# Accessing twitter.com Like most social media sites, twitter is very graphical, and very difficult to use from edbrowse, or with any screen reader. However, twitter has a mobile friendly website, `mobile.twitter.com`. This is perfect! You don't even need javascript - so turn it off with nojs = twitter.com. You can create an account (no captcha), then enjoy most of twitter's features. The following function logs me in quickly. # twitter log in function+twit { e https://mobile.twitter.com/ # it doesn't come up the first time, but the second time's the charm rf b # If the cookies remember you then there is no login screen /email or username/+X if(*) { i=eklhad64 /</ i=password /</ i* } 5 } I'm not sure why I have to refresh the home page to get in. This started June 25 2018. It could be a session cookie that lets me in the second time, or referer. Use this function if you want to automatically skip past Twitter commercials. # twitter log in function+twit { e https://mobile.twitter.com/ rf b # If the cookies remember you then there is no login screen /email or username/+X if(*) { i=eklhad64 /</ i=password /</ i* } /{Dismiss}\$/X while(*) { p g$ /{Dismiss}$/X } 5 } If you follow a link from twitter, the url typically has search data after it, like ?campaign=twitter&foo=bar&blah=3837927377377. You can safely lop this off, especially if you are saving it as a bookmark. Run this function after the A command. function :booklop { # lop off ?search and append to bookmark file 1s/\?.*/'>/ w+ $webbook } Other twitter clients exist, but they don't dovetail nicely with edbrowse, and are beyond the scope of this article.