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This repository contains tools for doing various pileup studies. In general the individual scripts should have some documentation built in so you can run with the -h flag to see the expected arguments, options, etc.; there should also be comments at the top of the script which describe it. See also the TWiki pages for more details on the individual pileup scenarios available and for information on using pileupCalc.

At the moment it contains:

Tools for 2017-18 UL scenarios

  • Takes a certification JSON and divides it into smaller chunks, so they can be run in parallel.

  • Takes the scripts produced by and invokes brilcalc to produce the per-bunch luminosity for each. NOTE: This uses a default bunch threshold of 0.1 (i.e., any bunches with a luminosity less than 0.1 of the maximum individual bunch luminosity will be discarded), which may need to be changed for unusual running conditions.

  • Takes the brilcalc output files produced by and generates the final histogram containing the bunch-by-bunch pileup distribution.

  • A script to illustrate the difference between the true bunch-by-bunch distribution of luminosity and the Gaussian approximation used in

  • Plots the difference between the pileup scenario generated by, using the true bunch-by-bunch distribution, with the pileup distribution generated by

  • Plots the difference between the pileup scenario generated with the nominal inelastic cross section with the systematically shifted scenarios.

  • This script takes the brilcalc output files and generates a set of histograms, one for each fill, with the relative bunch-by-bunch distributions for each fill. See below for more details.

The directories Results2017UL/ and Results2018UL/ contain the results for the generation of the 2017 and 2018 UL scenarios and some more specific documentation on the details of the process.

Tools for other pileup scenarios

  • This makes the initial Run 3 scenario using a flat distribution of pileup from 55 to 75.

  • This script was used for making the mid-2018 pileup scenario. It works by using the extrapolation from the data through June 2018 from Andrea and applying a smearing to get a final distribution. The resulting plot is PileupSummer2018.png.

  • This script was used for making the preliminary 2018 pileup scenario. This takes the 2017 data and "un-levels" it in order to get an estimation of the 2018 pileup. The resulting plots are found in pileup2018.png (raw), pileup2018cleaned.png (removing the spike caused by leveling), pileup2018smeared.png (includes smearing of the resulting pileup), and pileupFill6358.png (same procedure but using the data only from fill 6358). The fits to "un-level" individual fills are stored in the LevelingFits2017/ directory.

Other tools

  • A very simple script that will take a CSV output file from brilcalc and compute the luminosity-weighted average pileup in that file.

  • A script which will verify that a given JSON is a subset of another. Used to check for inconsistencies between the DCSOnly JSON and the golden JSON files (which should be, but are not always, a strict subset of the DCSOnly file).

  • A script to look for discrepancies between two pileup JSON files within a given tolerance.

  • Takes a histogram of the pileup distribution, as produced by or, and generates the corresponding cfi file that can be used in CMSSW for MC generation.

  • This script takes an input JSON, selects only lumisections with a pileup below a specified threshold (5.0 by default), and writes out the resulting list of lumisections.

  • This script shows the difference between the "true" and "observed" pileup distributions by applying a Poisson smearing to the former. The resulting plot is shown in pileup_smearing.png.

Relative bunch distributions

The relative bunch distribution files in Results2017UL and Results2018UL are intended for use in the new version of pileupCalc currently being developed. These files contains one histogram per fill, named bx_FILL, where FILL is the fill number, and a std::map<std::string, std::string>, run_map, for translating run numbers (as present in the pileup JSON file) to fill numbers. In pyROOT, it can be used simply as follows:

>>> f = r.TFile("bunch_distributions_2018.root")
>>> run_map = f.Get("run_map")
>>> run_map["322068"]