I am a research scientist at KNMI, currently working on incorporating an interactive ice sheet in to EC-Earth. Previously, I obtained my PhD in Glaciology at the University of Bristol about modelling the Patagonian Icefields and attended Nagoya University as research student modelling avalanches on Mt Fuji. My research focuses on ice flow and snow mechanics, particularly on the role of ice dynamics in understanding mass loss from glaciers via the use of numerical modelling. I have primarily worked with the ice sheet model BISICLES and EC-Earth. I am generally interested in model development and using models to understand climate impacts and in particular sea level rise.
Glaciers, Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice sheet modelling, Earth system modelling, Climate science, Sea level rise
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Github: https://github.com/ClaireDons
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Claire_Dons