Ansible playbook to setup a POC platform of Caliopen using docker stack. Mostly tested using a debian 8 VM on Gandi Iaas platform.
You need decent version of Ansible on the host machine
For deployment on Gandi's server, please modify the hosts file and add your values for:
- ansible_ssh_host=
- ansible_ssh_private_key_file= (Only if your authentification on Gandi's server is with SSH key. If not, you can remove the ansible_ssh_private_key_file method)
If you have a TLS certificate and the related private key, you can set use_https
variable to true in the hosts file
and place the related crt and key files inside roles/caliopen/file directory using file name: caliopen.crt and caliopen.key
You can now deploy the docker's stack on a machine
ansible-playbook -i hosts -K playbook.yml
This will deploy Caliopen in the release defined in roles/caliopen/vars/main.yaml.
You can overide the version like this:
ansible-playbook -i hosts -K playbook.yml --extra-vars "caliopen_version=HEAD"
By default vagrant will be provisioned with Caliopen HEAD revision
For deployment on local vagrant machine, use the following command:
vagrant up
You can now access your caliopen instance with your web browser on localhost:8080
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook-load-data.yml
It will create a dev user with 123456 as password and load some messages