Releases: Cadasta/cadasta-platform
Releases · Cadasta/cadasta-platform
Staging Release v0.3.0-alpha.3
v0.3.0-alpha.3 (2016-09-29)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Non-project members should not see "Congratulations" message #682
- Adding New Location - Drop Down Pulling from Name instead of Label #478
Closed issues:
- When adding a new relationship, "Relationship Type" should be shown instead of "Tenure Type" #740
Merged pull requests:
Staging Release v0.3.0-alpha.2
v0.3.0-alpha.2 (2016-09-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make pseudo-links behave more traditionally #615
- Clicking on a resource row doesn't automatically check the checkbox #595
- Editing location geometry is not intuitive #556
Fixed bugs:
- Drop down for org admin user should not be active on project permissions page #632
- Can't view members... but I can #609
Merged pull requests:
- Bugfix/#682 #736 (manoramahp)
- Bugfix/#615 #731 (oliverroick)
- Make SASS compilation work in dev VM again #730 (ian-ross)
- Fixing #632 #729 (oliverroick)
- Show member list only to an organization member :… #728 (manoramahp)
- fixing Clicking on a resource row doesn't automatically check the che… #725 (kavindya89)
- Resolve #556: Improve geometry editing UI #720 (seav)
Staging Release v0.3.0-alpha.1
v0.3.0-alpha.1 (2016-09-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add DigitalGlobe Vivid Layer and options with OSM to Basemap Options #716
- Order permission roles according to level of permissions in select dropdown #650
- Default is not empty in dropdowns #445
- Records Wireframes #168
- Extend worker process timeout from 20s to 60s #706 (amplifi)
Fixed bugs:
- User account dropdown does not work during the project add details page #707
- Setting location_geometry to geoshape causes weird formatting #698
- Removing a resource from the project does not affect resource count on dashboard. #674
- Review the platform code and templates for untranslatable texts #573
- Attach resources uploaded through xforms to appropriate entities #553
Closed issues:
- User messaging for anonymous users when browsing projects #711
- Can sign-in and use the platform without email-id verification. #695
- Change Highlighting on Sample forms so geotrace is white� #691
- Add permission filtering the API #685
- Administrator cannot archive organization #550
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #674: Fix resource count on project dashboard #721 (seav)
- Resolve #716: Add DigitalGlobe Vivid layer #717 (seav)
- Resolve #445: Add blank defaults for dropdowns #713 (seav)
- Fixing Order permission roles according to level of permissions in se… #708 (ian-ross)
- Fixes formatting issue caused by setting location_geometry to geoshape #699 (linzjax)
- Allows multiple resources to be attached to objects uploaded through ODK #697 (linzjax)
- Missing translations #689 (ian-ross)
- Archived organizations and projects are now frozen. #658 (linzjax)
Platform Release v0.2.0
v0.2.0 (2016-09-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- "Contact us" should have emailto link #631
Fixed bugs:
- GPX file type not accepted as resource #672
- Default tiff preview isn't showing #668
- Use username in place of empty full name #626
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add permissions filtering #694 (oliverroick)
- Filter "Project extent" from location types #693 (ian-ross)
- Tiff default icon used for preview image #688 (clash99)
- Fix for show username in member permissions page #687 (kavindya89)
- [v2] Insert link to email into "contact us" phrases #684 (nathalier)
Staging Release v0.2.0-alpha.2
v0.2.0-alpha.2 (2016-09-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Increase length of notes field from 500 characters to 2500 characters #659
- Ajax session to API authentication bridging #635
- Replace "i" link in header #622
- GPX Import #613
- Display user's friendly file name for resources #533
- API Polish and Release #447
- Provide Sample XLSForm to Users #403
Fixed bugs:
- MP3 file type not accepted as resource #671
- XML file type not accepted as resource #670
- DOCX file type not accepted as resource #669
- API: Anonymous users can view full project list #642
- Hamburger menu responsiveness #628
- Catch schema / attribute errors during project page load #614
- Footer glitching on smaller screen sizes on Organization Dashboards #606
- XLSForms with blank line in settings tab raise 500 Error #605
- Benghali font replacement #585
Closed issues:
- geo_types not working fine with ODK in some Android devices #641
- Rationalise view testing approaches #488
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #642: anonymous users can view full project list #681 (ian-ross)
- Fixes #669, #670 and #671 #680 (bjohare)
- Refactor view tests; use django-skivvy #673 (oliverroick)
- API cleanup #666 (oliverroick)
- Add Portuguese translations #665 (ian-ross)
- Updated questionnaire model to allow for 2500 character labels #661 (linzjax)
- Org overview page and footer changes #657 (clash99)
- GPX Import #613 #656 (bjohare)
- Fixes #533 -- Display user friendly file names #655 (oliverroick)
Staging Release v0.2.0-alpha.1
v0.2.0-alpha.1 (2016-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Don't show the party picker when adding a new relationship if there are no parties yet #612
- Create "Splash Screen" on dashboard #492
- Errors in Parsing XLSForm Should Happen Sooner than the Project Overview Page #272
- Missing "remove connection" from resource #261
- Add email notifications for unhandled exceptions and xform submission errors #630 (amplifi)
Fixed bugs:
- demo user credentials not working on staging/platform #624
- API: Members added to an organization are automatically assigned as administrators #608
- API: Deleting user from an organization member list completely deletes the user account #603
