Modern Computer Architecture and Organization Second Edition, by Jim Ledin. Published by Packt Publishing.
Install the free Android Studio integrated development environment, available at After installation is complete, open the Android Studio IDE and select SDK Manager under the Tools menu. Select the SDK Tools tab and check the NDK option, which may say NDK (Side by side). Complete the installation of the NDK (NDK means native development kit).
Locate the following files under the SDK installation directory (the default location is under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android) and add their directories to your PATH environment variable: arm-linux-androideabi-as.exe and adb.exe. Hint: The following command works for one specific version of Android Studio (your path may vary):
set PATH=%PATH%;%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\ndk\23.0.7599858\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin;%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
Create a file name hello_arm.s with the content shown in the source listing in the 32-bit ARM assembly language section of this chapter.
Build the program using the commands shown in the 32-bit ARM assembly language section of this chapter.
Enable Developer Options on an Android phone or tablet. Search the Internet for instructions on how to do this.
Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable.
Copy the program executable image to the phone using the commands shown in the 32-bit ARM assembly language section of this chapter and run the program. Verify the output Hello, Computer Architect! appears on the host computer screen.
Disable Developer Options on your Android phone or tablet.
Create your assembly language source file. See Ex__5_hello_arm.s for an example solution to this exercise.
Build the executable with these commands:
arm-linux-androideabi-as -al=Ex__5_hello_arm.lst -o Ex__5_hello_arm.o Ex__5_hello_arm.s
arm-linux-androideabi-ld -o Ex__5_hello_arm Ex__5_hello_arm.o
This is the output produced by copying the program to an Android device and running it:
C:\>adb devices
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
List of devices attached
9826f541374f4b4a68 device
C:\>adb push Ex__5_hello_arm /data/local/tmp/Ex__5_hello_arm
Ex__5_hello_arm: 1 file pushed. 0.0 MB/s (868 bytes in 0.059s)
C:\>adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/Ex__5_hello_arm
C:\>adb shell /data/local/tmp/Ex__5_hello_arm
Hello, Computer Architect!
This is the listing file created by the build procedure:
ARM GAS Ex__5_hello_arm.s page 1
1 .text
2 .global _start
4 _start:
5 // Print the message to file 1 (stdout) with syscall 4
6 0000 0100A0E3 mov r0, #1
7 0004 14109FE5 ldr r1, =msg
8 0008 1A20A0E3 mov r2, #msg_len
9 000c 0470A0E3 mov r7, #4
10 0010 000000EF svc 0
12 // Exit the program with syscall 1, returning status 0
13 0014 0000A0E3 mov r0, #0
14 0018 0170A0E3 mov r7, #1
15 001c 000000EF svc 0
17 .data
18 msg:
19 0000 48656C6C .ascii "Hello, Computer Architect!"
19 6F2C2043
19 6F6D7075
19 74657220
19 41726368
20 msg_len = . - msg
Don't forget to disable Developer Options on your Android phone or tablet..