-1ddc-540d-b46f-429655e07cfa" -version = "0.9.11+0" +version = "0.9.11+1" [[deps.Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "8fdda4c692503d44d04a0603d9ac0982054635f9" +git-tree-sha1 = "c57201109a9e4c0585b208bb408bc41d205ac4e9" uuid = "14d82f49-176c-5ed1-bb49-ad3f5cbd8c74" -version = "0.1.1+0" +version = "0.1.2+0" [[deps.Xorg_libxcb_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "XSLT_jll", "Xorg_libXau_jll", "Xorg_libXdmcp_jll", "Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "bcd466676fef0878338c61e655629fa7bbc69d8e" +git-tree-sha1 = "1a74296303b6524a0472a8cb12d3d87a78eb3612" uuid = "c7cfdc94-dc32-55de-ac96-5a1b8d977c5b" -version = "1.17.0+0" +version = "1.17.0+3" [[deps.Xorg_xtrans_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "e92a1a012a10506618f10b7047e478403a046c77" +git-tree-sha1 = "6dba04dbfb72ae3ebe5418ba33d087ba8aa8cb00" uuid = "c5fb5394-a638-5e4d-96e5-b29de1b5cf10" -version = "1.5.0+0" +version = "1.5.1+0" [[deps.Zlib_jll]] deps = ["Libdl"] uuid = "83775a58-1f1d-513f-b197-d71354ab007a" version = "1.2.13+1" +[[deps.ZygoteRules]] +deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "MacroTools"] +git-tree-sha1 = "434b3de333c75fc446aa0d19fc394edafd07ab08" +uuid = "700de1a5-db45-46bc-99cf-38207098b444" +version = "0.2.7" + [[deps.libaom_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "1827acba325fdcdf1d2647fc8d5301dd9ba43a9d" +git-tree-sha1 = "522c1df09d05a71785765d19c9524661234738e9" uuid = "a4ae2306-e953-59d6-aa16-d00cac43593b" -version = "3.9.0+0" +version = "3.11.0+0" [[deps.libass_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Bzip2_jll", "FreeType2_jll", "FriBidi_jll", "HarfBuzz_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Zlib_jll"] @@ -1621,9 +1679,9 @@ version = "2.0.3+0" [[deps.libpng_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Zlib_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "b70c870239dc3d7bc094eb2d6be9b73d27bef280" +git-tree-sha1 = "d7b5bbf1efbafb5eca466700949625e07533aff2" uuid = "b53b4c65-9356-5827-b1ea-8c7a1a84506f" -version = "1.6.44+0" +version = "1.6.45+1" [[deps.libvorbis_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Ogg_jll", "Pkg"] diff --git a/docs/src/API/GaussianProcess.md b/docs/src/API/GaussianProcess.md index 8778c835..6290887c 100644 --- a/docs/src/API/GaussianProcess.md +++ b/docs/src/API/GaussianProcess.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ PredictionType GaussianProcess GaussianProcess( ::GPPkg; - ::Union{K, KPy, Nothing}, + ::Union{K, KPy, AK, Nothing}, ::Any, ::FT, ::PredictionType, -) where {GPPkg <: GaussianProcessesPackage, K <: Kernel, KPy <: PyObject, FT <: AbstractFloat} +) where {GPPkg <: GaussianProcessesPackage, K <: GaussianProcesses.Kernel, KPy <: PyObject, AK <:AbstractGPs.Kernel, FT <: AbstractFloat} build_models!(::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, ::PairedDataContainer{FT}) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} optimize_hyperparameters!(::GaussianProcess{GPJL}) predict(::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, ::AbstractMatrix{FT}) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} diff --git a/docs/src/API/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.md b/docs/src/API/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.md index 4580ebf4..f6729b2d 100644 --- a/docs/src/API/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.md +++ b/docs/src/API/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.md @@ -22,8 +22,12 @@ MCMC sampling. ```@docs MCMCProtocol +AutodiffProtocol +ForwardDiffProtocol +ReverseDiffProtocol RWMHSampling pCNMHSampling +BarkerSampling MetropolisHastingsSampler ``` diff --git a/src/Emulator.jl b/src/Emulator.jl index 186b290f..1904fd9b 100644 --- a/src/Emulator.jl +++ b/src/Emulator.jl @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ include("RandomFeature.jl") function throw_define_mlt() throw(ErrorException("Unknown MachineLearningTool defined, please use a known implementation")) end -function build_models!(mlt, iopairs) +function build_models!(mlt, iopairs, mlt_kwargs...) throw_define_mlt() end function optimize_hyperparameters!(mlt) @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ function Emulator( standardize_outputs_factors::Union{AbstractVector{FT}, Nothing} = nothing, decorrelate::Bool = true, retained_svd_frac::FT = 1.0, + mlt_kwargs..., ) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} # For Consistency checks @@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ function Emulator( training_pairs = PairedDataContainer(training_inputs, decorrelated_training_outputs) # [4.] build an emulator - build_models!(machine_learning_tool, training_pairs) + build_models!(machine_learning_tool, training_pairs; mlt_kwargs...) else if decorrelate || !isa(machine_learning_tool, VectorRandomFeatureInterface) throw(ArgumentError("$machine_learning_tool is incompatible with option Emulator(...,decorrelate = false)")) @@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ function Emulator( decomposition = nothing training_pairs = PairedDataContainer(training_inputs, training_outputs) # [4.] build an emulator - providing the noise covariance as a Tikhonov regularizer - build_models!