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Frédéric Clavert edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 44 revisions
    "title": "Become a reviewer!",
    "description": "",
    "url": "",
    "label": "Become a reviewer",
    "zap": true,
    "draft": true
    "title": "New CFP!",
    "description": "Call for papers for an open ended issue: “Teaching digital history”",
    "url": "/en/cfp/teaching",
    "label": "Read and submit",
    "zap": true,
    "draft": false
    "title": "Guideline Update",
    "description": "Easy setup of the writing environment, automatic incrementation of figures and tables, and much more to discover!",
    "url": "/en/guidelines",
    "label": "Explore now",
    "zap": true,
    "draft": false
    "title": "The second issue of the Journal of Digital History has been released!",
    "description": "Varia",
    "url": "/en/issue/jdh002",
    "label": "Available here!",
    "zap": true,
    "draft": false
    "title": "Next Workshop",
    "description": "The JDH team will held a workshop at DH 2022!",
    "url": "",
    "label": "Available here!",
    "zap": true,
    "draft": true
    "title": "The first issue of the Journal of Digital History is available",
    "description": "Scalable historiography: Storytelling, Hermeneutics, Data",
    "url": "/en/issue/jdh001",
    "label": "Available here!",
    "zap": false,
    "draft": true
    "title": "Play with your notebook",
    "description": "Visualise and interact with fingerprint and tagging",
    "url": "/en/fingerprint-explained",
    "label": "Available here!",
    "zap": false,
    "draft": false
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