This file presents the instructions in order to reproduce the results presented in our homework. Feel free to contact us at our email adress :
The instructions has to be done in the following order :
- RUN R SCRIPT part1.R
The R script generates the data and the OLS estimation reused in the python scripts.
We used python to implement the bayesian forest. You need to have Anaconda distribution installed to easily get the virtual environment (venv) we used on our computers and modify the ensemble/ folder of the sklearn package. Here are the instructions to do it.
Choose the .yml file corresponding to your OS in the directory env/ and install the venv with the following command in console :
conda env create -f env/environment_OS.yml
with the corresponding OS. This manipulation will install a venv named bf. To activate the env from the console, use :
conda activate bf
Once the venv load, you have to target the folder of your venv. You can find it by typing (on macOS and Linux distributions) :
which python
that will return somthing like "/anaconda3/envs/bf/bin/python" if everything worked fine until here. Hence, the corresponding location of the venv is "/anaconda3/envs/bf/". Then open the folder location of ensemble/ which is, from the venv location in "bf_path/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn". In our example, we would type :
cd /anaconda3/envs/bf/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn
Open the folder in graphical user interface by typing :
- Ubuntu :
nautilus .
- MacOS :
open .
From here, delete the ensemble/ folder from the sklearn/ folder and remplace it with the file contained in our file corresponding to your distribution (ensemble_ubuntu or ensemble_macOS) and rename this folder "ensemble".
Those files contain the modified script "" including the bayesian forest. Then, you should be able to use the bayesian forest from our script ever since the venv bf is activated.