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CME 211: Lecture 6

Fall 2020

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Procedural programming

In procedural programming (also known as imperative programming) you implement your computation in terms of variables (integers, doubles, etc.), data structures (arrays, lists, dictionaries, etc.), and procedures (functions, subroutines, etc.). The programmer is responsible for designing the procedure (or sequence of instructions) that the computer will follow.

Most of the widely used programming languages (Python, C++, Fortran, Java, MATLAB, etc.) are procedural but also support Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Some alternatives to procedural programming include:

  • functional programming: structuring a computation as the composition of pure functions. See: Haskell, Clojure, Scheme, and Functional Programming in Python

  • declarative programming: making a set of declarations and asking a computer, usually via a solver, to produce a result where all declarations hold true:

    • equation based programming In a mathematical programming language (GAMS, AMPL, JuMP, CVX, CVXPY, Modelica, gPROMS), the programmer writes down a set of equations and/or inequalities (constraints) and asks a solver to find a solution. Some may argue that equation-based programming is just a variant of object oriented programming.

    • Also Boolean satisfiability problem: see

Object oriented programming in a nutshell

Object oriented programming is based around the concept of "objects". Objects have two kinds of attributes (accessed via . sytax): data attributes (or instance variables) and function attributes (or methods). Object data is typically modified by object methods.

Why object oriented programming?

  • Concept of object oriented programming has been around since 1960s

  • Gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s with the development and standardization of C++, and faster computers that mitigated the overhead of the abstractions

  • Abstraction, modularity, and reusability are some of the most commonly cited reasons for using object oriented programming

  • Almost all new software development uses some degree of object oriented programming (for better or worse)

  • In Python, everything is an object. Proper use of object oriented programming features allows programmers to write code that integrates nicely into the Python language and set of libraries.

Why not object oriented programming?

  • Proper object oriented programming design is hard. There is a cottage industry of tools and books.

  • Programmers tend to abuse object oriented programming features leading to code bases that are extremely difficult to work with. (This might also mean job security)


  • Represent data and computations in a familiar form

    • Car object, with an engine object, and tire objects
  • Make programmers more productive

    • Salaries are expensive compared to computers
  • Too much abstraction can be a bad thing if it has a significant impact on performance

    • Desktop computers really are cheap

    • Supercomputers are not cheap


  • In object oriented programming you express your computations in terms of objects, which are instances of classes

  • Classes are blueprints for objects


  • Classes specify data and the methods to use or interact with that data

Class / object example 1: list

a = list()
  • list() returns an object which is an instance of the list class
  • append() and sort() are methods
  • 3, 5, 19 are the data maintained by the object

Class / object examples 2: file objects

Here is some code to write to a file:

f = open("hello.txt", "w")
f.write("hello cme211!\n")
  • The open() function returns an object which is an instance of the file class

  • write() and close() are methods of the file class

Let's look at the documentation for open() via help(open):

Help on built-in function open in module io:

open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None)
    Open file and return a stream.  Raise IOError upon failure.

[text omitted]

open() returns a **file object** whose type depends on the mode, and
through which the standard file operations such as reading and writing
are performed. When open() is used to open a file in a text mode ('w',
'r', 'wt', 'rt', etc.), it returns a TextIOWrapper. When used to open
a file in a binary mode, the returned class varies: in read binary
mode, it returns a BufferedReader; in write binary and append binary
modes, it returns a BufferedWriter, and in read/write mode, it returns
a BufferedRandom.

[text omitted]

The structure of file input-output objects has changed quite a bit between Python 2 and Python 3. For basic uses, the behavior is the same and simple file IO code should be the same.

Modularity and reusability

  • High level languages like Python, Java, C++, etc. include classes for working with files, holding data (lists and dictionaries), etc.

  • So you do not have to design and create your own classes if someone else has already done the work for you

  • But you might want to create classes that are specialized to the needs of your applications, so they can be used (and reused) by yourself and others

Object oriented programming in Python

  • New kinds of objects can be created in Python by defining your own classes

  • Classes are the blueprint for creating objects which are known as instances of the class

  • Classes have attributes

    • Variables (data) are called class variables

    • Functions for interacting with the class are called methods

    • Attributes are accessed using dot notation

Creating instances

  • Instances of a class are created by calling the class object as a function

  • Any arguments of the function call are passed to the special __init__() method

Python class definition

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id
  • Classes are defined with the class keyword
  • Followed by the class name and a colon (:)
  • Followed by the indented class body, containing class attributes

Object initialization

    def __init__(self, id): = id
  • __init__ is the special name for the initialization method
  • self is a reference to the specific instance (object) that is calling this method. In the case of the __init__ method, self refers to the object being created. self is simply a Python variable and can be renamed
  • id is the input argument from the call to create a new instance
  • = id stores the input id in the object

Class definition in action

Let's work with a class called Student to create objects that represent and maintain information about students.

Define the class:

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id

Remember, everything in Python is an object. This includes classes:


We can think of a Python class as object that can produce objects of the class type. Let's create a student object:

s = Student(7)

That output is not terribly useful at this point. Let's access the id attribute:


Let's talk about self

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id):
        print("inside __init__()")
        print("self = {}".format(self)) = id

s = Student(7)
print("s    = {}".format(s))

Here we see that self inside of __init__ is the same object that is returned by the call Student(7).

Object setup

  • The optional initialization method is typically used to do setup of class variables that will be used throughout the life of the instance

  • What kind of class variables might we want to setup for a student class?

Class variable setup

Let's add an empty dictionary for the classes that the student is enrolled in:

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id = {}

s = Student(7)

Architecting our object

  • Our object has data about id and classes

  • But how do we do anything with it?

