Shwop is a peer-to-peer, mobile-optimized marketplace with intuitive swipe-based user experience, geolocation tracking and text notifications. Check out Shwop here!
Shwop allows users to swipe their way through photos of available items for sale, rather than obliging them to click back and forth through endless links, like more traditional shopping sites. And since the shopping experience is photo-driven, a buyer knows exactly what he or she is getting.
Shwop users can search for specific items, swiping left to browse through what is available for sale and swiping right to place a bid on an item. On a desktop or laptop, users can click and drag through items or use the left/right arrow keys.
Once a bid is placed, the seller is sent an anonymous, peer-to-peer SMS (text) message via Twilio, which contains information about the bid and how to reply to the bidder if they are interested in accepting the offer.
In addition to uploading items for sale, users can also view a summary of all items that they have posted as well as all items for which they have submitted a bid.
Shwop makes the shopping experience streamlined, efficient, visual, and fun!
Product Owner: John Wareing
Scrum Master: Corey Roy
Development Team Members:
- Tommy Sander LinkedIn | GitHub
- Brett Sanders LinkedIn | GitHub
- John Wareing LinkedIn | GitHub
- Corey Roy LinkedIn | GitHub
![Shwop Mobile Browser App](/screenshots/iphone_white_angle2.png?raw=true "Mobile App" =200x200)
Code-base Test
- Node
- Bower
- mySQL
- account
The following commands are written for OS X.
Run all of the following commands from the root directory to setup your dependencies:
$ npm install
$ bower install
Create the mySQL database:
$ grunt create
Running "create" task
Running "shell:createdb" (shell) task
Lets go shwoping!
Done, without errors.
Check if mySQL is installed on your machine by executing:
$ which mySQL
If mySQL is not installed, run:
$ brew install mySQL
Start up your mySQL server
$ mySQL.server start
Start the mySQL shell, login as the root user, and access the database, by executing the below command.
$ mySQL -u root shwopDB
Open a new terminal window and run the following command to start a new Node server on Port 8080.
$ grunt start
grunt runSass
grunt test
View the project roadmap here