{% hint style="success" %} Apart has prepared a reference project with an import-ready inkatlas. You can download it here. {% endhint %}
This page explains the .inkatlas
file and its logic.
- Learn how to make adding-items-preview-images
- Make a custom Atelier icon
- Find templates (by Apart) in the wiki github's file section
- Make your own inkatlas with Python: find the script on The Magnificent Doctor Presto's github.
Check running-python-scripts.md if you don't know how to use this. - Make your own inkatlas with Photoshop CC (Adobe Creative Suite required): find the plugin on deadlymustard's github
The .inkatlas is a map file that slices textures into sprites (slots), which are then used by the game for pretty much everything that is a picture - from your HUD to peoples' phone avatars to item preview icons in shops or custom atelier images.
Unlike other games, Inkatlas files don't slice by pixel coordinates but by percentage as a float value between 0 and 1 . The starting point is the TOPLEFT corner, the ending point is the BOTTOMRIGHT corner.
Each slot (inkTextureAtlasMapper
) has four coordinates. This is a single slot across the entire inkatlas:
Slightly out of order
For example: two sprites in column will be written as:
(y 0,5; x 0) X (x 1; y 0) for upper sprite and (y 1; x0) X (x 1; y 0,5) for lower
Each inkatlasa has three different inkTextureSlots, which support different texture resolutions. For the purpose of modding, it is enough if you work with inkTextureSlot 0 (the first one in the list).
If an existing xbm is hooked up, the Part Mapping
tab will appear, where you can check which parts of your image correspond to each slot name.
{% hint style="warning" %} As of Wolvenkit 8.11.1, this requires reopening the file. {% endhint %}
You target sprites (slots in the inkatlas) via the atlasPartName
$type: UIIcon
atlasResourcePath: tutorial\path\subfolder\preview_icons_pwa.inkatlas
atlasPartName: slot_01
Any atlasPartName in the yaml
must correspond with the name of a part in the inkTextureAtlasMapper. If the corresponding entry can't be found, an empty icon will be displayed.
You can change field names at your leisure. Depending on the template, there are a bunch of slotIcons already hooked up.
You can see which sprite is targeted by any given entry in the Part Mapping:
If you don't have a partsMapping tab, check your texture path and reopen the InkAtlas