python3 <image_file_path> [output_file_path] [brightness] [output_image]
Argument Validation:
Validate the command-line input to ensure that the user provides the correct number of arguments and that the provided file path is valid.
Adjustable Brightness:
Allows adjusting the brightness of the generated ASCII art by mapping pixel intensity to ASCII characters based on different ranges. RANGE [ .0 - 1 ]
Output to File:
Allow saving the generated ASCII art to a text file instead of printing it to the console.
Function Documentation:
Add docstrings to functions to describe what each function does.
Constants as Uppercase:
Convert ASCII_CHARS to uppercase to indicate that it's a constant.
Error Handling:
Improve error handling by catching specific exceptions. For instance, catch the FileNotFoundError and PermissionError to provide more informative error messages to the user.
Allow convert image from external url:
Users can paste image's url with -l flag to convert image from the internet without saving it to local machine
: Create your unique ascii art by DIY the ASCII_CHARS,
Output to Image:
Saves the generated ASCII art to a jpg file in the same directory as output.jpg. Use option -u/--output-image
Made -p/--path
a required CLI param.
Added option CLI param -s/--silhouette
to output image as an ASCII silhouette. Defaults to False.
created class SimpleCmd which emulates command interpreter. => method ascii. takes all args passed to separated by space