(machine_learning_tool, training_pairs, regularization_matrix = obs_noise_cov) + build_models!(machine_learning_tool, training_pairs; regularization_matrix = obs_noise_cov, mlt_kwargs...) end return Emulator{FT}( @@ -192,11 +193,11 @@ Default is to predict in the decorrelated space. """ function predict( emulator::Emulator{FT}, - new_inputs::AbstractMatrix{FT}; + new_inputs::AM; transform_to_real = false, vector_rf_unstandardize = true, mlt_kwargs..., -) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} +) where {FT <: AbstractFloat, AM <: AbstractMatrix} # Check if the size of new_inputs is consistent with the GP model's input # dimension. input_dim, output_dim = size(emulator.training_pairs, 1) diff --git a/src/GaussianProcess.jl b/src/GaussianProcess.jl index c8980170..6a59669b 100644 --- a/src/GaussianProcess.jl +++ b/src/GaussianProcess.jl @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ -import GaussianProcesses: predict -using GaussianProcesses - using EnsembleKalmanProcesses.DataContainers - using DocStringExtensions + +# [1] For GaussianProcesses +import GaussianProcesses: predict, get_params, get_param_names +using GaussianProcesses + +# [2] For SciKitLearn using PyCall using ScikitLearn const pykernels = PyNULL() @@ -14,23 +16,33 @@ function __init__() copy!(pyGP, pyimport_conda("sklearn.gaussian_process", "scikit-learn=1.5.1")) end +# [3] For AbstractGPs +using AbstractGPs +using KernelFunctions + #exports (from Emulator) export GaussianProcess -export GPJL, SKLJL +export GPJL, SKLJL, AGPJL export YType, FType +export get_params +export get_param_names + + """ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) Type to dispatch which GP package to use: - - `GPJL` for GaussianProcesses.jl, - - `SKLJL` for the ScikitLearn GaussianProcessRegressor. + - `GPJL` for GaussianProcesses.jl, [julia - gradient-free only] + - `SKLJL` for the ScikitLearn GaussianProcessRegressor, [python - gradient-free] + - `AGPJL` for AbstractGPs.jl, [julia - ForwardDiff compatible] """ abstract type GaussianProcessesPackage end struct GPJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end struct SKLJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end +struct AGPJL <: GaussianProcessesPackage end """ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) @@ -55,9 +67,9 @@ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDFIELDS) """ struct GaussianProcess{GPPackage, FT} <: MachineLearningTool "The Gaussian Process (GP) Regression model(s) that are fitted to the given input-data pairs." - models::Vector{Union{<:GaussianProcesses.GPE, <:PyObject, Nothing}} + models::Vector{Union{<:GaussianProcesses.GPE, <:PyObject, <:AbstractGPs.PosteriorGP, Nothing}} "Kernel object." - kernel::Union{<:Kernel, <:PyObject, Nothing} + kernel::Union{<:GaussianProcesses.Kernel, <:PyObject, <:AbstractGPs.Kernel, Nothing} "Learn the noise with the White Noise kernel explicitly?" noise_learn::Bool "Additional observational or regularization noise in used in GP algorithms" @@ -79,14 +91,20 @@ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDSIGNATURES) """ function GaussianProcess( package::GPPkg; - kernel::Union{K, KPy, Nothing} = nothing, + kernel::Union{K, KPy, AGPK, Nothing} = nothing, noise_learn = true, alg_reg_noise::FT = 1e-3, prediction_type::PredictionType = YType(), -) where {GPPkg <: GaussianProcessesPackage, K <: Kernel, KPy <: PyObject, FT <: AbstractFloat} +) where { + GPPkg <: GaussianProcessesPackage, + K <: GaussianProcesses.Kernel, + KPy <: PyObject, + AGPK <: AbstractGPs.Kernel, + FT <: AbstractFloat, +} # Initialize vector for GP models - models = Vector{Union{<:GaussianProcesses.GPE, <:PyObject, Nothing}}(undef, 0) + models = Vector{Union{<:GaussianProcesses.GPE, <:PyObject, <:AbstractGPs.PosteriorGP, <:Nothing}}(undef, 0) # the algorithm regularization noise is set to some small value if we are learning noise, else # it is fixed to the correct value (1.0) @@ -98,6 +116,21 @@ function GaussianProcess( end # First we create the GPJL implementation +""" +Gets flattened kernel hyperparameters from a (vector of) `GaussianProcess{GPJL}` model(s). Extends GaussianProcess.jl method. +""" +function GaussianProcesses.get_params(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}) + return [get_params(model.kernel) for model in gp.models] +end + +""" +Gets the flattened names of kernel hyperparameters from a (vector of) `GaussianProcess{GPJL}` model(s). Extends GaussianProcess.jl method. +""" +function GaussianProcesses.get_param_names(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}) + return [get_param_names(model.kernel) for model in gp.models] +end + + """ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDSIGNATURES) @@ -105,7 +138,8 @@ Method to build Gaussian process models based on the package. """ function build_models!( gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, - input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}, + input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}; + kwargs..., ) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} # get inputs and outputs input_values = get_inputs(input_output_pairs) @@ -224,7 +258,8 @@ predict(gp::GaussianProcess{GPJL}, new_inputs::AbstractMatrix{FT}) where {FT <: #now we build the SKLJL implementation function build_models!( gp::GaussianProcess{SKLJL}, - input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}, + input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}; + kwargs..., ) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} # get inputs and outputs input_values = permutedims(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), (2, 1)) @@ -296,3 +331,108 @@ function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{SKLJL}, new_inputs::AbstractMatrix{FT}) whe return μ, σ2 end + + +#We build the AGPJL implementation +function build_models!( + gp::GaussianProcess{AGPJL}, + input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}; + kernel_params = nothing, + kwargs..., +) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} + # get inputs and outputs + input_values = permutedims(get_inputs(input_output_pairs), (2, 1)) + output_values = get_outputs(input_output_pairs) + + # Number of models (We are fitting one model per output dimension, as data is decorrelated) + models = gp.models + if length(gp.models) > 0 # check to see if gp already contains models + @warn "GaussianProcess already built. skipping..." + return + end + + ############################################################################## + # Notes on borrowing hyperparameters optimised within GPJL: + # optimisation of the GPJL with default kernels produces kernel parameters + # in the way of [a b c], where: + # c is the log_const_value + # [a b] is the rbf_len: lengthscale parameters for SEArd kernel + # const_value = exp.(2 .* log_const_value) + ############################################################################## + ## For example A 2D->2D sinusoid input example: + #= + log_const_value = [2.9031145778344696; 3.8325906110973795] + rbf_len = [1.9952706691900783 3.066374123568536; 5.783676639895112 2.195849064147456] + =# + if isnothing(kernel_params) + throw(ArgumentError(""" +AbstractGP currently does not (yet) learn hyperparameters internally. The following can be performed instead: +1. Create and optimize a GPJL emulator and default kernel. (here called gp_jl) +2. Create the Kernel parameters as a vect-of-dict with + kernel_params = [ + Dict( + "log_rbf_len" => model_params[1:end-2] # input-dim Vector, + "log_std_sqexp" => model_params[end-2] # Float, + "log_std_noise" => # Float, + ) + for model_params in get_params(gp_jl)] + Note: get_params(gp_jl) returns `output_dim`-vector where each entry is [a, b, c] with: + - a is the `rbf_len`: lengthscale parameters for SEArd kernel [input_dim] Vector + - b is the `log_std_sqexp` of the SQexp kernel Float + - c is the `log_std_noise` of the noise kernel Float +3. Build a new Emulator with kwargs `kernel_params=kernel_params` + """)) + end + + + N_models = size(output_values, 1) #size(transformed_data)[1] + regularization_noise = gp.alg_reg_noise + + # now obtain the values of the hyperparameters + if N_models == 1 && !(isa(kernel_params, AbstractVector)) # i.e. just a Dict + kernel_params_vec = [kernel_params] + else + kernel_params_vec = kernel_params + end + + for i in 1:N_models + var_sqexp = exp.(2 .* kernel_params_vec[i]["log_std_sqexp"]) # Float + var_noise = exp.(2 .* kernel_params_vec[i]["log_std_noise"]) # Float + rbf_invlen = 1 ./ exp.(kernel_params_vec[i]["log_rbf_len"])# Vec + + opt_kern = + var_sqexp * (KernelFunctions.SqExponentialKernel() ∘ ARDTransform(rbf_invlen[:])) + + var_noise * KernelFunctions.WhiteKernel() + opt_f = AbstractGPs.GP(opt_kern) + opt_fx = opt_f(input_values', regularization_noise) + + data_i = output_values[i, :] + opt_post_fx = posterior(opt_fx, data_i) + println("optimised GP: ", i) + push!(models, opt_post_fx) + println(opt_post_fx.prior.kernel) + end + +end + +function optimize_hyperparameters!(gp::GaussianProcess{AGPJL}, args...; kwargs...) + @info "AbstractGP already built. Continuing..." +end + +function predict(gp::GaussianProcess{AGPJL}, new_inputs::AM) where {AM <: AbstractMatrix} + + N_models = length(gp.models) + N_samples = size(new_inputs, 2) + FTorD = eltype(new_inputs) # e.g. Float or Dual + μ = zeros(FTorD, N_models, N_samples) + σ2 = zeros(FTorD, N_models, N_samples) + for i in 1:N_models + pred_gp = gp.models[i] + pred = pred_gp(new_inputs) + μ[i, :] = mean(pred) + σ2[i, :] = var(pred) + end + + σ2[:, :] .= σ2[:, :] .