diff --git a/code/modules/integrated_electronics/subtypes/manipulation.dm b/code/modules/integrated_electronics/subtypes/manipulation.dm
index 1853251f7c19..acee9d66a4f8 100644
--- a/code/modules/integrated_electronics/subtypes/manipulation.dm
+++ b/code/modules/integrated_electronics/subtypes/manipulation.dm
@@ -635,12 +635,12 @@
name = "mining drill"
desc = "A mining drill that can drill through rocks."
extended_desc = "A mining drill to strike the earth. It takes some time to get the job done and \
- must remain stationary until complete."
+ must remain stationary until complete. By default an advanced mining drill is installed but better once can be attached."
category_text = "Manipulation"
- ext_cooldown = 1
+ ext_cooldown = 5 //Required to not make instant death circuits
complexity = 40
- cooldown_per_use = 3 SECONDS
- ext_cooldown = 6 SECONDS
+ cooldown_per_use = 1 //We have 'busy' as our safty net
+ can_be_asked_input = TRUE
inputs = list(
"target" = IC_PINTYPE_REF
@@ -653,6 +653,9 @@
spawn_flags = IC_SPAWN_RESEARCH
power_draw_per_use = 1000
+ var/obj/item/pickaxe/current_pickaxe
+ var/digspeed = 3 SECONDS
var/busy = FALSE
@@ -662,15 +665,57 @@
var/drill_force = 15
+/obj/item/integrated_circuit/mining/mining_drill/proc/ask_for_input(mob/living/user, obj/item/I, a_intent)
+ if(!current_pickaxe)
+ if(!isobj(I))
+ return FALSE
+ attackby_react(I, user, a_intent)
+ else
+ attack_self(user)
+/obj/item/integrated_circuit/mining/mining_drill/attackby_react(var/obj/item/pickaxe/I, var/mob/living/user)
+ //Check if it truly is a pickaxe
+ if(!(istype(I,/obj/item/pickaxe)))
+ to_chat(user,"The [I.name] doesn't seem to fit in here.")
+ return
+ //Check if there is no other pickaxe already inside
+ if(current_pickaxe)
+ to_chat(user,"There is already a [current_pickaxe.name] inside.")
+ return
+ if(!user.attempt_insert_item_for_installation(I, src))
+ return
+ current_pickaxe = I
+ to_chat(user,"You attach the [I.name] inside the assembly.")
+ digspeed = I.digspeed
+ . = ..()
+ if(.)
+ return
+ //Check if no drill is attached
+ if(!current_pickaxe)
+ to_chat(user, "There is currently no mining tool attached.")
+ return
+ //Remove beaker and put in user's hands/location
+ to_chat(user, "You yank the [current_pickaxe] out of the slot.")
+ user.put_in_hands(current_pickaxe)
+ current_pickaxe = null
+ //Reset to default
+ digspeed = 3 SECONDS
if(ord == 1)
var/atom/target = get_pin_data(IC_INPUT, 1)
var/drill_delay = null
- if(!target || busy)
+ if(!target || busy || !target.Adjacent(assembly))
src.assembly.visible_message(SPAN_DANGER("[assembly] starts to drill [target]!"), null, SPAN_WARNING("You hear a drill."))
- drill_delay = isturf(target)? 6 SECONDS : isliving(target) ? issimple(target) ? 2 SECONDS : 3 SECONDS : 4 SECONDS
+ drill_delay = isturf(target)? digspeed : isliving(target) ? issimple(target) ? 2 SECONDS : 3 SECONDS : 4 SECONDS
busy = TRUE
targetlock = target
usedx = assembly.loc.x