Modern Computer Architecture and Organization Second Edition, by Jim Ledin. Published by Packt Publishing.
Write an x64 assembly language program that computes the following expression and prints the result as a hexadecimal number: {(129 – 66) × (445 + 136)} ÷ 3. As part of this program, create a callable function to print one byte as two hex digits.
Create your assembly language source file. See Ex__4_expr_x64.asm for an example solution to this exercise.
Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 and change to the directory containing your source file.
Build the executable with this command:
ml64 /Fl /Zi /Zd Ex__4_expr_x64.asm
This is the output produced by the program:
[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = 2FA9h
This is the listing file created by the build procedure:
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.31.31104.0 02/21/22 07:49:37
Ex__4_expr_x64.asm Page 1 - 1
00000000 .code
includelib libcmt.lib
includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib
extern printf:near
extern exit:near
public main
00000000 main proc
; Reserve stack space
00000000 48/ 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 40
; Print the leading output string
00000004 48/ 8D 0D lea rcx, msg1
00000005 R
0000000B E8 00000000 E call printf
; Compute [(129 – 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3
00000010 B8 00000081 mov eax, 129
00000015 83 E8 42 sub eax, 66
00000018 BB 000001BD mov ebx, 445
0000001D 81 C3 00000088 add ebx, 136
00000023 66| F7 E3 mul bx
00000026 66| BB 0003 mov bx, 3
0000002A 66| F7 F3 div bx
; Print the most significant byte
0000002D 50 push rax
0000002E 8A DC mov bl, ah
00000030 81 E3 000000FF and ebx, 0ffh
00000036 E8 00000020 call print_byte
; Print the least significant byte
0000003B 5B pop rbx
0000003C 81 E3 000000FF and ebx, 0ffh
00000042 E8 00000014 call print_byte
; Print the trailing output string
00000047 48/ 8D 0D lea rcx, msg2
00000027 R
0000004E E8 00000000 E call printf
; Exit the program with status 0
00000053 48/ 33 C9 xor rcx, rcx
00000056 E8 00000000 E call exit
0000005B main endp
; Pass the byte to be printed in ebx
0000005B print_byte proc
; x64 function prologue
0000005B 48/ 83 EC 28 sub rsp, 40
; Use the C library printf function
0000005F 48/ 8B D3 mov rdx, rbx
00000062 48/ 8D 0D lea rcx, fmt_str
00000000 R
00000069 E8 00000000 E call printf
; x64 function epilogue
0000006E 48/ 83 C4 28 add rsp, 40
00000072 C3 ret
00000073 print_byte endp
00000000 .data
00000000 25 30 32 58 00 fmt_str db "%02X", 0
00000005 5B 28 31 32 39 msg1 db "[(129 - 66) * (445 + 136)] / 3 = ", 0
20 2D 20 36 36
29 20 2A 20 28
34 34 35 20 2B
20 31 33 36 29
5D 20 2F 20 33
20 3D 20 00
00000027 68 09 msg2 db "h", 9
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.31.31104.0 02/21/22 07:49:37
Ex__4_expr_x64.asm Symbols 2 - 1
Procedures, parameters, and locals:
N a m e Type Value Attr
main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 00000000 _TEXT Length= 0000005B Public
print_byte . . . . . . . . . . . P 0000005B _TEXT Length= 00000018 Public
N a m e Type Value Attr
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 00000000 _TEXT External
fmt_str . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 00000000 _DATA
msg1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 00000005 _DATA
msg2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byte 00000027 _DATA
printf . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 00000000 _TEXT External
0 Warnings
0 Errors