🔧 📊 params-update
This proposal updates the interest rate strategies for multiple assets on Aave v3 Polygon, Optimism and Arbitrum.
- id: 187
- creator: 0x683a4f9915d6216f73d6df50151725036bd26c02
- executor: 0xee56e2b3d491590b5b31738cc34d5232f378a8d5
- targets: [0x158a6bc04f0828318821bae797f50b0a1299d45b,0x5f5c02875a8e9b5a26fbd09040abcfdeb2aa6711,0x2e2b1f112c4d79a9d22464f0d345de9b792705f1]
- values: [0,0,0]
- signatures: [execute(address),execute(address),execute(address)]
- calldatas: [0x000000000000000000000000dbe6eb920ca5a79ae2151b6dcbd2c1fa3a19ad1a,0x0000000000000000000000007902f3c60f05b5a6b7e4ce0cac11cb17bc8e607c,0x0000000000000000000000007a9a9c14b35e58ffa1cc84ab421ace0fdcd289e3]
- withDelegatecalls: [true,true,true]
- startBlock: 16880458
- endBlock: 16899658
- strategy: 0xb7e383ef9b1e9189fc0f71fb30af8aa14377429e
- ipfsHash: 0x3b66ed0fa57bec842608cb1be68f97ca0c241cd3744a860086762f76cc0ae933
Aave Seatbelt doesn't support Arbitrum yet.
We have verified the proposal uses correctly the Aave cross-chain governance system to communicate with Polygon, Optimism and Arbitrum. The proposals payloads do the following:
On Aave v3 Polygon, the proposal payload includes 2 types of updates:
Reserve Factors
- GHST: 20% -> 35%
- WETH: 10% -> 15%
- DPI: 20% -> 35%
- MAI (miMATIC): 10% -> 20%
Interest rate strategies
For USDT, EURS, MAI and agEUR, the new parameters on their rate strategies are the following (all of them will share the same now):
- Optimal usage ratio: 80%
- Variable rate slope 2: 75%
- Stable rate slope 2: 75%
For WETH, the new parameters on its rate strategy are the following:
- Optimal usage ratio: 80%
- Base variable rate: 1%
- Variable rate slope 1: 3.8%
- Variable rate slope 2: 80%
- Stable rate slope 1: 4%
- Variable rate slope 2: 80%
- Base stable rate offset: 3%
On Aave v3 Optimism, the proposal payload also includes 2 types of updates:
Reserve Factors
- WETH: 10% -> 15%
Interest rate strategies
For USDT, the new parameters on its rate strategy are the following:
- Optimal usage ratio: 80%
- Variable rate slope 2: 75%
- Stable rate slope 2: 75%
For WETH, the new parameters on its rate strategy are the following:
- Optimal usage ratio: 80%
- Base variable rate: 1%
- Variable rate slope 1: 3.8%
- Variable rate slope 2: 80%
- Stable rate slope 1: 4%
- Variable rate slope 2: 80%
- Base stable rate offset: 3%
Finally, on Aave v3 Arbitrum, the proposal payload also includes 2 types of updates:
Reserve Factors
- WETH: 10% -> 15%
Interest rate strategies
For USDT and EURS the new parameters on their rate strategies (they share the same) are the following:
- Optimal usage ratio: 80%
- Variable rate slope 2: 75%
- Stable rate slope 2: 75%
For WETH, the new parameters on its rate strategy are the following:
- Optimal usage ratio: 80%
- Base variable rate: 1%
- Variable rate slope 1: 3.8%
- Variable rate slope 2: 80%
- Stable rate slope 1: 4%
- Variable rate slope 2: 80%
- Base stable rate offset: 3%
✅ The code on the proposal payload corresponds to the proposal specification.
✅ The proposal includes a proper tests suite, checking all necessary post-conditions.
✅ Only one payload used via delegatecall
✅ BGD wrote the payload.
✅ With BGD writing the payload, at least another party reviewed it.