A specification for buggy library servers, including tests for the REST API.
The REST API is defined in the swagger specification. A short overview over the commands:
Path | Method | Summary |
/components | POST | Insert a new component |
/components | GET | List all components |
/components/count | GET | Number of components |
/components/get/{meta} | GET | Information for a specific component. |
/components/get/{meta}/version/{version} | GET | Information for a specific component. |
/config/{key} | POST | Set a configuration value |
/config/{key} | GET | A configuration value |
/export | GET | Returns the whole database |
/info | GET | Server information |
/meta/{component} | GET | All meta keys for a component |
/meta/{component}/version/{version} | GET | All meta keys for a component @version |
/meta/{component}/version/{version}/{key} | GET | Meta key value for a component |
/meta/{component}/version/{version}/{key} | POST | Set a meta key |
/meta/{component}/{key} | POST | Set a meta key |
/meta/{component}/{key} | GET | Meta key value for a component |