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Contribute and donations

Stefano Gottardo edited this page Jul 12, 2020 · 38 revisions

Anyone who wishes to support the development of this project can participate in this ways

Indirect contribution through a donation

The add-on works on a very wide range of different devices and operating systems, phone, tablet, computers, android box, linux machines, etc..

Currently every tests are performed under: Windows x64
Old Android smartphone (Widevine L3)
CoreELEC under GS-King X (ARM cpu)

To better manage the development of the add-on is needed more hardware to make tests, so the current goal of donations is to purchase new hardware:

1] NVidia Shield 2019 needed for testing under android OS with 4k/HDR, Netflix certified, Widewine L1
2] Raspberry Pi 4 needed for testing under LibreElec/Raspbian with ARM linux enviroment

If you wish to help to achieve the goal, you can donate via PayPal as "payment for Friends & Family" to the e-mail of this GitHub account:


Direct involvement in the project

If you are a person skilled in Python development and has some knowledge of HTTP flow and Kodi enviroment, you can join as a developer and provide help to fix errors, make improvements, and make new features.

Donations status

Budget: 88% for 1st goal

A huge thank you to those who were able to participate in the goal:

Thomas, David, Jan, Sandro, Alexander, Matteo, Gioele, Lukas, Dózsa, Dominik, Frederik, Martin, Bertrand, Dorin, Bruno, Péter, Timo