- Possible to select "All Types" for relationship type #588
- going to "my location" doesn't seem to work #551
- Organization Admin can delete herself, creating admin-less organization #548
Closed issues:
- Hide arabic option in language dropdown in footer #563
- Columns of Resources tables for each type of entity is not consistent #497
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing #272 #652 (bjohare)
- Safari fix for header menu in small screens #651 (clash99)
- Changes for adding new project details questionnaire #649 (clash99)
- Fixing #643 #648 (bjohare)
- Language support #647 (ian-ross)
- Resolve #612: Don’t show party picker if there are no parties #646 (seav)
- Resolve #261 and #497: Improve handling of resources #644 (seav)
- Noto Sans Bengali font for Bengali replacement #639 (clash99)
- Force DRF Docs to provide Headers input #638 (ian-ross)
- Quick fix! #637 (ian-ross)
- Hiding arabic language option #636 (clash99)
- InlineManual changes #634 (clash99)
- Fix #590: spatial unit visibility #633 (ian-ross)
- Admin users can no longer delete/demote themselves #625 (linzjax)
- Fix organization users API issues #621 (ian-ross)
- Fix #588: filter "All Types" from tenure type list #620 (ian-ross)
Platform Release v0.1.1
Staging release
stg (2016-08-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Edit Project Location should be changed to Edit Project Boundary #596
- Org overview blank text #510
- Long titles flow outside of page header #471
- Back Button When in process of adding new project #465
- Check button consistency across the platform #443
- Model for entire XForm submission? #442
- Improve party selection widget #441
- django-buckets: upload_to option should auto-generate folders #434
- Forms Download to ODK should have human names #412
- Combine add resource options #407
- Improve map pop-over button #406
- Update map geometry field error #397
- Clean-up Loading of Static Data Set-up #383
- Add details to org and project overview #372
- Remove "spatial units" text in error message #371
- Change message to not be all caps #368
- File icons for resource list thumbnail previews #355
- Location error messaging #345
- CSS outstanding pages #344
- Connect map click on project overview to map tab #325
- Prevent duplicate organization names and duplicate project names within the same organization #324
- Fine-tune response css #266
- Project overview page's ellipsis menu should adapt based on the user's permissions #183
- Integrate language translation option #78
- nginx config update to serve over SSL #522 (amplifi)
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot cancel edit resource if changes are made #594
- No xform submission error logging output in debug.log #583
- Organization name with non-Latin characters in dashboard popover #578
- Error Checking for Geotypes colliding w/being able to select Geotypes in XLSForms #577
- Questionnaire data migration failing #570
- User name in header bug #543
- Project data is not preserved when stepping back in the add project wizard #530
- Project contacts aren't saved on project creation #528
- Deduplicated slug names are not formatted as expected #527
- Default form submit in step 2 or 3 of the add project wizard is the Previous button #525
- Ellipsis menu disappears when on page in ellipsis menu #520
- Adding resources not on page 1 of library broken #507
- Resources table is not responsive #498
- XLSForm parse errors fail silently #480
- Weird maintenance of state in the contacts form #476
- Error in URL when adding new organization #463
- Projects, Organizations...and Users from homepage #462
- Users tab #452
- Odd highlighting around resource checkboxes #436
- Max Length of Project name input box is 100 should be 50 #414
- Resources tab visibility #409
- Contacts Error Message Not Consistent with other error messaging #364
- Website throws an errors when you delete the single contacts row and then submit #315
- Don't display the add project link/button if the user does not have the project.create permission #185
- When adding a new project, the list of selectable orgs should be limited #184
Closed issues:
- Question: Select Geotype in Your XLSForm #521
- Rationalise functional testing approaches #503
- Set up Django debug toolbar #489
- Investigate Travis setup caching #487
- Speed up Travis platform setup #486
- Rationalise permissions checking #485
- Adding Location - Character Limit on Notes #479
- Permission Denied when Adding New Project #468
- Server 500 Error when creating a new project.... #466
- Remove all randomised test cases from functional tests #457
- Prototype switchover to Leaflet 1.0.0-rc2 #450
- Extra scrollbars in dashboard map UI #449
- Rework default data table search/ pagination options #446
- XForms need a unique way to identify associated questionnaire. #440
- Location details - Empty resource starter text #427
- Should the project geometry/extent be required? #358
- Handle changes to attribute schema selector fields #350
- Shapefile Export #323
- Don't show the "Add from library" tab/button if there are no resources in the library #295
- Double modals #283
- Multiple scrollbars #249
- DRF docs does not work with versions #134
- History #28
- Monitoring and Reporting #16
Merged pull requests:
- Bump django-jsonattr version #607 (ian-ross)
- Added people tracking #604 (clash99)
- Fix #594: Correct edit resource cancel button URL #602 (seav)
- Update django-jsonattrs to version 0.1.8 #601 (ian-ross)
- Embedded player for demo site #600 (clash99)
- Resolve #596: Use "boundary" instead of "location" #599 (seav)
- Update template to force SSL for all platform and API URLs #589 (amplifi)
- Improved logging configuration #584 (bjohare)
- Resolve #510: Improve messaging on orgs with no projects #574 (seav)
- Fix for #570 #571 (bjohare)
- Fix #543: Always show logged-in user's full name or username in page … #549 ([seav](https://...
