We welcome your contributions to MDW whether they be fixes/enhancements, automated tests, documentation, bug reports or feature requests.
- Issues must have appropriate labels and a proposed milestone.
- All commits are against an issue, and your comment should reference the issue it addresses:
Fix #<issue number>
- These labels are not included in release notes
- internal
- wontfix
- duplicate
- documentation
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition:
https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/ - MDW Studio Plugin:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition:
Get the Source Code
- Command-line Git:
git clone https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/mdw.git
- Command-line Git:
Set up npm (One-time step)
- Install NodeJS:
https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-node - Open a command prompt in the mdw-hub project directory
npm install
- Install NodeJS:
Build in IntelliJ IDEA
- Run IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
- Select Open Project and browse to mdw/mdw
- In the Gradle tool window, execute the buildDev task.
Edit configuration files to suit local environment:
- mdw/config/access.yaml (set devUser to yourself)
- mdw/config/seed_users.json (add yourself)
Run Spring Boot Jar in IntelliJ IDEA
- From the IntelliJ menu select Run > Edit Configurations.
- Click + > Jar Application.
- For Path to Jar, browse to mdw/deploy/app/mdw-boot-6.1.XX-SNAPSHOT.jar
- VM Options:
-Dmdw.runtime.env=dev -Dmdw.config.location=config
- Save the configuration and type ctrl-alt-R to run/debug MDW.
MDWHub Web Development
- To avoid having to reassemble the boot jar to test web content changes, add this to your IntelliJ run configuration:
- To avoid having to reassemble the boot jar to test web content changes, add this to your IntelliJ run configuration:
Run the Tests
- Access the autotest page in MDWHub: http://localhost:8080/mdw/#/tests
- Use the Settings button to enable Stubbing and increase Threads to 10
- Select all test cases, and execute
- Source
- Documentation is in the docs directory of the master branch on GitHub
- Important: When editing .md files in IntelliJ, to preserve trailing whitespace characters, install the Markdown plugin:
- https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7793-markdown-support Do not commit changes to markdown files that remove trailing whitespace.
- Local GitHub Pages
- To test doc access before pushing, and to make changes to default layouts and styles, you can build through Jekyll locally.
- Install Ruby 2.3.3 or higher and add its bin directory to your PATH.
- Install Bundler:
gem install bundler
- Download the CURL CA Certs from http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem and save in your Ruby installation directory.
- Set environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE to point to this this cacert.pem file location.
- Install Ruby DevKit: https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit
- Install Jekyll and all its dependencies (in the docs directory):
bundle install
- Build GitHub pages site locally (in the docs directory):
bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --watch --baseurl ''
- Access locally in your browser: