Welcome to CLOUDS Visual System! We call VisualSystems to modular visual sketches that reinforce and illustrate abstract concepts present on CLOUDS Documentary.
In order to make the process of making a VisualSystem efficient and easy. We have put together Reza Ali DJ environment call Rezonator. This will lets sketch powerful sketches providing the exquisite ofxUI
to customize every single detail of it. This variables will be able to be save as Presets. At the end this Presets are going to be curated inside the documentary.
Together with James George's ofxTimeLine
this environment provides the ability to animate those changes over time.
Download openFrameworks 0.7.4 http://www.openframeworks.cc/download/
Download http://cloudsdocumentary.com/codestorm/VisualSystemTemplate.zip
unzip VisualSystemTemplate.zip into apps/myApps
rename project files
cd openFrameworks
cd apps/myApps
git clone https://github.com/CLOUDS-Interactive-Documentary/emptyVisualSystem
2) run git submodule init
Once the repo is cloned you need to pull the VisualSystemsLibrary submodule. This contain the source of Reza's Rezonator mixed with James's ofxTimeLine. Together this provide the abstract
class you will extend in order to make your own VisualSystem.
cd emptyVisualSystem
git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update && git submodule status
3) create a new repo on CLOUDS-Interactive-Documentary, for example 'Ocean' and at [email protected]:CLOUDS-Interactive-Documentary/Ocean
4) make a copy of emptyVisualSystem folder in myApps/ and rename it to Ocean
5) in the terminal, cd into Ocean/ and do the following 3 commands
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:CLOUDS-Interactive-Documentary/<YourRepoName>.git
git push -u origin master
This will redirect the empty repo to your new repo
6) rename the project files and files and you are good to go
The resonator let you adjust the camera, lights and other important rendering sets like the material. In order to be able to change the material properties from the GUI we need to modify openframeworks/libs/openFrameworks/gl/ofMaterial.h
by forcing this functions to pass their values by reference:
ofFloatColor &getDiffuseColor();
ofFloatColor &getAmbientColor();
ofFloatColor &getSpecularColor();
ofFloatColor &getEmissiveColor();
float &getShininess();
Do the same on the ofMaterial.cpp
float& ofMaterial::getShininess(){
return shininess;
ofFloatColor& ofMaterial::getDiffuseColor() {
return diffuse;
ofFloatColor& ofMaterial::getAmbientColor() {
return ambient;
ofFloatColor& ofMaterial::getSpecularColor() {
return specular;
ofFloatColor& ofMaterial::getEmissiveColor() {
return emissive;
This environment use some addons from the community. Go to addons...
cd ../../../addons/
… and start adding:
ofxRange by James George
git clone [email protected]:Flightphase/ofxRange.git
ofxMSATimer by Memo Atken, James George, Philip Whitfield, Juan Pablo Manson
git clone [email protected]:obviousjim/ofxMSATimer.git
ofxTween by James George
git clone [email protected]:Flightphase/ofxTween.git
ofxTextInputField by James George, Elliot Woods, Kimchi and Chips.
git clone [email protected]:Flightphase/ofxTextInputField.git
ofxTimecode by James George
git clone [email protected]:YCAMInterlab/ofxTimecode.git
ofxTimeline by James George
git clone [email protected]:YCAMInterlab/ofxTimeline.git git checkout develop
ofxCameraSaveLoad by Roy MacDonald
git clone [email protected]:roymacdonald/ofxCameraSaveLoad.git
ofxGenerative by Reza Ali
git clone [email protected]:rezaali/ofxGenerative.git
ofxUI by Reza Ali
git clone [email protected]:rezaali/ofxUI.git
Once you follow the installation process you can compile and see the emptyVisualSystem working. To make your own VisualSystem you need to duplicate the emptyVisualSystem folder. And then rename the emptyVisualSystem.h
and emptyVisualSystem.cpp
This will require some extra renaming on the testApp.h
source as well.
As you can see there is vs_src
folder. That's were your extended class of CloudsVisualSystem
will be together with all the classes you make. This folder together with the content of the data
folder witch also contents your Presets are going to be merge with the CLOUDS apps.
It's very important that you are consistent with the name of your VisualSystem. The name you choose for it have to be the same of your repo and embed on your extended class. Please put the name of it after 'CloudVisualSystem______' so if your VisualSystem is call "World" the repo will be call "World" and the extended class "CloudVisualSystemWorld".
One of the first things you may change on your custom extended class is the getSystemName()
function in order to return the exact name of your VS ( and/or your repo)
string CloudVisualSystemWorld::getSystemName()
return "World";
By doing this the extended class will know how to access to his own data/
folder when is embedded on the main CLOUDS app.
- F : Toogle Fullscreen
- H : Hide/Show GUI
- E : Arrange GUI in Cascade
- R : Arrange GUI at Top
- T : Minimize GUI
- Y : Arrange GUI in circle
- ` : Take a snapshoot