+ gp.alg_reg_noise + return μ, σ2 +end diff --git a/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl b/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl index dd84f8be..64faa5d5 100644 --- a/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl +++ b/src/MarkovChainMonteCarlo.jl @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ using LinearAlgebra using Printf using Random using Statistics +using ForwardDiff +using ReverseDiff using MCMCChains import AbstractMCMC: sample # Reexport sample() @@ -20,13 +22,18 @@ import AdvancedMH export EmulatorPosteriorModel, MetropolisHastingsSampler, MCMCProtocol, + GradFreeProtocol, + ForwardDiffProtocol, + ReverseDiffProtocol, RWMHSampling, pCNMHSampling, + BarkerSampling, MCMCWrapper, accept_ratio, optimize_stepsize, get_posterior, - sample + sample, + esjd # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Output space transformations between original and SVD-decorrelated coordinates. @@ -68,6 +75,47 @@ end # only change is made. We do the latter here because doing the former would require more # boilerplate code (repeating AdvancedMH/src/proposal.jl for the new Proposals)). +# some possible types of autodiff used +""" +$(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) + +Type used to dispatch different autodifferentiation methods where different emulators have a different compatability with autodiff packages +""" +abstract type AutodiffProtocol end + +""" +$(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) + +Type to construct samplers for emulators not compatible with autodifferentiation +""" +abstract type GradFreeProtocol <: AutodiffProtocol end + +""" +$(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) + +Type to construct samplers for emulators compatible with `ForwardDiff.jl` autodifferentiation +""" +abstract type ForwardDiffProtocol <: AutodiffProtocol end + +""" +$(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) + +Type to construct samplers for emulators compatible with `ReverseDiff.jl` autodifferentiation +""" +abstract type ReverseDiffProtocol <: AutodiffProtocol end +# ...to be implemented... +#= +abstract type ZygoteProtocol <: AutodiffProtocol end +abstract type EnzymeProtocol <: AutodiffProtocol end +=# + +function _get_proposal(prior::ParameterDistribution) + # *only* use covariance of prior, not full distribution + Σsqrt = sqrt(ParameterDistributions.cov(prior)) # rt_cov * MVN(0,I) avoids the posdef errors for MVN in Julia Distributions + return AdvancedMH.RandomWalkProposal(Σsqrt * MvNormal(zeros(size(Σsqrt)[1]), I)) +end + + """ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) @@ -82,10 +130,12 @@ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) [`MCMCProtocol`](@ref) which uses Metropolis-Hastings sampling that generates proposals for new parameters as as vanilla random walk, based on the covariance of `prior`. """ -struct RWMHSampling <: MCMCProtocol end +struct RWMHSampling{T <: AutodiffProtocol} <: MCMCProtocol end -struct RWMetropolisHastings{D} <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler - proposal::D +RWMHSampling() = RWMHSampling{GradFreeProtocol}() + +struct RWMetropolisHastings{PT, ADT <: AutodiffProtocol} <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler + proposal::PT end # Define method needed by AdvancedMH for new Sampler AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density( @@ -94,12 +144,6 @@ AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density( candidate, ) = AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density(sampler.proposal, transition_prev.params, candidate) -function _get_proposal(prior::ParameterDistribution) - # *only* use covariance of prior, not full distribution - Σsqrt = sqrt(ParameterDistributions.cov(prior)) # rt_cov * MVN(0,I) avoids the posdef errors for MVN in Julia Distributions - return AdvancedMH.RandomWalkProposal(Σsqrt * MvNormal(zeros(size(Σsqrt)[1]), I)) -end - """ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDSIGNATURES) @@ -115,7 +159,10 @@ Constructor for all `Sampler` objects, with one method for each supported MCMC a (possibly in a transformed space) and we assume enough fidelity in the Emulator that inference isn't prior-dominated. """ -MetropolisHastingsSampler(::RWMHSampling, prior::ParameterDistribution) = RWMetropolisHastings(_get_proposal(prior)) +function MetropolisHastingsSampler(::RWMHSampling{T}, prior::ParameterDistribution) where {T <: AutodiffProtocol} + proposal = _get_proposal(prior) + return RWMetropolisHastings{typeof(proposal), T}(proposal) +end """ $(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) @@ -125,9 +172,10 @@ new parameters according to the preconditioned Crank-Nicholson (pCN) algorithm, usable for MCMC in the *stepsize → 0* limit, unlike the vanilla random walk. Steps are based on the covariance of `prior`. """ -struct pCNMHSampling <: MCMCProtocol end +struct pCNMHSampling{T <: AutodiffProtocol} <: MCMCProtocol end +pCNMHSampling() = pCNMHSampling{GradFreeProtocol}() -struct pCNMetropolisHastings{D} <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler +struct pCNMetropolisHastings{D, T <: AutodiffProtocol} <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler proposal::D end # Define method needed by AdvancedMH for new Sampler @@ -136,8 +184,78 @@ AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density( transition_prev::AdvancedMH.AbstractTransition, candidate, ) = AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density(sampler.proposal, transition_prev.params, candidate) +function MetropolisHastingsSampler(::pCNMHSampling{T}, prior::ParameterDistribution) where {T <: AutodiffProtocol} + proposal = _get_proposal(prior) + return pCNMetropolisHastings{typeof(proposal), T}(proposal) +end + +#------ The following are gradient-based samplers + +""" +$(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDEF) + +[`MCMCProtocol`](@ref) which uses Metropolis-Hastings sampling that generates proposals for +new parameters according to the Barker proposal. +""" +struct BarkerSampling{T <: AutodiffProtocol} <: MCMCProtocol end +BarkerSampling() = BarkerSampling{ForwardDiffProtocol}() + +struct BarkerMetropolisHastings{D, T <: AutodiffProtocol} <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler + proposal::D +end +# Define method needed by AdvancedMH for new Sampler +AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density( + sampler::BarkerMetropolisHastings, + transition_prev::AdvancedMH.AbstractTransition, + candidate, +) = AdvancedMH.logratio_proposal_density(sampler.proposal, transition_prev.params, candidate) + +function MetropolisHastingsSampler(::BarkerSampling{T}, prior::ParameterDistribution) where {T <: AutodiffProtocol} + proposal = _get_proposal(prior) + return BarkerMetropolisHastings{typeof(proposal), T}(proposal) +end + + +## -------- Autodifferentiation procedures ------ ## + +function autodiff_gradient(model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, params, autodiff_protocol) + if autodiff_protocol == ForwardDiffProtocol + return ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> AdvancedMH.logdensity(model, x), params) + elseif autodiff_protocol == ReverseDiffProtocol + return ReverseDiff.gradient(x -> AdvancedMH.logdensity(model, x), params) + else + throw( + ArgumentError( + "Calling `autodiff_gradient(...)` on a sampler with protocol $(autodiff_protocol) that has *no* gradient implementation.\n Please select from a protocol with a gradient implementation (e.g., `ForwardDiffProtocol`).", + ), + ) + end + +end + +autodiff_gradient(model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, params, sampler::MH) where {MH <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler} = + autodiff_gradient(model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, params, typeof(sampler).parameters[2]) # hacky way of getting the "AutodiffProtocol" + +function autodiff_hessian(model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, params, autodiff_protocol) + if autodiff_protocol == ForwardDiffProtocol + return Symmetric(ForwardDiff.hessian(x -> AdvancedMH.logdensity(model, x), params)) + elseif autodiff_protocol == ReverseDiffProtocol + return Symmetric(ReverseDiff.hessian(x -> AdvancedMH.logdensity(model, x), params)) + else + throw( + ArgumentError( + "Calling `autodiff_hessian(...)` on a sampler with protocol $(autodiff_protocol) that has *no* hessian implementation.\n Please select from a protocol with a hessian implementation (e.g., `ForwardDiffProtocol`).", + ), + ) + + end +end + +autodiff_hessian(model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, params, sampler::MH) where {MH <: AdvancedMH.MHSampler} = + autodiff_hessian(model, params, typeof(sampler).parameters[2]) + + -MetropolisHastingsSampler(::pCNMHSampling, prior::ParameterDistribution) = pCNMetropolisHastings(_get_proposal(prior)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Use emulated model in sampler @@ -216,7 +334,7 @@ function AdvancedMH.transition( model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, params, log_density::Real, -) where {MHS <: Union{pCNMetropolisHastings, RWMetropolisHastings}} +) where {MHS <: Union{pCNMetropolisHastings, RWMetropolisHastings, BarkerMetropolisHastings}} return MCMCState(params, log_density, true) end @@ -245,6 +363,22 @@ function AdvancedMH.propose( return ρ * current_state.params .+ sqrt(1 - ρ^2) * rand(rng, sampler.proposal) end +# method extending AdvancedMH.propose() for the Barker proposal +function AdvancedMH.propose( + rng::Random.AbstractRNG, + sampler::BarkerMetropolisHastings, + model::AdvancedMH.DensityModel, + current_state::MCMCState; + stepsize::FT = 1.0, +) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} + # Livingstone and Zanella (2022) + # Compute the gradient of the log-density at the current state + n = length(current_state.params) + log_gradient = autodiff_gradient(model, current_state.params, sampler) + xi = rand(rng, sampler.proposal) + return current_state.params .+ (stepsize .* ((rand(rng, n) .< 1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(-log_gradient .* xi))) .* xi)) +end + # Copy a MCMCState and set accepted = false reject_transition(t::MCMCState) = MCMCState(t.params, t.log_density, false) @@ -408,12 +542,14 @@ decorrelation) that was applied in the Emulator. It creates and wraps an instanc fixed stepsize. - [`pCNMHSampling`](@ref): Metropolis-Hastings sampling using the preconditioned Crank-Nicholson algorithm, which has a well-behaved small-stepsize limit. + - [`BarkerSampling`](@ref): Metropolis-Hastings sampling using the Barker + proposal, which has a robustness to choosing step-size parameters. - `obs_sample`: A single sample from the observations. Can, e.g., be picked from an Observation struct using `get_obs_sample`. - `prior`: [`ParameterDistribution`](https://clima.github.io/EnsembleKalmanProcesses.jl/dev/parameter_distributions/) object