Platform Initial Release
v0.1.0 (2016-07-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve Map Tip #401
- Project User Permissions Needs Mobile Optimization #341
- Map should zoom to project extend when adding first location #338
- Project overview starter text displays always #319
- Refine zoom of world view for creation of project geometry #313
- Increase Allowed maxZoom for Basemaps #311
- Location details - Empty resource and relationship starter text #300
- Add gif to acceptable resource file types #279
- Zoom map to project extent #276
- Add geospatial search API for locations (spatial units) #238
- GeoODK/ODK Integration #219
- Only show the link for the Users list page to SUs #205
- The HTML <title> of add/edit project pages should be more specific #198
- Label for the questionnaire form field refers to the URL form field #197
- Make the org logo in the project page a link to the organization's page #182
- Design CSS for Wizard pages #174
- Improve user error messaging consistency for forms #59
Fixed bugs:
- Resolver for URLs with usernames do not include all valid characters #439
- Investigate discrepancies in questionnaires table #433
- Geoshape comes across as a polyline #430
- Can't add new location (name issue) #426
- S3 Files that begin with a number causing issues for pyxforms #420
- Registration page background not covering page #418
- Can't Download ODK Form from Staging #417
- Updating profile causes glitch in permissions #416
- JavaScript Error on Map Tab Load #402
- Unable to add member within Organization overview window #394
- Unable to add resource from library to new location #393
- Tenure type selection not available when adding relationship to a new location #392
- TenureRelationship model should have a 'acquired_how' field #386
- Extra "testing" field in add location #381
- Location view should zoom to the extent of the geometry #377
- Limit questionnaire file type #374
- Redirecting error & mass messages appear #369
- Form Submission Will Not Parse #366
- Consistent Error Messaging on Add Location #365
- Dead images on Project Listview #363
- Add New Members Button Doesn't work from Org Overview Page #362
- Remove Link to Org Logo from Org Overview Page #361
- S3 resources unable to upload #347
- Email Templates Not Complete #346
- Revise Export Text #342
- Demo Site Deployment Bugs #337
- Can't upload image resources when S3 Storage is active #334
- Locations west of 180°W or east of 180°E can be added #332
- Use username in header if full name is empty #331
- Organization or project names longer than 50 characters result in DataError #328
- Non-ASCII organization and project names will crash the website #327
- 500 Error When Registering Username on Staging #310
- Cannot Add Resources to Location #303
- xlsform does not parse #302
- Private/Public Slider & Text Mushed Together on Project Details Page on Mobile #297
- Attributes schemas should be associated with a questionnaire #291
- An organization or a project with the slug 'new' or a user with the username 'add' will conflict with the add functions #285
- Edit resource #282
- Adding duplicate org member throws error #263
- Roboto font not importing correctly #260
- Edit project location leads to a blank page #247
- Add Button for new organization is not visible #243
- Cannot Add New Resource #240
- TenureRelationship has unnecessary fields #227
- TenureRelationship is missing the project field #226
- Relationship models should only relate entities from the same project #225
- Dashboard map not centered over points being displayed #213
- Page footer is no longer fixed to the bottom of the viewport #206
- Private projects are still shown on the Dashboard map #196
- Weird form bugs when adding a project and the project name is missing #195
- Save/Cancel buttons are not fully visible when editing the project details or permissions #194
- Logged out users are not able to see any public organizations and projects #188
- Dashboard map and create project geometry map controls have wrong z-index #186
- Private projects are not visible to superusers #179
- UserListTest sometimes throws error #175
- Check if project-slug exists when creating a project #162
- Set country on project creation #144
- Error message display over dashboard map #140
- User model should have "full name" not "first name, last name" #98
Closed issues:
- VM provisioning is broken #395
- still in the subject of email to users #387
- Cannot add resources to location #367
- If the organization or project name changes, should the slug change as well? #329
- Add Organization dialog box not fully visible and no scroll bar option #314
- Need error message on add new location #309
- Add project permission denied after step 3 #307
- CSS "cursor" should be "pointer" for table rows that act as links #306
- Swap "Entities associated" header column #301
- CSS for new location wizard [#294](https:...