diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 301bd47..62ec8e6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -33,13 +33,6 @@ Dylan Morris [dzl1\@cdc.gov](mailto:dzl1@cdc.gov) is the current maintainer. ## General Disclaimer This repository was created for use by CDC programs to collaborate on public health related projects in support of the [CDC mission](https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htm). GitHub is not hosted by the CDC, but is a third party website used by CDC and its partners to share information and collaborate on software. CDC use of GitHub does not imply an endorsement of any one particular service, product, or enterprise. -## CDCgov GitHub Organization Open Source Project Template - -**Template for clearance: This project serves as a template to aid projects in starting up and moving through clearance procedures. To start, create a new repository and implement the required [open practices](open_practices.md), train on and agree to adhere to the organization's [rules of behavior](rules_of_behavior.md), and [send a request through the create repo form](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=aQjnnNtg_USr6NJ2cHf8j44WSiOI6uNOvdWse4I-C2NUNk43NzMwODJTRzA4NFpCUk1RRU83RTFNVi4u) using language from this template as a Guide.** - -## General disclaimer -This repository was created for use by CDC programs to collaborate on public health related projects in support of the [CDC mission](https://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htm). GitHub is not hosted by the CDC, but is a third party website used by CDC and its partners to share information and collaborate on software. CDC use of GitHub does not imply an endorsement of any one particular service, product, or enterprise. - ## Public Domain Standard Notice This repository constitutes a work of the United States Government and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 USC ยง 105. This repository is in