containing the parameters' prior distributions. -- `em`: [`Emulator`](@ref) to sample from. +- `emulator`: [`Emulator`](@ref) to sample from. - `stepsize`: MCMC step size, applied as a scaling to the prior covariance. - `init_params`: Starting parameter values for MCMC sampling. - `burnin`: Initial number of MCMC steps to discard from output (pre-convergence). @@ -422,13 +558,13 @@ function MCMCWrapper( mcmc_alg::MCMCProtocol, obs_sample::AbstractVector{FT}, prior::ParameterDistribution, - em::Emulator; + emulator::Emulator; init_params::AbstractVector{FT}, burnin::IT = 0, kwargs..., ) where {FT <: AbstractFloat, IT <: Integer} - obs_sample = to_decorrelated(obs_sample, em) - log_posterior_map = EmulatorPosteriorModel(prior, em, obs_sample) + obs_sample = to_decorrelated(obs_sample, emulator) + log_posterior_map = EmulatorPosteriorModel(prior, emulator, obs_sample) mh_proposal_sampler = MetropolisHastingsSampler(mcmc_alg, prior) # parameter names are needed in every dimension in a MCMCChains object needed for diagnostics @@ -541,6 +677,7 @@ function optimize_stepsize( init_stepsize = 1.0, N = 2000, max_iter = 20, + target_acc = 0.25, sample_kwargs..., ) increase = false @@ -555,9 +692,9 @@ function optimize_stepsize( _find_mcmc_step_log(it, stepsize, acc_ratio, trial_chain) change_step = true - if acc_ratio < 0.15 + if acc_ratio < target_acc - 0.1 decrease = true - elseif acc_ratio > 0.35 + elseif acc_ratio > target_acc + 0.1 increase = true else change_step = false @@ -569,9 +706,9 @@ function optimize_stepsize( decrease = false end - if acc_ratio < 0.15 + if acc_ratio < target_acc - 0.1 stepsize *= 2^(-factor[1]) - elseif acc_ratio > 0.35 + elseif acc_ratio > target_acc + 0.1 stepsize *= 2^(factor[1]) end @@ -623,4 +760,25 @@ function get_posterior(mcmc::MCMCWrapper, chain::MCMCChains.Chains) return posterior_distribution end +# other diagnostic utilities +""" +$(DocStringExtensions.TYPEDSIGNATURES) + +Computes the expected squared jump distance of the chain. +""" +function esjd(chain::MCMCChains.Chains) + samples = chain.value[:, :, 1] # N_samples x N_params x n_chains + n_samples, n_params = size(samples) + esjd = zeros(Float64, n_params) + for i in 2:n_samples + esjd .+= (samples[i, :] .- samples[i - 1, :]) .^ 2 ./ n_samples + end + return esjd + +end + + + + + end # module MarkovChainMonteCarlo diff --git a/src/ScalarRandomFeature.jl b/src/ScalarRandomFeature.jl index a946fd9c..2333a022 100644 --- a/src/ScalarRandomFeature.jl +++ b/src/ScalarRandomFeature.jl @@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ Builds the random feature method from hyperparameters. We use cosine activation """ function build_models!( srfi::ScalarRandomFeatureInterface, - input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}, + input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}; + kwargs..., ) where {FT <: AbstractFloat} # get inputs and outputs input_values = get_inputs(input_output_pairs) diff --git a/src/VectorRandomFeature.jl b/src/VectorRandomFeature.jl index 686cd1a2..cad00bd6 100644 --- a/src/VectorRandomFeature.jl +++ b/src/VectorRandomFeature.jl @@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ function build_models!( vrfi::VectorRandomFeatureInterface, input_output_pairs::PairedDataContainer{FT}; regularization_matrix::Union{M, Nothing} = nothing, + kwargs..., ) where {FT <: AbstractFloat, M <: AbstractMatrix} # get inputs and outputs diff --git a/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl b/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl index 755bf9c2..f92f2439 100644 --- a/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl +++ b/test/GaussianProcess/runtests.jl @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Import modules -using Random using Test +using Random using GaussianProcesses using Statistics using Distributions @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataContainers standardize_outputs = false, retained_svd_frac = 1.0, ) # check that gp1 does not get more models added under second call + Emulator( gp1, iopairs, @@ -98,6 +99,57 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataContainers @test size(μ1) == (1, 5) @test vec(σ1²) ≈ [0.017, 0.003, 0.004, 0.004, 0.009] atol = 1e-2 + # GaussianProcess 1b: use GPJL to create an abstractGP dist. + agp = GaussianProcess(AGPJL(); noise_learn = true, alg_reg_noise = 1e-4, prediction_type = pred_type) + @test_throws ArgumentError Emulator( + agp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov = nothing, + normalize_inputs = false, + standardize_outputs = false, + retained_svd_frac = 1.0, + ) + + gp1_opt_params = Emulators.get_params(gp1)[1] # one model only + gp1_opt_param_names = get_param_names(gp1)[1] # one model only + + kernel_params = Dict( + "log_rbf_len" => gp1_opt_params[1:(end - 2)], + "log_std_sqexp" => gp1_opt_params[end - 1], + "log_std_noise" => gp1_opt_params[end], + ) + + em_agp_from_gp1 = Emulator( + agp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov = nothing, + normalize_inputs = false, + standardize_outputs = false, + retained_svd_frac = 1.0, + kernel_params = kernel_params, + ) + optimize_hyperparameters!