diff --git a/gis/gccview/gcc_puller_functions.py b/gis/gccview/gcc_puller_functions.py
index 38d1698f7..83480a858 100644
--- a/gis/gccview/gcc_puller_functions.py
+++ b/gis/gccview/gcc_puller_functions.py
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 from psycopg2 import sql
 from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
 import logging
-from time import sleep
-from airflow.exceptions import AirflowFailException
 import click
 CONFIG = configparser.ConfigParser()
@@ -311,7 +309,6 @@ def get_data(mapserver, layer_id, max_number = None, record_max = None):
             LOGGER.error("Invalid HTTP response: ", err_h)
         except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err_c:
             LOGGER.error("Network problem: ", err_c)
-            sleep(10)
         except requests.exceptions.Timeout as err_t:
             LOGGER.error("Timeout: ", err_t)
         except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
@@ -613,38 +610,25 @@ def get_layer(mapserver_n, layer_id, schema_name, is_audited, cred = None, con =
             features = return_json['features']
             max_number = record_max
-            if is_audited:
-                insert_audited_data(output_table, insert_column, return_json, schema_name, con)
-            else:
-                insert_partitioned_data(schema_parent_table_insert, insert_column, return_json, schema_name, con)
-            counter += 1
-            keep_adding = find_limit(return_json)
-            if keep_adding == False:
-                LOGGER.info('All records from [mapserver: %s, layerID: %d] have been inserted into %s', mapserver, layer_id, output_table)
+            # Insert data into the table
+        if is_audited:
+            insert_audited_data(output_table, insert_column, return_json, schema_name, con)
-            return_json = get_data(mapserver, layer_id, max_number = max_number, record_max = record_max)
-            if is_audited:
-                insert_audited_data(output_table, insert_column, return_json, schema_name, con)
-            else:
-                insert_partitioned_data(schema_parent_table_insert, insert_column, return_json, schema_name, con)
-            counter += 1
-            keep_adding = find_limit(return_json)
-            if keep_adding == True:
-                max_number = max_number + record_max
-            else:
-                LOGGER.info('All records from [mapserver: %s, layerID: %d] have been inserted into %s', mapserver, layer_id, output_table)
+            insert_partitioned_data(schema_parent_table_insert, insert_column, return_json, schema_name, con)
+        # Update loop variables
+        counter += 1
+        keep_adding = find_limit(return_json)
+        if keep_adding:
+            max_number += record_max
+        else:
+            LOGGER.info('All records from [mapserver: %s, layerID: %d] have been inserted into %s', mapserver, layer_id, output_table)
     if is_audited:
-        successful_task_run = update_table(output_table, insert_column, excluded_column, primary_key, schema_name, con)
-    '''
-    # Raise error if UPSERT failed
-    if not successful_task_run:
-        raise AirflowFailException
-    '''
+        try:
+            successful_task_run = update_table(output_table, insert_column, excluded_column, primary_key, schema_name, con)
+        except Exception as err:
+            LOGGER.exception("Unable to update table %s", err)
 @click.option('--mapserver', '-ms', type = int, required = True,