# Dictionary lookup. An easy, commandline tool to look up the definition of a word. Sample functions are based on merriam-webster.com, but can be tweaked for other online dictionaries. First, a simple bash wrapper to verify one argument, and then call edbrowse. Then, an edbrowse function to go to the website, and print the definition, or the spelling suggestions if you spelled it wrong. # mw lookup on a word, one arg function mw() { if [ $# != 1 ] then echo "usage: mw word" return fi edbrowse "+<mw " } # I don't need javascript for this nojs = merriam-webster.com function+mw { # mw word lookup b http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/~0 /spelling suggestion/X if(?) { /^h1/X } /^$/X /./p }