(em_agp_from_gp1) + # skip rebuild: + @test_logs (:warn,) (:warn,) Emulator( + agp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov = nothing, + normalize_inputs = false, + standardize_outputs = false, + retained_svd_frac = 1.0, + kernel_params = kernel_params, + ) + + + μ1b, σ1b² = Emulators.predict(em_agp_from_gp1, new_inputs) + + # gp1 and agp_from_gp2 should give similar predictions + tol_small = 1e-12 + @test all(isapprox.(μ1, μ1b, atol = tol_small)) + @test size(μ1) == (1, 5) + @test all(isapprox.(σ1², σ1b², atol = tol_small)) + + # GaussianProcess 2: GPJL, predict_f pred_type = FType() @@ -118,7 +170,6 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataContainers # predict_y and predict_f should give the same mean @test μ2 ≈ μ1 atol = 1e-6 - # GaussianProcess 3: SKLJL gppackage = SKLJL() @@ -251,4 +302,34 @@ using CalibrateEmulateSample.DataContainers @test all(isapprox.(σ4²_noise_from_Σ, σ4²_noise_learnt, rtol = 2 * tol_mu)) + # GaussianProcess 4b: use GPJL to create an abstractGP dist. + agp4 = GaussianProcess(AGPJL(); noise_learn = true, prediction_type = pred_type) + + gp4_opt_params = Emulators.get_params(gp4_noise_learnt) + gp4_opt_param_names = get_param_names(gp4_noise_learnt) + + kernel_params = [ + Dict( + "log_rbf_len" => model_params[1:(end - 2)], + "log_std_sqexp" => model_params[end - 1], + "log_std_noise" => model_params[end], + ) for model_params in gp4_opt_params + ] + + em_agp_from_gp4 = Emulator( + agp4, + iopairs2, + obs_noise_cov = Σ, + normalize_inputs = true, + retained_svd_frac = 1.0, + kernel_params = kernel_params, + ) + + μ4b, σ4b² = Emulators.predict(em_agp_from_gp4, new_inputs, transform_to_real = true) + + # gp1 and agp_from_gp2 should give similar predictions + tol_small = 1e-12 + @test all(isapprox.(μ4b, μ4_noise_learnt, atol = tol_small)) + @test all(isapprox.(σ4b², σ4²_noise_learnt, atol = tol_small)) + end diff --git a/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl b/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl index e6534630..d24e7cb1 100644 --- a/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl +++ b/test/MarkovChainMonteCarlo/runtests.jl @@ -82,6 +82,54 @@ function test_gp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs::PairedDataContainer; norm_factor = nothing return em end +function test_gp_and_agp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs::PairedDataContainer; norm_factor = nothing) + gppackage = GPJL() + pred_type = YType() + # Construct kernel: + # Squared exponential kernel (note that hyperparameters are on log scale) + # with observational noise + GPkernel = SE(log(1.0), log(1.0)) + gp = GaussianProcess(gppackage; kernel = GPkernel, noise_learn = true, prediction_type = pred_type) + em = Emulator( + gp, + iopairs; + obs_noise_cov = σ2_y, + normalize_inputs = false, + standardize_outputs = false, + standardize_outputs_factors = norm_factor, + retained_svd_frac = 1.0, + ) + Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em) + + # now make agp from gp + agp = GaussianProcess(AGPJL(); noise_learn = true, prediction_type = pred_type) + + gp_opt_params = Emulators.get_params(gp) + gp_opt_param_names = get_param_names(gp) + + kernel_params = [ + Dict( + "log_rbf_len" => model_params[1:(end - 2)], + "log_std_sqexp" => model_params[end - 1], + "log_std_noise" => model_params[end], + ) for model_params in gp_opt_params + ] + + em_agp = Emulator( + agp, + iopairs, + obs_noise_cov = σ2_y, + normalize_inputs = false, + standardize_outputs = false, + retained_svd_frac = 1.0, + standardize_outputs_factors = norm_factor, + kernel_params = kernel_params, + ) + + return em, em_agp +end + + function test_gp_2(y, σ2_y, iopairs::PairedDataContainer; norm_factor = nothing) gppackage = GPJL() pred_type = YType() @@ -100,6 +148,7 @@ function test_gp_2(y, σ2_y, iopairs::PairedDataContainer; norm_factor = nothing retained_svd_frac = 0.9, ) Emulators.optimize_hyperparameters!(em) + return em end @@ -112,21 +161,21 @@ function mcmc_test_template( init_params = 3.0, step = 0.25, rng = Random.GLOBAL_RNG, + target_acc = 0.25, ) obs_sample = reshape(collect(obs_sample), 1) # scalar or Vector -> Vector init_params = reshape(collect(init_params), 1) # scalar or Vector -> Vector mcmc = MCMCWrapper(mcmc_alg, obs_sample, prior, em; init_params = init_params) - # First let's run a short chain to determine a good step size - new_step = optimize_stepsize(mcmc; init_stepsize = step, N = 5000) + new_step = optimize_stepsize(mcmc; init_stepsize = step, N = 5000, target_acc = target_acc) # Now begin the actual MCMC, sample is multiply exported so we qualify - chain = MCMC.sample(rng, mcmc, 100_000; stepsize = new_step, discard_initial = 1000) + chain = MCMC.sample(rng, mcmc, 100_000; stepsize = new_step, discard_initial = 50000) posterior_distribution = get_posterior(mcmc, chain) #post_mean = mean(posterior, dims=1)[1] posterior_mean = mean(posterior_distribution) - return new_step, posterior_mean[1] + return new_step, posterior_mean[1], chain end @testset "MarkovChainMonteCarlo" begin @@ -136,6 +185,7 @@ end mcmc_params = Dict(:mcmc_alg => RWMHSampling(), :obs_sample => obs_sample, :init_params => [3.0], :step => 0.5, :rng => rng) + @testset "Constructor: standardize" begin em = test_gp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs) test_obs = MarkovChainMonteCarlo.to_decorrelated(obs_sample, em) @@ -155,20 +205,39 @@ end end + @testset "Sine GP & RW Metropolis" begin - em_1 = test_gp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs) - new_step, posterior_mean_1 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1; mcmc_params...) - @test isapprox(new_step, 0.5; atol = 0.5) + em_1, em_1b = test_gp_and_agp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs) + new_step_1, posterior_mean_1, chain_1 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1; mcmc_params...) + esjd1 = esjd(chain_1) + @info "ESJD = $esjd1" + @test isapprox(new_step_1, 0.5; atol = 0.5) # difference between mean_1 and ground truth comes from MCMC convergence and GP sampling @test isapprox(posterior_mean_1, π / 2; atol = 4e-1) + # test the agp setup on without derivatives + new_step_1b, posterior_mean_1b, chain_1b = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1b; mcmc_params...) + @test isapprox(new_step_1b, new_step_1; atol = 1e-1) + tol_small = 5e-2 + @test isapprox(posterior_mean_1b, posterior_mean_1; atol = tol_small) + esjd1b = esjd(chain_1b) + @info "ESJD = $esjd1b" + @test all(isapprox.(esjd1, esjd1b, rtol = 0.1)) + # now test SVD normalization norm_factor = 10.0 norm_factor = fill(norm_factor, size(y[:, 1])) # must be size of output dim em_2 = test_gp_2(y, σ2_y, iopairs; norm_factor = norm_factor) - _, posterior_mean_2 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_2; mcmc_params...) + _, posterior_mean_2, chain_2 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_2; mcmc_params...) # difference between mean_1 and mean_2 only from MCMC convergence @test isapprox(posterior_mean_2, posterior_mean_1; atol = 0.1) + # test diagnostic functions on the chain + esjd2 = esjd(chain_2) + @info "ESJD = $esjd2" + # approx [0.04190683285347798, 0.1685296224916364, 0.4129400000002722] + @test all(isapprox.(esjd1, esjd2, rtol = 0.1)) + + end @testset "Sine GP & pCN" begin @@ -180,18 +249,70 @@ end :rng => rng, ) - em_1 = test_gp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs) - new_step, posterior_mean_1 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1; mcmc_params...) - @test isapprox(new_step, 0.75; atol = 0.6) + em_1, em_1b = test_gp_and_agp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs) + new_step_1, posterior_mean_1, chain_1 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1; mcmc_params...) + esjd1 = esjd(chain_1) + @info "ESJD = $esjd1" + @test isapprox(new_step_1, 0.75; atol = 0.6) # difference between mean_1 and ground truth comes from MCMC convergence and GP sampling @test isapprox(posterior_mean_1, π / 2; atol = 4e-1) + # test the agp setup on without derivatives + new_step_1b, posterior_mean_1b, chain_1b = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1b; mcmc_params...) + @test isapprox(new_step_1b, new_step_1; atol = 1e-1) + tol_small = 5e-2 + @test isapprox(posterior_mean_1b, posterior_mean_1; atol = tol_small) + esjd1b = esjd(chain_1b) + @info "ESJD = $esjd1b" + @test all(isapprox.(esjd1, esjd1b, rtol = 0.1)) + # now test SVD normalization norm_factor = 10.0 norm_factor = fill(norm_factor, size(y[:, 1])) # must be size of output dim em_2 = test_gp_2(y, σ2_y, iopairs; norm_factor = norm_factor) - _, posterior_mean_2 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_2; mcmc_params...) + _, posterior_mean_2, chain_2 = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_2; mcmc_params...) # difference between mean_1 and mean_2 only from MCMC convergence @test isapprox(posterior_mean_2, posterior_mean_1; atol = 0.1) + + esjd2 = esjd(chain_2) + @info "ESJD = $esjd2" + # approx [0.03470825350663073, 0.161606734823579, 0.38970000000024896] + + @test all(isapprox.(esjd1, esjd2, rtol = 0.1)) + end + + + + + mcmc_params = Dict(:obs_sample => obs_sample, :init_params => [3.0], :step => 0.01, :rng => rng, :target_acc => 0.6) # the target is usually higher in grad-based MCMC + + em_1, em_1b = test_gp_and_agp_1(y, σ2_y, iopairs) + # em_1 cannot be used here + + mcmc_algs = [ + RWMHSampling(), # sanity-check + BarkerSampling(), # ForwardDiffProtocol by default + BarkerSampling{ReverseDiffProtocol}(), # scales to high dim better, but slow. + ] + + bad_mcmc_alg = BarkerSampling{GradFreeProtocol}() + @test_throws ArgumentError mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1; mcmc_alg = bad_mcmc_alg, mcmc_params...) + + + # GPJL doesnt support ForwardDiff + @test_throws ErrorException mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1; mcmc_alg = mcmc_algs[2], mcmc_params...) + + for alg in mcmc_algs + @info "testing algorithm: $(typeof(alg))" + new_step, posterior_mean, chain = mcmc_test_template(prior, σ2_y, em_1b; mcmc_alg = alg, mcmc_params...) + esjd_tmp = esjd(chain) + @info "ESJD = $esjd_tmp" + @info posterior_mean + @testset "Sine GP & ForwardDiff variant:$(typeof(alg))" begin + @test isapprox(posterior_mean, π / 2; atol = 4e-1) + end + + end + end