Add-ons on Clever Cloud are databases, storage services, tools or third party services you can enable through clever addon provider
. For each of the following commands, you can target a specific user/organisation:
[--org, -o, --owner] Organisation ID (or name, if unambiguous)
To use add-ons, you need to identify the corresponding provider. To get information about them (plans, regions, versions), use:
clever addon providers
clever addon providers show PROVIDER_NAME
To create an add-on, select a provider and choose a name:
clever addon create PROVIDER ADDON_NAME
You can set plan
, region
, version
, option
and directly link
an add-on to an application through these parameters:
[--link, -l] ALIAS Link the created add-on to the app with the specified alias
[--yes, -y] Skip confirmation even if the add-on is not free (default: false)
[--plan, -p] PLAN Add-on plan, depends on the provider
[--region, -r] REGION Region to provision the add-on in, depends on the provider (default: par)
[--addon-version] ADDON-VERSION The version to use for the add-on
[--option] OPTION Option to enable for the add-on. Multiple --option argument can be passed to enable multiple options
[--format, -F] FORMAT Output format (human, json) (default: human)
If no plan is set, we use the cheapest by default
To rename an add-on, use:
clever addon rename ADDON_ID_OR_NAME ADDON_NEW_NAME
To delete an add-on, use:
clever addon delete [--yes, -y] ADDON_ID_OR_NAME
Each add-on comes with environment variables. To get them, use:
clever addon env [--format, -F] FORMAT ADDON_ID
Available formats are: human
(default), json
and shell
For some add-ons, an interface URL, default credentials or other instructions can be displayed after creation.
If you're testing Materia KV, our next generation of serverless distributed database, synchronously-replicated, compatible with Redis® protocol, you can create an add-on and immediately use it:
clever addon create kv ADDON_NAME
source <(clever addon env ADDON_ID --format shell)
redis-cli -h $KV_HOST -p $KV_PORT --tls
If you use the Fish shell, you can use the following command to set the environment variables:
clever addon env ADDON_ID --format shell | source
Databases are backup every day, with last 7 days of backups available to download. You can list them, available formats are: human
(default) or json
clever database backups DATABASE-ID [--format, -F] FORMAT
To download one of them, use:
clever database backups download [--output, --out] OUTPUT_FILE DATABASE_ID BACKUP_ID
This command is still under development and will evolve over time. To get information about backups and download them, you can use our API and clever curl
. For example:
This will list available backups for the database, with creation and delete time. The answer will also contain a direct HTTPS download_url