3 |
Short release cycles |
3 Releases -> https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/releases/tag/v3.0 |
3 |
Workload is spread over the whole team |
Each memeber worked on a different feature -> https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/pulse |
3 |
Docs: why: docs tell a story, motivate the whole thing, deliver a punchline that makes you want to rush out and use the thing |
Updated documentation for each feature -> https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/tree/test1/docs |
3 |
File CONTRIBUTING.md lists coding standards and lots of tips on how to extend the system without screwing things up |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/Documentation/CONTRIBUTING.md |
2.5 |
Docs: doco generated , format not ugly |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/tree/test1/docs |
2.5 |
evidence that the whole team is using the same tools (e.g. config files in the repo, updated by lots of different people) |
3 |
evidence that the members of the team are working across multiple places in the code base |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/pulse |
1 |
Docs: what: point descriptions of each class/function (in isolation) |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/tree/test1/docs |
2 |
Number of commits: by different people |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/graphs/commit-activity |
2 |
issues are being addresssed |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/issues |
2 |
issues are discussed before they are closed |
Each issue updated with the discussion before closing and comments added ->https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/issues |
1 |
Use of syntax checkers. |
Use of Flake8, updated in travis.yml -> https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/test1/.travis.yml |
3 |
Issues reports: |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/issues |
1 |
Use of code formatters. |
config files in GH showing your this formatter's config |
1 |
Use of style checkers config files in GH showing your config |
Use of Flake8, updated in travis.yml -> https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/test1/.travis.yml |
3 |
Docs: short video, animated, hosted on your repo. That convinces people why they want to work on your code. |
Added in Readme.md -> https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/Documentation/README.md |
3 |
Test cases exist |
132 test cases with coverage -> More test cases are passed than the previous version-https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/tree/Documentation/test |
1 |
Use of code coverage |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/test1/.travis.yml |
1 |
other automated analysis tools |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/test1/.travis.yml |
2 |
Test cases:.a large proportion of the issues related to handling failing cases. (if a test case fails, open an issue and fix it |
https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/issues |
1 |
Test cases are routinely executed |
https://codecov.io/gh/sak007/MyDollarBot-BOTGo/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=5AYMR8MNMP)](https://codecov.io/gh/sak007/MyDollarBot-BOTGo) |
3 |
Documentation describing how this version improves on the older version |
Updated README.md to show the Demo ->https://github.com/nainisha-b/MyExpenseBot/blob/Documentation/README.md |
3 |
This version is a little(1), some(2), much(3) improved on the last version. |
Tutor's assessment |
47 |
Total |