  • We need to create additional methods for interacting or interfacing with the object


  • The interface of an object encapsulates the internal data and code

  • encapsulation means hiding the details of data structures and algorithms (internal code)



  • Interfaces protect the user of the class from internal implementation details.

  • Found a better way to implement the internal representation of the data? No problem. In the interface is the same, internal changes to data representation won't affect anything that uses the object.

  • New algorithm for the internal processing of that data? No problem.

  • Screwed up your interface and now need to make changes to the interface? Problem

Defining a regular method

Inside of the Student class, we put the get_id method:

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id = {}
    def get_id(self):
  • just like defining a Python function

  • self is a reference to the specific instance that is calling this method

Access to id

s = Student(7)

Check up

How are we doing with interface design?

Is there a way somebody could accidentally change the id given the interface we've implemented?

Let's test it:

s = Student(7)
id = s.get_id()
print("id = {}".format(id))
id = 42
print("id = {}".format(id))
print("s.get_id() = {}".format(s.get_id()))

The reference returned by get_id() cannot be used to change the assignment of the reference within the object. = "I have changed the id to a string, probably not good"
print("s.get_id() = {}".format(s.get_id()))

The id attribute is accessible and can be assigned to just like any Python variable. This may not be desirable behavior. We can visualize all of the above in Python Tutor.

Adding classes / grades

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id = {}
    def get_id(self):
    def add_class(self, name, gradepoint):[name] = gradepoint
        sumgradepoints = float(sum(
        self.gpa = sumgradepoints/len(
    def get_gpa(self):
        return self.gpa

s = Student(7)
s.add_class("gym", 4)
s.add_class("math", 3)
print("GPA = {}".format(s.get_gpa()))

Getting courses

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id = {}
    def get_id(self):
    def add_class(self, name, gradepoint):[name] = gradepoint
        sumgradepoints = float(sum(
        self.gpa = sumgradepoints/len(
    def get_gpa(self):
        return self.gpa
    def get_courses(self):

s = Student(7)
s.add_class("gym", 4)
s.add_class("math", 3)
print("GPA = {}".format(s.get_gpa()))
print("courses = {}".format(s.get_courses()))

If a method returns a reference to a mutable object, then changing that object "outside" of the class will change the data "inside" of the class.

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id = {}
    def get_id(self):
    def add_class(self, name, gradepoint):[name] = gradepoint
        sumgradepoints = float(sum(
        self.gpa = sumgradepoints/len(
    def get_gpa(self):
        return self.gpa
    def get_courses(self):

s = Student(7)
s.add_class("gym", 4)
s.add_class("math", 3)

courses = s.get_courses()
courses["english"] = 4    # <~ Not the best idea

print("GPA = {}".format(s.get_gpa()))
print("courses = {}".format(s.get_courses()))

Interfaces and references

  • It is easy to accidentally let a method provide a reference to a mutable data structure within your object.

  • Once you have handed out that reference someone can manipulate your internal data and perhaps get the object into an unexpected state.

  • You really need to think about what you pass out of your object if you want to have strong encapsulation.

Public attributes

Default behavior is that all attributes are public, i.e. accessible using dot notation

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id): = id = {}
    def get_id(self):

s = Student(7)
print(" = {}".format( = 9
print("s.get_id() = {}".format(s.get_id()))

Private attributes

Attributes can be made private by using a double underscore prefix for the name:

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id):
        self.__id = id = {}
    def get_id(self):
        return self.__id

s = Student(7)
print("s.get_id() = {}".format(s.get_id()))
print(" = {}".format(s.__id))

"Privacy" through obscurity

Python object attributes are never really private. The __ before the attribute tells Python to obscure tha name in some way. This is called name or symbol mangling.


The "private" attribute is still accessible by prefixing it with _<classname>__.

Better to return a copy over a reference

import copy

class Student:
    def __init__(self, id):
        self._id = id
        self._gpa = 0.0
        self._courses = {}
    def get_id(self):
        return self._id
    def add_class(self, name, gradepoint):
        self._courses[name] = gradepoint
        sumgradepoints = float(sum(self._courses.values()))
        self._gpa = sumgradepoints/len(self._courses)
    def get_gpa(self):
        return self._gpa
    def get_courses(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self._courses)

s = Student(7)
s.add_class("gym", 4)
s.add_class("math", 3)
courses = s.get_courses()
courses["english"] = 4                         # Modify the copy of our dict.
print("GPA = {}".format(s.get_gpa()))          # Notice that GPA in our class object preserved.
print("courses = {}".format(s.get_courses()))

What not to do

Python is dynamic, which is great. But you should not do this:

class SimpleClass:

a = SimpleClass()
a.new_attribute = "hi cme211"

This adds an attribute to the object referred to by a, but not other objects of the same class:

b = SimpleClass()

Iterators revisited

A Python iterator is an object which implements methods __iter__ and __next__. An object that contains an iterator is called iterable. Most of Python containers such as lists, tuples or sets are iterable. Here we show an example iterator class that returns powers of 2. (Source

class PowTwo:
    def __init__(self, max):
        self.max = max
    def __iter__(self):
        self.num = 0
        return self
    def __next__(self):
        if(self.num >= self.max):
            raise StopIteration
        result = 2 ** self.num
        self.num += 1
        return result

powTwo = PowTwo(5)
powTwoIter = iter(powTwo)


Python's iter() function returns the iterator from an iterable object.

Intro to object oriented programming summary

  • Object Oriented Programming is about implementing abstractions such that data, and the associated operations on it, are represented in a way that is more familiar to humans

  • Mechanics of object oriented programming are about the same as procedural programming, but developing good abstractions can take a lot of thought

Recommended Reading

Learning Python, Fifth Edition by Mark Lutz

  • Chapter 26: Object Oriented Programming: The Big Picture

  • Chapter 27: Class Coding Basics