- First,Thank you for your attention to this project.
- Any bug, doc, examples and suggestion is appreciated. Here are some suggestions for you to create Pull Requests or open Issues.
- master branch:the latest (pre-)release branch.
- develop branch:the stable developing branch.
- Github Release is used to publish a (pre-)release version to master branch.
- It's RECOMMENDED to commit bugfix or feature PR to develop.
- {action}/{description} branch:The branch for a developing or bugfix *.
DO NOT commit any PR to such a branch.
master ↑ develop <--- PR(bugfix/typo/3rd-PR) ↑ PR {type}/{description}
// 1. {action}:
// feature: used for developing a new feature.
// bugfix: used for fixing bugs.
// 2. for example: feature/add_new_condition
{action} {description}
- add
- update or bugfix
- remove ...
{description}:It's RECOMMENDED to close issue with syntax #123, see the doc for more detail.
It's useful for responding issues and release flow.
- for example
add new condition
fix #123, make compatible to recyclervew 25.2.0
remove abc
- Please apply a proper label to an issue.
- Suggested to use English.
- Provide sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue and make the issues clear. Such as phone model, system version, sdk version, crash logs and screen captures.
- In order to contribute code to Kawaii_LoadingView, you (or the legal entity you represent) must sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
- For CLA assistant service works properly, please make sure you have added email address that your commits linked to GitHub account.
- Java:Use Google Java Style as basic guidelines of java code.
- Android:Follow AOSP Code Style for rest of android related code style.